jekyll - not processing files in subfolders - ruby

I'm using Jekyll to make a simple static site.
When I have Jekyll HTML files on the root of my project (in the same folder as the _layouts folder & config file) they render perfectly and I can preview them on http://localhost:4000/welcome.html instantly.
I'm starting to get alot of files on the root and want to organize the dynamic files into folders.
So, when I move a file into a subfolder Jekyll stops updating it. I can see my previous edits ( from when it was on the root ) but if I make any edits, it doesn't update.
http://localhost:4000/mydirectory/welcome.html - returns a 404
Should I be editing the config file to check for these folders? Something like -
source: [mydirectory1,mydirectory2]
Or am I missing something obvious?

I assume you've run jekyll --server to check this?
I just checked my directory settings and I don't have anything in config.yaml that tell it where to look. If you run jekyll --server from the directory where you are storing everything it just recursively looks through everything and processess it according to the rules it has for each file type.
Are you running jekyll --server from the right directory?


Laravel git ignoring images uploaded to storage

I'm running into an issue which i haven't been able to solve yet.
I was working on a laravel project and than moved this project folder to a newer version of MAMP. So far so good, everything was working fine. I just copied all the folders and files and all was good until i logged in to my laravel application on localhost and uploaded some images.
I know i can do this on my host but i like to work on localhost to add content and than push it to my prod env. Anyway, after i uploaded some images and did a git add . and commit it didnt add my uploaded images, on phpstorm they also turn out red in the storage/app/public/images folder.
On my previous mamp version everything used to work fine.
Stuff I have already tried:
I tried deleting the symlink storage folder and make a new link, didn't help.
I tried deleting the storage folder from gitignore, also didn't help.
My gitignore file looks like this:
When i login on my prod env and i upload images, they turn up fine, but i prefer sometimes to work from localhost to write content and push it to env.
I have also tried to:
git check-ignore -v -- path/to/file
To check why the file (image) is being ignored but it doesnt return anything.
I got one time a message with: Fatal: pathspec ... is beyond a symbolic link.
I hope someone can push me into the right direction. Thank you.

Jenkins Windows | Build > Execute Windows Batch Command | How to move folder and files into the Root Directory / Workspace

I could really need some help right now.
I want to move files (with subfolders and files in it) into the root / workspace of my current jenkins App. My other batch commands work, for example:
move app laravel moves the app folder and its content into the laravel folder
And i think it works without a problem because I can call the absolute folder.
but if I want to move my files "dynamically" using an relative path (move to root):
move public/.htaccess ./ it throws an error that it coudn't find the path.
I also tried the following synonyms for the root directory, but none worked:
.., $WORKSPACE,%WORKSPACE%, ws, workspace, /workspace/<appname>, <appname> or / .. or \ im just out of ideas by now.
Any recommendations?
Okay, I solved it...
I researched the folder structure and found that one of my earlier trys kinda worked. It moved files into the Jenkins/workspace folder. That wasnt planned but because of that I now knew that some command must have worked!
The command that worked was .. as the destination directory, because it is in the root directory.
So my Solution now was simple:
move public\*.* .

Laravel - views folder getting deleted repeatedly

Using Laravel Framework 5.5.0.
The /var/app/current/storage/framework/views folder is constantly getting deleted.
Has anyone experienced this behavior or know why this would be happening?
*Also worth noting I attempted to circumvent this by setting the immutable flag on the directory but then my frontend stoped working.
Looks like the folder is getting deleted because there is no files tracked by git inside.
Try to add .gitignore to the storage/framework/views with the following content:
Then remove all gitigore rules for views folder in root .gitignore.
You should be able to add this file to git index and commit. The problem should be fixed after next deploy.
See: How can I add an empty directory to a Git repository?

Update Magento extension using ssh to extract .tgz tar file

I am trying to update a module to a newer version. In the past I have manually uploaded each file carefully into the new directory and overwritten older files using FTP. However I wanted to use SSH to try and do this more easily and without any file permission problems.
I have:
Uploaded the .tgz file to the root folder (/http) on the server
Logged into the server via SSH
Changed the directory to the correct directory
Run the following command: tar -zxvf fishpig_splash.tgz
In the command line I was then given a list of all the files that had been extracted. However if I use FTP to go to any of these files I can see that they are still the older version and have not been overwritten.
I was expecting that the files would extract into the correct directories and overwrite any that already existed. I have tested the extraction by creating a temporary directory and extracting into that and everything worked fine.
Is there another part to this script I need to use to overwrite the files?
Sorry this was just me being stupid! When extracting the tar file there was a subfolder within it for the extension, I completely missed it. I just went down a level in the file and zipped up the contents only then extracted them at the root and everything worked fine. Thanks for the help though!

Can't see images in localhost

I'm starting to develop a site in ubuntu 14.04. I'm using apache2, so I placed my files under /var/www/html/ folder. Everything was working fine, but I had to restart my current work so I copied the entire project folder from another path, like this
$ sudo cp ~/path/to/folder /var/www/html/
And now I can't see my images, a simple imgtag. I just see this.
When I look for the file, I can see that I'm having an error 403 forbidden. I saw some suggestion to add the option Require all granted but that option is already set in my apache. I suspect that is because the new folder is a copy from a folder without root permissions, so I tried chmod but that also didn't work so I'm completly lost now.
So, how can I see my images from localhost? and most important is why this happen suddenly?
