Extracting plain text output from binary file - graphchi

I am working with Graphchi's pagerank example: https://github.com/GraphChi/graphchi-cpp/wiki/Example-Apps#pagerank-easy
The example app writes a binary file with vertex information that I would like to read/convert to a plan text file (to later call into R or some other language).
The documentation states that:
"GraphChi will write the values of the edges in a binary file, which is easy to handle in other programs. Name of the file containing vertex values is GRAPH-NAME.4B.vout. Here "4B" refers to the vertex-value being a 4-byte type (float)."
The 'easy to handle' part is what I'm struggling with - I have experience with high level languages but not C++ or dealing with binary files. I have found a few things through searching stackoverflow but no luck yet in reading this file. Ideally this would be done through bash or python.
thanks very much for your help on this.
Update: hexdump graph-name.4B.vout | head -5 gives:
0000000 999a 3e19 7468 3e7f 7d2a 3e93 d8e0 3ec4
0000010 cec6 3fe4 d551 3f08 eff2 3e54 999a 3e19
0000020 999a 3e19 3690 3e8c 0080 3f38 9ea3 3ef5
0000030 b7d6 3f66 999a 3e19 10e3 3ee1 400c 400d
0000040 a3df 3e7c 999a 3e19 979c 3e91 5230 3f18

Here is example code how you can use GraphCHi to write the output out as a string:
But the array is simple byte array. Here is example how to read it in python:
import struct
from array import array as binarray
import sys
inputfile = sys.argv[1]
data = open(inputfile).read()
a = binarray('c')
s = struct.Struct("f")
l = len(a)
print "%d bytes" %l
n = l / 4
for i in xrange(0, n):
x = s.unpack_from(a, i * 4)[0]
print ("%d %f" % (i, x))

I was having the same trouble. Luckily I work with a bunch of network engineers who helped me out! On Mac Linux, the following command works to print the 4B.vout data one line per node, with the integer values the same as is given in the summary file. If your file is called eg, filename.4B.vout, then some command line perl gets you:
cat filename.4B.vout | LANG= perl -0777 -e '$,=\"\n\"; print unpack(\"L*\",<>),\"\";'
Edited to add: this is for the assignments of connected component ID and community ID, written implicitly the 1st line is the ID of the node labeled 0, the 2nd line is the node labeled 1 etc. But I am copypasting here so I'm not sure how it would need to change for floats. It works great for the integer values per node.


How to calculate number of missing values summed over time dimension in a netcdf file in bash

I have a netcdf file with data as a function of lon,lat and time. I would like to calculate the total number of missing entries in each grid cell summed over the time dimension, preferably with CDO or NCO so I do not need to invoke R, python etc.
I know how to get the total number of missing values
ncap2 -s "nmiss=var.number_miss()" in.nc out.nc
as I answered to this related question:
count number of missing values in netcdf file - R
and CDO can tell me the total summed over space with
cdo info in.nc
but I can't work out how to sum over time. Is there a way for example of specifying the dimension to sum over with number_miss in ncap2?
We added the missing() function to ncap2 to solve this problem elegantly as of NCO 4.6.7 (May, 2017). To count missing values through time:
ncap2 -s 'mss_val=three_dmn_var_dbl.missing().ttl($time)' in.nc out.nc
Here ncap2 chains two methods together, missing(), followed by a total over the time dimension. The 2D variable mss_val is in out.nc. The response below does the same but averages over space and reports through time (because I misinterpreted the OP).
Old/obsolete answer:
There are two ways to do this with NCO/ncap2, though neither is as elegant as I would like. Either call assemble the answer one record at a time by calling num_miss() with one record at a time, or (my preference) use the boolean comparison function followed by the total operator along the axes of choice:
zender#aerosol:~$ ncap2 -O -s 'tmp=three_dmn_var_dbl;mss_val=tmp.get_miss();tmp.delete_miss();tmp_bool=(tmp==mss_val);tmp_bool_ttl=tmp_bool.ttl($lon,$lat);print(tmp_bool_ttl);' ~/nco/data/in.nc ~/foo.nc
zender#aerosol:~$ ncap2 -O -s 'for(rec=0;rec<time.size();rec++){nmiss=three_dmn_var_int(rec,:,:).number_miss();print(nmiss);}' ~/nco/data/in.nc ~/foo.nc
nmiss = 0
nmiss = 0
nmiss = 8
nmiss = 0
nmiss = 0
nmiss = 1
nmiss = 0
nmiss = 2
nmiss = 1
nmiss = 2
Even though you are asking for another solution, I would like to show you that it takes only one very short line to find the answer with the help of Python. The variable m_data has exactly the same shape as a variable with missing values read using the netCDF4 package. With the execution of only one np.sum command with the correct axis specified, you have your answer.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4 as nc4
# Generate random data for this experiment.
data = np.random.rand(365, 64, 128)
# Masked data, this is how the data is read from NetCDF by the netCDF4 package.
# For this example, I mask all values less than 0.1.
m_data = np.ma.masked_array(data, mask=data<0.1)
# It only takes one operation to find the answer.
n_values_missing = np.sum(m_data.mask, axis=0)
# Just a plot of the result.
# Save a netCDF file of the results.
f = nc4.Dataset('test.nc', 'w', format='NETCDF4')
f.createDimension('lon', 128)
f.createDimension('lat', 64 )
n_values_missing_nc = f.createVariable('n_values_missing', 'i4', ('lat', 'lon'))
n_values_missing_nc[:,:] = n_values_missing[:,:]

Convert all values in a text file to log scale in bash

I would like to convert all values in a text file to the correspondent log2 values. I have a huge text file and would be interesting to avoid R.
Nevertheless, the below R code exemplify what I want to implement in a more efficient way in bash.
df <- 'sam1 sam2 sam3
2000 3000 4000
2000 1500 1200
2000 7000 6000'
df <- read.table(text=df, header=T)
dflog <- log(df)
My expected output:
dfout <- 'sam1 sam2 sam3
7.600902 8.006368 8.294050
7.600902 7.313220 7.090077
7.600902 8.853665 8.699515'
dfout <- read.table(text=dfout, header=T)
I will be grateful for any help to perform it in bash.
awk to the rescue!
$ awk 'NR>1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) $i=log($i)}1' sams
sam1 sam2 sam3
7.6009 8.00637 8.29405
7.6009 7.31322 7.09008
7.6009 8.85367 8.69951
this is the quick solution, for additional decimal points you can format the output with printf, but I'm not sure it's needed.

Python: Can I grab the specific lines from a large file faster?

I have two large files. One of them is an info file(about 270MB and 16,000,000 lines) like this:
The other is a standard FASTQ format(about 27G and 280,000,000 lines) like this:
#ST-E00126:65:H3VJ2CCXX:7:1101:1416:1801 1:N:0:5
The FASTQ file uses four lines per sequence. Line 1 begins with a '#' character and is followed by a sequence identifie. For each sequence,this part of the Line 1 is unique.
1101:1416:1801 and 1101:10003:75641
And I want to grab the Line 1 and the next three lines from the FASTQ file according to the info file. Here is my code:
import gzip
import re
count = 0
with open('info_path') as info, open('grab_path','w') as grab:
for i in info:
sample = i.strip()
with gzip.open('fq_path') as fq:
for j in fq:
count += 1
if count%4 == 1:
line = j.strip()
m = re.search(sample,j)
if m != None:
count = 0
And it works, but because both of these two files have millions of lines, it's inefficient(running one day only get 20,000 lines).
UPDATE at July 6th:
I find that the info file can be read into the memory(thank #tobias_k for reminding me), so I creat a dictionary that the keys are info lines and the values are all 0. After that, I read the FASTQ file every 4 line, use the identifier part as the key,if the value is 0 then return the 4 lines. Here is my code:
import gzip
dic = {}
with open('info_path') as info:
for i in info:
sample = i.strip()
dic[sample] = 0
with gzip.open('fq_path') as fq, open('grap_path',"w") as grab:
for j in fq:
if j[:10] == '#ST-E00126':
line = j.split(':')
match = line[4] +':'+line[5]+':'+line[6][:-2]
if dic.get(match) == 0:
This way is much faster, it takes 20mins to get all the matched lines(about 64,000,000 lines). And I have thought about sorting the FASTQ file first by external sort. Splitting the file that can be read into the memory is ok, my trouble is how to keep the next three lines following the indentifier line while sorting. The Google's answer is to linear these four lines first, but it will take 40mins to do so.
Anyway thanks for your help.
You can sort both files by the identifier (the 1101:1416:1801) part. Even if files do not fit into memory, you can use external sorting.
After this, you can apply a simple merge-like strategy: read both files together and do the matching in the meantime. Something like this (pseudocode):
entry1 = readFromFile1()
entry2 = readFromFile2()
while (none of the files ended)
if (entry1.id == entry2.id)
record match
else if (entry1.id < entry2.id)
entry1 = readFromFile1()
entry2 = readFromFile2()
This way entry1.id and entry2.id are always close to each other and you will not miss any matches. At the same time, this approach requires iterating over each file once.

Reading freely available UVR data using gfortran on mac OSX

I would like to use fortran to read ultraviolet radiation data that has been produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. This data is at a daily and monthly temporal resolution from 2000-2010 at a ~5 km spatial resolution. This question is worth answering as the data could be useful for a number of environment/health projects and is freely available, with proper acknowledgement of source and sharing of preprint of any subsequent publications, from:
There is a readme file available, which provides instructions on how to read data using fortran as follows:
Instructions for _le files
Read header (size= pixel size *2byte):
character head*14400
read(10,rec=1) head
& npixel,nline,lon_min,lat_max,reso,slope,offset,',',
& para,',',outfile
Read data (e.g., fortran77)
parameter(nl=7200, ml=3601)
... open file by "unformatted", "recl=nl*2(byte)" (,"bytereclen")
integer*2 i2buf(nl,ml)
do m=1,ml
read(10,rec=1+m) (i2buf(n,m), n=1,nl)
do n=1,nl
write(6,*) 'PAR[Ein/m^2/day]=',par
slope values
par__le : daily PAR [Ein/m^2/day] = DN * 0.01
dpar_le : direct PAR = DN * 0.01
swr__le : daily mean shortwave radiation [W/m^2] = DN * 0.01
tip__le : transmittance of instantaneous PAR at noon = DN * 0.0001
uva__le : daily mean UVA [W/m^2] = DN * 0.001
uvb__le : daily mean UVB [W/m^2] = DN * 0.0001
rpar_le : PAR-range surface reflectance (TOP of canopy/solid surfaces) = DN * 0.0001 (monthly data only)
error values
-1 as signed short integer (int16)
65535 as unsigned short integer (uint16)
Progress so far
I have downloaded and installed gfortran successfully on mac OSX. I have downloaded a test file (MOD02SSH_A20000224Av6_v601_7200_3601_uvb__le.gz) and decompressed it. I have created a program file:
PROGRAM readuvr
!some code
I will then type the following into the command line to create an executable and run it to extract the data.
gfortran -o executable
As a complete beginner to fortran, my question is: how can I use the instructions provided to build a program that can read the data and output it into a text file?
Well, that file expands to 51,868,800 bytes. The comments imply the header is 14,400 bytes, which leaves 51,854,400 bytes of actual data payload.
There seem to be 7200 lines of data, so that means there are 7202 bytes per line. There seem to be 2 bytes (16-bit samples) so if we assume 2 bytes/sample, that means there are 3601 samples per line, which matches the ml=3601.
So basically, you need to read 14,400 bytes of header, then 7200 lines of data, each line consisting of 3601 values, each of those being 2 bytes wide...
Actually, if you are that unfamiliar with FORTRAN, you may like to extract the data with Perl which is already installed and available on OS X anyway. I have started a VERY SIMPLISTIC Perl program that reads the dat and prints the first 2 values on each line:
use strict;
use warnings;
# Read 14,400 bytes of header
my $buffer;
my $nBytes = 14400;
my $bytesRead = read (STDIN, $buffer, $nBytes) ;
my ($npixel,$nline,$lon_min,$lat_max,$reso,$slope,$offset,$junk)=split(' ',$buffer);
print "npixel:$npixel\n";
print "nline:$nline\n";
print "lon_min:$lon_min\n";
print "lat_max:$lat_max\n";
print "reso:$reso\n";
print "slope:$slope\n";
$offset =~ s/,.*//; # strip trailing comma and junk
print "offset:$offset\n";
# Read actual lines of data
my $line;
for(my $m=1;$m<=$nline;$m++){
my $x=$npixel*2;
my #values=unpack("S$x",$line);
printf "Line: %d",$m;
for(my $j=0;$j<2;$j++){
printf ",%f",$values[$j]*$slope+$offset;
printf "\n"; # newline
Save it as go.pl and then in the Terminal, type the following once to make it executable
chmod +x go.pl
and then run it like this
./go.pl < MOD02SSH_A20000224Av6_v601_7200_3601_uvb__le
Sample output extract:
Line: 3306,0.099800,0.099800
Line: 3307,0.099900,0.099900
Line: 3308,0.099400,0.074200
Line: 3309,0.098900,0.098900
Line: 3310,0.098400,0.098400
Line: 3311,0.074300,0.074200
Line: 3312,0.071300,0.071200
fortran (f2003 or so) solution. (The linked instructions are awful by the way )
implicit none
character*80 para,outfile
integer npixel,nline,blen,i
c note kind=2 is not standard. This needs to be a 2-byte integer.
integer(kind=2),allocatable :: data(:,:)
real lon_min,lat_max,reso,slope,off
c header is plain text, so first open formatted and
c directly read header data
$ para,outfile
$ trim(para),' ',trim(outfile)
if( sizeof(data(1,1)).ne.2 )then
write(*,*)'error kind=2 did not give a 2 byte integer'
c now close and reopen for binary read.
c direct access approach:
c note the granularity of the recl= specifier is not standard.
c ifort uses 4 bytes. (note this will break if npixel is not even )
do i=1,nline
c note streams if available is simpler: (we don't need to know rec len )
c open(20,file=infile,access='stream')
c read(20)header,data
This is not actually validated because I don't have known file content to compare against.

error in writing to a file

I have written a python script that calls unix sort using subprocess module. I am trying to sort a table based on two columns(2 and 6). Here is what I have done
sort_file_cmd="sort -k2,2 -k6,6n {0}".format(tab.name)
The output file however contains an incomplete line which produces an error when I parse the table but when I checked the entry in the input file given to sort the line looks perfect. I guess there is some problem when sort tries to write the result to the file specified but I am not sure how to solve it though.
The line looks like this in the input file
gi|191252805|ref|NM_001128633.1| Homo sapiens RIMS binding protein 3C (RIMBP3C), mRNA gnl|BL_ORD_ID|4614 gi|124487059|ref|NP_001074857.1| RIMS-binding protein 2 [Mus musculus] 103 2877 3176 846 941 1.0102e-07 138.0
In output file however only gi|19125 is printed. How do I solve this?
Any help will be appreciated.
Using subprocess to call an external sorting tool seems quite silly considering that python has a built in method for sorting items.
Looking at your sample data, it appears to be structured data, with a | delimiter. Here's how you could open that file, and iterate over the results in python in a sorted manner:
def custom_sorter(first, second):
""" A Custom Sort function which compares items
based on the value in the 2nd and 6th columns. """
# First, we break the line into a list
first_items, second_items = first.split(u'|'), second.split(u'|') # Split on the pipe character.
if len(first_items) >= 6 and len(second_items) >= 6:
# We have enough items to compare
if (first_items[1], first_items[5]) > (second_items[1], second_items[5]):
return 1
elif (first_items[1], first_items[5]) < (second_items[1], second_items[5]):
return -1
else: # They are the same
return 0 # Order doesn't matter then
return 0
with open(src_file_path, 'r') as src_file:
data = src_file.read() # Read in the src file all at once. Hope the file isn't too big!
with open(dst_sorted_file_path, 'w+') as dst_sorted_file:
for line in sorted(data.splitlines(), cmp = custom_sorter): # Sort the data on the fly
dst_sorted_file.write(line) # Write the line to the dst_file.
FYI, this code may need some jiggling. I didn't test it too well.
What you see is probably the result of trying to write to the file from multiple processes simultaneously.
To emulate: sort -k2,2 -k6,6n ${tabname} > sort_blast.txt command in Python:
from subprocess import check_call
with open("sort_blast.txt",'wb') as output_file:
check_call("sort -k2,2 -k6,6n".split() + [tab.name], stdout=output_file)
You can write it in pure Python e.g., for a small input file:
def custom_key(line):
fields = line.split() # split line on any whitespace
return fields[1], float(fields[5]) # Python uses zero-based indexing
with open(tab.name) as input_file, open("sort_blast.txt", 'w') as output_file:
L = input_file.read().splitlines() # read from the input file
L.sort(key=custom_key) # sort it
output_file.write("\n".join(L)) # write to the output file
If you need to sort a file that does not fit in memory; see Sorting text file by using Python
