Running a command line for groovy from XCode after unit testing - xcode

I edited my target scheme to run a script action after testing as below
Target Scheme -> Test (Debug) -> Post Actions
The script had a simple command line call:
open /Applications/
It worked fine for the above script. When I changed it to the following
groovy -s /Users/sasokan/Downloads/MyProject
Nothing happened. How can I call this groovy application using a script.

I am also trying to run and had the same problem you did. I eventually found this answer on SO that lead me to a solution. I added the following before calling and it fixed the issue.
I will further note that even if you use the full path to groovy in the command will fail internally because it cannot find 'lcov' for the same reason.


Use swc as compiler for tsc-watch

I'm trying to use the lightning fast swc compiler in tsc-watch, but it does not seem to parse it properly. I've tried various locations in #swc/cli and #swc/core, but to no avail.
I've also tried using ts-node, which has a configuration option for swc, but this also doesn't appear to work.
Here's the script I'm trying to run:
When running this, it prints the command and then stops.

go-swagger restapi/configure_todo_list.go - api.TodoGetHandler undefined error

I am a newbie in go and go-swagger. I am following steps in Simple Server tutorial in
I am using Ubuntu 18.04, swagger v0.25.0 and go 1.15.6.
Following the same steps, there are a few differences of the files generated. For instance,'s has find_todos_okbody.go and get_okbody.go in models but mine does not. Why is that so?
Link to screenshot of my generated files vs
Link to screenshot of generated files by
Starting the server as written in the tutorial go install ./cmd/todo-list-server/ gives me the following error. Can anyone please help with this?
# my_folder/swagger-todo-list/restapi
restapi/configure_todo_list.go:41:8: api.TodosGetHandler undefined (type *operations.TodoListAPI has no field or method TodosGetHandler)
restapi/configure_todo_list.go:42:6: api.TodosGetHandler undefined (type *operations.TodoListAPI has no field or method TodosGetHandler)
The first step in todo-list is swagger init spec .... Which directory should I run this command in? I ran it in a newly created folder in my home directory. However, from the page, it shows the path to be ~/go/src/ I am not sure whether I should use go get ..., git clone ... or create those folders. Can someone advise me?
This is likely the documentation lagging behind the version of the code that you are running. As long as it compiles, the specific files the tool generates isn't so crucial.
This is a compilation error. When you do go install foo it will try to build the foo package as an executable and then move that to your GOPATH/bin directory. It seems that the generated code in restapi/configure_todo_list.go isn't correct for the operations code generated.
All you need to run this tutorial yourself is an empty directory and the swagger tool (not its source code). You run the commands from the root of this empty project. In order not to run into GOPATH problems I would initialise a module with go mod init todo-list-example before doing anything else.
Note that while the todo-list example code exists inside the go-swagger source, it's there just for documenting example usage and output.
What I would advice for #2 is to make sure you're using a properly released version of go-swagger, rather than installing from the latest commit (which happens when you just do a go get), as I have found that to be occasionally unstable.
Next, re-generate the entire server, but make sure you also regenerate restapi/configure_todo_list.go by passing --regenerate-configureapi to your swagger generate call. This file isn't always refreshed because you're meant to modify it to configure your app, and if you changed versions of the tool it may be different and incompatible.
If after that you still get the compilation error, it may be worth submitting a bug report at
Thanks #EzequielMuns. The errors in #2 went away after I ran go get - u -f ./... as stated in
For this generation to compile you need to have some packages in your GOPATH:
You can get these now with: go get -u -f ./...
I think it's an error of swagger code generation. You can do as folloing to fix this:
delete file configure_todo_list.go;
regenerate code.
# swagger generate server -A todo-list -f ./swagger.yml
Then, you can run command go install ./cmd/todo-list-server/, it will succeed.

Launch ClojureScript + ghost script from terminal

I installed phantomjs and casperjs, created a new project with lein new mies casper-ghost and added the [ghost "0.1.0-alpha1] dependency to project.clj.
I then copied over the example code from to the core.cljs file and successfully compiled it, with ./scripts/build.
When I try to run it with casperjs out/casper_ghost.js it gives me the error:
ClojureScript could not load :main, did you forget to specify :asset-path?
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: goog
file:///usr/lib/node_modules/casperjs/bin/bootstrap.js:1 in global code
I tried creating a custom build script as follows:
(require '
( "src"
{:main 'hello-world.core
:output-to "out/main.js"})
And ran that successfully with lein -m clojure.main build.clj, but running out/main.js with casperjs would cause the same error.
Can someone point me in the right direction how to run the ghost scripts from the linux terminal?
Making the Google closure compiler write everything into a single file by using :optimizations "simple" to the build options did the trick.

Running casperjs tests with slimerjs

I wrote a few tests with casperjs. They run just fine with phantomjs. However, when I tried to use slimerjs with the following command:
casperjs --verbose --engine=slimerjs test create-project-suite.js
A small window appers with the SlimerJs logo and version number but the console seems to hang with the following line:
Test file: create-project-suite.js
Is there anything else I need to do? Here are the version numbers:
Mozilla Firefox 28.0
CasperJS version 1.1.0-beta3
Innophi SlimerJS 0.9.1
3.8.0-37-generic #53~precise1-Ubuntu
I removed code until I got slimerjs to open the browser and execute tests. It seems that it hangs whenever I require a js file (I'm following the page objects pattern):
var Login = require('./objects/login');
I think require.paths could be helpful. Any ideas on how to get around this?
Using full paths makes slimerjs happy:
var path = fs.absolute(fs.workingDirectory + '/objects/login');
var Login = require(path);
It is plain simpler to move all modules to the same directory where the script is.
I tried your command and it works for me, maybe in your file you use an instruction specific to phantom :
But it should open the window(at least the start() ).
Anyway the command is fine.

Path Error running CakePHP's "cake" console utility in Windows

A while ago when I started with Cake, I managed to get the console running in my Windows environment, and I have no idea how. I'm now having problems to make it work again in another computer.
This is what I've done in the new machine:
Downloaded my Cake code from source control (so all the files are exactly the same as the computer where it worked, including the configuration files)
Added PHP and "c:\my_cake_path\cake\console" to the path
If I run "cake OneOfMyShells", either standing on the /app, or in /cake/console directories, I get the following error:
Warning: get_object_vars() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given in C:\my_cake_path\cake\libs\model\connection_manager.php on line 199
Error: Missing Database Connection. Try 'cake bake'
"cake Bake", if run normally, when I try to get it to do the DB config ends up throwing another error (which is not that relevant to this)
However, if I run: cake bake -app "c:\my_cake_path\app"
Then bake works, I can do the database config, and it writes the DB config file (which is useless at this point, since I already had one)
Then, of course: cake OneOfMyShells -app "c:\my_cake_path\app"
does work perfectly well.
So, everything's working fine, I just need to manually specify the path to "app" every single time, which is very annoying.
How can I get around this? Where is Cake looking for to find the path to app?
Not much of a difference in the sense you still need to type but you can run cake from the app dir like this: C:\XXX\project\app> ..\cake\console\cake.bat
To make it smaller you can put that line on a .bat or just add the \cake\console dir the windows path
