I download net-snmp package from official website, and the version is 5.7.3 .
However, everytime I tried execute build.bat file it just show up :
print screen
Installed :
ActiveState Perl
Microsoft Visual Studio professional 2012
Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.1L
What I have done :
set INCLUDE=C:\OpenSSL-Win32\include
set LIB=C:\OpenSSL-Win32\lib\VC\static
execute vcvarsall.bat in VS2012 directory
execute build.bat in net-snmp directory
option set like this :
OpenSSL support: enabled
Platform SDK support: enabled
Install path: c:/usr
Install after build: enabled
Perl modules: enabled
Install perl modules: enabled
Quiet build (logged): enabled
Debug mode: disabled
IPv6 transports (requires SDK): disabled
winExtDLL agent (requires SDK): enabled
Link type: static
Install development files disabled
F. Finished - start build
Q. Quit - abort build
Then, it show like my picture.
Also, I uploaded the log output to my Dropbox
output log
You can install Net::SNMP module directly from CPAN
cpan install Net::SNMP
I am attempting the installation of ESP-IDF toolchain for windows with the installer from here
However the installation fails with the exit-code=128.
Since I am a newbie I am not sure if I am missing something assuming the installer will take care of installation of all the dependencies
I am attaching the logs here for the reference
System Spec:
1.OS : windows 10
2. Processor : I7-8th Gen
If you have installed git and python (I think you do if you tried to use the windows installer beforehand), you can try to install the toolchain from the terminal.
Open a CMD (Win+R, cmd, Intro)
Create a new folder (be aware that ESP-IDF does not like spaces in the path)
2.1 mkdir C:\esp
2.2 cd C:\esp
Clone the repository from git into the current directory with:
git clone -b v4.2 --recursive https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git . <= don't forget the . at the end
Run install.bat
Once installed, you can run in the folder you project lives c:\esp\export.bat which will set the environment variables for you to use idf.py tool.
If you are trying to install ESP-IDF on Windows and still having issues, try the latest installer with some pre-install verification.
You can download here: IDF-Installer
Alternatively, you can try this tool: idf-env
Im trying to build the newest OpenCV version (4.2.0) for x86/32bit on Windows for Visual Studio. However there is only 1 OpenCVConfig.cmake in the finished build (opencv/build/win-install/x86/vc16/lib/OpenCVConfig.cmake - there is no bin folder).
What i've tried:
I've downloaded and executed the latest version (opencv-4.2.0-vc14_vc15.exe)
I've followed this SO thread and added the short snippet in my opencv/build/OpenCVConfig.cmake
Downloaded Cmake 3.17 and installed via the installer
Started the Cmake GUI - set source code to opencv/sources and binaries to opencv/build
Choose Visual Studio 16-2019 as generator and options to win32
Configured Proxy for the downloads and clicked on Generate.
I got no noticeable Errors in the build process. The last lines of the console are:
Install to: C:/Users/user/opencv/build/install
Configuring done
Generating done
There is also no install folder inside opencv/install. I think it installs to opencv/build/win-install.
What am i doing wrong?
I'm trying to build the rustless "basic usage" sample project.
This is my Cargo.toml. I had to add the dependencies in Cargo.toml in order to avoid the build error error[E0463]: can't find crate for 'hyper'
name = "rustlessTest"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["x"]
git = "https://github.com/rustless/rustless"
hyper = "0.9.14"
iron = "0.4.0"
rustc-serialize = "0.3.22"
valico = "1.0.1"
I also downloaded the OpenSSL library & sources. I stored them under C:\OpenSSL\lib and C:\OpenSSL\include and set the directories as a environment variable, as mentioned in this thread about how to using Hyper on Windows.
When I try to compile, it fails with the following output:
Build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: failed to run custom build command for `openssl v0.7.14`
I finally managed to build OpenSSL on Windows by following the solution from this blog post.
Here's a summary:
Download Win64 OpenSSL v1.0.1u from here. Install it with default settings.
Set the following environment variables
Install Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio Code with C++ support.
Ensure that all path variables are set correctly
Set rust-msvc as the toolchain. You can check this by typing rustup show into the console. You should get an output like this:
Default host: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc (default)
rustc 1.13.0 (2c6933acc 2016-11-07)
Now you should able to build Rust projects which requires OpenSSL.
You are right that it is because OpenSSL is not found. A good tutorial is in the README of rust-openssl.
Windows MSVC
On MSVC it's unfortunately not always a trivial process acquiring
OpenSSL. Perhaps the easiest way to do this right now is to download
precompiled binaries and install them on your system. Currently it's
recommended to install the 1.1.0 (non-light) installation if you're
choosing this route.
Once a precompiled binary is installed you can configure this crate to
find the installation via an environment variable:
set OPENSSL_DIR=C:\OpenSSL-Win64
Note that this OpenSSL distribution does not ship with any root
certificates. So to make requests to servers on the internet, you have
to install them manually. Download the cacert.pem file from here,
copy it somewhere safe (C:\OpenSSL-Win64\certs is a good place) and
point the SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable there:
set SSL_CERT_FILE=C:\OpenSSL-Win64\certs\cacert.pem
After that, you're just a cargo build away!
Windows GNU (MinGW)
The easiest way to acquire OpenSSL when working with MinGW is to
ensure you're using MSYS2 and to then
# 32-bit pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-openssl
# 64-bit pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-openssl
And after that, a cargo build should be all you need!
Manual configuration
rust-openssl's build script will by default attempt to locate OpenSSL
via pkg-config or other system-specific mechanisms. This will not work
in some situations however, for example cross compiling or when using
a copy of OpenSSL other than the normal system install.
The build script can be configured via environment variables:
OPENSSL_DIR - If specified, a directory that will be used to find OpenSSL installation. It's expected that under this directory the
include folder has header files and a lib folder has the runtime
OPENSSL_LIB_DIR - If specified, a directory that will be used to find OpenSSL libraries. Overrides the lib folder implied by
OPENSSL_DIR (if specified).
OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR - If specified, a directory that will be used to find OpenSSL header files. Overrides the include folder implied
by OPENSSL_DIR (if specified).
OPENSSL_STATIC - If specified, OpenSSL libraries will be statically rather than dynamically linked.
If OPENSSL_DIR is specified, then the build script will skip the
pkg-config step.
It's a nightmare; OpenSSL with Windows is really painful. I hope that one day Rust has its own implementation of SSL/TLS.
After successful installation of Ada 2012 on windows 10 (with AdaCore-Download-2016-07-14_0729 package) I didn't find how to step forward to add database driver support to Ada. I found GNATColl library and download package but I didn't really found any description how to prepare cygwin envirnment to compile it.
Do i need to install gcc toolchain with ada support, postgres and python inside cygwin again or just prepare PATH to /cygdrive/* locations in windows ?
Installing ADA 2012 on Windows 10 64bit
After installation of base Ada package we got all what we need to develop in Ada with IDE environment (GPS) and GNAT mingw environment with debugger (GDB).
On windows OS only 32bit installation is supported. Windows can be 64bit edition.
1. Prerequisites :
1.1. Install Python 2.7 for windows - 32bit
Select 32bit windows edition: Windows x86 MSI installer
Add C:\Python27 to PATH on windows.
1.2. Install PostgreSQL 32bit
Gcc compiler for GNAT in AdaCore and external libraries must be in the same format.
Postgres libraries in the 32bit format are available: http://www.enterprisedb.com/products-services-training/pgbindownload
File: postgresql-9.5.3-1-windows-binaries.zip
Unzip postgres into folder where build will get libraries :
Folder: H:\Ada\PostgreSQL953
For compiling client applications we do not need whole server installed, just libraries in proper format.
1.3. Install Cygwin
Download from: https://cygwin.com/install.html
Take setup-x86.exe file, this is 32bit version of cygwin.
1.3.1. Install make
If you forget to install anything on the first setup run, just run setup again and add missing package.
Start setup-x86.exe again and search for »make« package in »Devel«, mark it for installation and proceed with »Next«. Package will be installed in the existing installation.
2. Install Ada
2.1. Install GNAT Gpl – base Ada package
File: gnat-gpl-2016-x86-windows-bin.exe
Install with »Run as administrator« .
Destination folder. H:\Ada\GNAT\2016
2.2. Install Win32Ada
File: win32ada-gpl-2016-x86-windows-bin.exe
Install with »Run as administrator« .
Destination folder: H:\Ada\GNAT\2016
2.3. Install GtkAda
File: gtkada-gpl-2016-x86-windows-bin.exe
Install with »Run as administrator« .
Destination folder: H:\Ada\GtkAda
2.4. Install AWS - ada web server
File: aws-gpl-2016-src.tar.gz unzip file to working folder.
Now execute next commands in cygwin environment :
$ make setup build
$ make --prefix=/Ada/GNAT/2016 install
AWS should be installed on GNAT compiler root folder by default.
2.5. Install GNATColl library with postgres interface
File gnatcoll-gpl-2016-src.tar.gz unzip file to working folder.
**Now execute next commands in cygwin environment :**
$ ./configure --prefix=/Ada/GNAT/2016 –with-postgresql=H:/ADA/PostgreSQL953/lib
Be very careful with path to postgresql lib folder.
--------- Summary for GNAT Components --------------
Shared libraries: yes (default: static)
Gtk+: yes (requires pkg-config and gtkada.gpr)
PostgreSQL: yes -LH:/ADA/PostgreSQL953/lib (see --with-postgresql)
Sqlite: embedded (see --with-sqlite)
Projects: yes
Other components where on "no".
Manually edit file: gnatcoll_shared.gpr
I am not sure if this is really necessary, but I did this clean up.
Clean broken lines where RETURN character divide »end of line«, for example:
Python_Version := "27
Change to :
Python_Version := "27";
Execute make commands in cygwin
$ make
$ make install
In case of errors, reset build environment with »make clean« command and restart with "configure".
I am unable to find a reliable way to install elastic's packetbeat on windows. I know I'll have to download source and create my own windows package. However, all instructions are outdated and are from before it moved to elastic's domain.
Anyone know how to compile this package for windows?
Download and install WinPcap from this page. WinPcap is a library that uses a driver to enable packet capturing.
Download the Packetbeat Windows zip file from here.
Extract the contents of the zip file into C:\Program Files.
Rename the packetbeat--windows directory to Packetbeat.
Open a PowerShell prompt as an Administrator (right-click the PowerShell icon and select Run As Administrator). If you are running Windows XP, you may need to download and install PowerShell.
Run the following commands to install Packetbeat as a Windows service:
PS > cd 'C:\Program Files\Packetbeat'
PS C:\Program Files\Packetbeat> .\install-service-packetbeat.ps1
If script execution is disabled on your system, you need to set the execution policy for the current session to allow the script to run. For example: PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File .\install-service-packetbeat.ps1.
Before starting Packetbeat, you should look at the configuration options in the configuration file, for example C:\Program Files\Packetbeat\packetbeat.yml or /etc/packetbeat/packetbeat.yml
Here is the link to the documentation of installing packetbeat on windows.
Follow the instructions on this page to install packetbeat on your windows machine.
winpcap.dll is required for packetbeat to function on a windows machine. WinPCap itself isn't currently supported, so the current best practice is to use npcap in winpcap compatibility mode instead. See this section of the Packetbeat FAQ
You can download npcap's installer here.
The command line call to install npcap (version 0.86) in winpcap compatibility mode is:
npcap-0.86.exe /winpcap_mode=yes
The silent install would be:
npcap-0.86.exe /S /winpcap_mode=yes