Kendo Ui Editor Image Browser CSS - user-interface

I implemented Kendo UI editor with ImageBrowser functionality in my mvc application.
Kendo UI editor looks good but the ImageBrowser popup does have any css applied to it.
Is there any class using which we can apply CSS to the imagebrowser.

Are you sure that you have loaded all the necessary CSS files? The ImageBrowser should be styled as well as the Kendo UI Editor.
Have you checked this documentation article:


How can view the Figma Telerik UI form on the blazor project?

Already created Telerik UI from by Figma. How can that plugging and view on blazor page?
I am not familiar with Figma but I think it is about styling so you probably have the CSS theme for the Telerik components from it. So, now you need the content - that is the actual form. Perhaps you just need a model with the desired fields and the TelerikForm to show them in.

How to use the CKEditor in an custom ASPX page?

I would like to use the CKEditor on a SharePoint 2010 Custom Application Page (.aspx).
Is this possible?
Is there an example?
I have no special requirement on a sample. I would like to see only how to place an ASPX Textbox (Multiline) on an aspx page, place the CKEditor on the page and and activate the CKEditor on the field.
Yes, this is possible. You have to create a plugin with a custom button in it and the open on click a new window (the .aspx page). In this page you have to find the CKEditor instance, and you are then able to write back HTML to the editor.

Kendo Button single click

Is there a Single Click button feature in Kendo Button widget like shown below in the example link (I know its WebControl for webforms app). I am looking for similar kind of functionality in Kendo MVC Wrapper/Core. Can someone please share the configuration settings either in Kendo MVC Wrapper or Kendo Core.
Example of Single Click in Telerik RadButton
You can easily achieve that functionality using jQuery, like this:
$("#myButton").one("click", function() {
'Code to run when the button is clicked.
You can read more about it here.

kendo ui Rich-Text editor - toolbar displays icons and links

I want to use Kendo UI rich text Editor inside of ASP.NET page, however when I run the application the editor toolbar is displayed with icons and links, I just want to display icons. How can I fix it?
View the image with the issue toolbar editor...
Normally text in editor icons is hided by setting font size to 0 in kendo CSS file:
.k-button-group .k-tool-icon{
font-size: 0;
If you have such behavior, you have instaled Kedno UI wrong or you are overriding their style.
To check if you have installed it correctly read the kendo instalation manual:
If everything is ok you should check in eg. Firebug tool why this font-size is not set to 0.

Add Custom Button to TinyMCE in Joomla 2.5

I am currently creating a component for Joomla 2.5.
I would like to add a custom button to the TinyMCE editor, but being in the context of a Joomla component, I can not add files or code inside the TinyMCE editor plugin...
Is someone able to tell me what I am suppose to use to do so?
Thank you
Editor buttons are built as editors-xtd plugins. You may look at the readmore button, which is only added in article context.
