Dyanamically change the font color of Kendo Numeric textbox - kendo-ui

I am using Kendo Numeric text box to display decimal values.I want to change the font color based on the user input.How to achieve this?

You Can do this in JQuery easily by changing the style on the change and spin event of the input:
On your numeric text box add the events:
change: onChangeOrSpin,
spin: onChangeOrSpin
Then in the event handler call:
function onChangeOrSpin()
var val = this.value();
function changeFontColour(val)
if(val < 5)
$("#numerictextbox, .k-input").css('font-family','Arial');
$("#numerictextbox, .k-input").css('font-style','italic');
$("#numerictextbox, .k-input").css('font-weight','bold');
$("#numerictextbox, .k-input").css('color','blue');
$("#numerictextbox, .k-input").css('font-family','Times New Roman');
$("#numerictextbox, .k-input").css('font-style','normal');
$("#numerictextbox, .k-input").css('font-weight','normal');
$("#numerictextbox, .k-input").css('color','black');
Here is a working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/loanburger/nwsw4yeq/
For multiple numeric inputs on the same page, use classes and add a different class to each input so you can distinguish between then when you need to change the colour. Then use a data attribute to find the correct one to change.
You cannot use the id because there are two parts to how kendo creates the widget:
The first part is the input for editing the value. This is the
one the user interacts with. This input will be given the class:
numerictextbox numericOne k-input
There is a second input of interest which is the one used to display the value after the widget looses focus this one gets the classes: k-formatted-value numerictextbox numericOne k-input
Neither of these inputs get an id and you don't want to use the native Kendo classes either so using a distinct class on each of your numeric widget controls, you can identify which colours to change since that class will get added to both inputs in the widget.
See here: https://jsfiddle.net/loanburger/4evy3tcg/


How to change labels from capital case to small case in the main grid of admin on rest

how do i make admin on rest main grid labels in regular case .as my application requires too many columns in the grid and all together it looks very bad and messy .i have created an en.json file and it's taking the value from there that is if the property is channelType and I have given in en.json as "channelType": "Channel ", its showing "CHANNEL" itself in the grid but I want it to be in regular case such as "Channel", what should I do
You can use the style property on the Datagrid component. See the documentation
const styles = {
header: {
textTransform: 'none',
<Datagrid styles={styles}>

Applying style in format of kendo numeric textbox

How can I change the color of the currency in my kendo numeric textbox in jquery? I used the standard code in creating a numeric textbox in kendo.
format: "c",
For example I have $12.00 as value in my input element.
I just want to change the color of the $. Not the 12.00.
How can I achieve this?
Apply css for "k-formatted-value" class textbox i.e. Currency value
Try something like this..
var widget = $("#numeric").kendoNumericTextBox().data("kendoNumericTextBox");
widget.wrapper.find("input.k-formatted-value").css("color", "red");
Refer this link to achieve
We can do some tricks to change currency format colour change.
I did for normal textbox.
Refer JSfiddle.
For your requirement try something like this.
1. Create one span element
Create onchange event for the input
change: onChange,
Define the style change functionalities.
function onChange() {
function ChangeColorFormat(inp) {
inp.style.color = 'transparent';
var span = document.getElementById('back');
span.innerHTML = inp.value.substr(0, 1) +
"" +
inp.value.substr(1, 1) +
"" +
Found the solution. Because its kendo, it was simply setting a ClientTemplate before loading it.

Kendo Grid- Apply CSS style for only numeric columns

I have many grids in my application. some of the columns are numeric ones.
I want to apply a specific css style (direction: ltr) for all numeric columns without specifying is for each one. Is their a way to apply the style on all numeric columns?
Thanks a lot!
Kendo grid has a dataBound event that will be fired once the grid has finished rendering the cells. From this event, you'll be able to loop into the grid's view and column and set each cell css individually.
Note that the type is part of the model, not the column itself.
$.each(kendoGrid.columns, function (index, column) {
//Get the type from the model
var type = kendoGrid.dataSource.options.schema.model.fields[column.field].type;
var jqTd;
//Extra logic to handle locked columns
//nth-child is 1-base
if (columnScan.locked) {
jqTd = kendoGrid.lockedContent.find("tbody>tr>td:nth-child({0})".formatWith(index + 1));
} else {
jqTd = kendoGrid.tbody.find(">tr>td:nth-child({0})".formatWith(index + 1 - lockCount));
if (type == "number") {
jqTd.css("background-color", "red");

Kendo-UI Use multiselect with user defined values (not predefined values)

Can Kendo-UI multiselect be use for input of user defined values?
By default when user clicks on multiselect control a dropdown is opened and user can select one of the predefined values. When user select one of the predefined values, that value is added to the selection.
What we need is a little bit different behavior. We would like to allow user to enter a custom string value, press enter key, and then that entered value would added to the selection.
One idea was to abuse multiselect control, by subscribing to the key events and adding user defined value to data source of the control, at which point we could (possibly) mark that value as selected (I am just guessing this, not sure if it would actually work).
So, is there an option value for this kind of behavior for multiselect or maybe some other control (does not have to be Kendo), so we don't have to hack existing kendo control?
As an example of the behavior I have create a quick [PoC here] (http://plnkr.co/edit/mcpVsstaxB2Xteh374pk?p=preview).
Here is the code from the plnkr
$(function() {
var input = $('input');
var list = $('ul');
input.on('keyup', function(e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
var value = $.trim(input.val());
if (value.length > 0) {
var remove = $('<span class="remove"/>');
remove.html(' x');
remove = list.find('.remove:last');
remove.click(function() {

Defining which field was changed in a grid

Is it possible to identify on a kendo UI grid which field was altered on a row edit?
Right now I am sending the entire row to the server that was changed. I would like to send
the request to the server to also include a variable holding the name
of the field that was edited.
Is something like that supported by kendo or
is there a work around for that?
This is not supported out of the box. However the grid API should allow this to be implemented. Check the edit and save events. In there you can listen to changes of the model instance which is currently being edit. Here is a quick example:
edit: function(e) {
e.model.unbind("change", model_change).bind("change", model_change);
function model_change(e) {
var model = this;
var field = e.field;
// store somewhere the field and model
