Dynamic Programming Coin Change Problems - algorithm

I am having issues with understanding dynamic programming solutions to various problems, specifically the coin change problem:
"Given a value N, if we want to make change for N cents, and we have infinite supply of each of S = { S1, S2, .. , Sm} valued coins, how many ways can we make the change? The order of coins doesn’t matter.
For example, for N = 4 and S = {1,2,3}, there are four solutions: {1,1,1,1},{1,1,2},{2,2},{1,3}. So output should be 4. For N = 10 and S = {2, 5, 3, 6}, there are five solutions: {2,2,2,2,2}, {2,2,3,3}, {2,2,6}, {2,3,5} and {5,5}. So the output should be 5."
There is another variation of this problem where the solution is the minimum number of coins to satisfy the amount.
These problems appear very similar, but the solutions are very different.
Number of possible ways to make change: the optimal substructure for this is DP(m,n) = DP(m-1, n) + DP(m, n-Sm) where DP is the number of solutions for all coins up to the mth coin and amount=n.
Minimum amount of coins: the optimal substructure for this is
DP[i] = Min{ DP[i-d1], DP[i-d2],...DP[i-dn] } + 1 where i is the total amount and d1..dn represent each coin denomination.
Why is it that the first one required a 2-D array and the second a 1-D array? Why is the optimal substructure for the number of ways to make change not "DP[i] = DP[i-d1]+DP[i-d2]+...DP[i-dn]" where DP[i] is the number of ways i amount can be obtained by the coins. It sounds logical to me, but it produces an incorrect answer. Why is that second dimension for the coins needed in this problem, but not needed in the minimum amount problem?
Thanks in advance. Every website I go to only explains how the solution works, not why other solutions do not work.

Lets first talk about the number of ways, DP(m,n) = DP(m-1, n) + DP(m, n-Sm). This in indeed correct because either you can use the mth denomination or you can avoid it. Now you say why don't we write it as DP[i] = DP[i-d1]+DP[i-d2]+...DP[i-dn]. Well this will lead to over counting , lets take an example where n=4 m=2 and S={1,3}. Now according to your solution dp[4]=dp[1]+dp[3]. ( Assuming 1 to be a base case dp[1]=1 ) .Now dp[3]=dp[2]+dp[0]. ( Again dp[0]=1 by base case ). Again applying the same dp[2]=dp[1]=1. Thus in total you get answer as 3 when its supposed to be just 2 ( (1,3) and (1,1,1,1) ). Its so because
your second method treats (1,3) and (3,1) as two different solution.Your second method can be applied to case where order matters, which is also a standard problem.
Now to your second question you say that minimum number of denominations can
be found out by DP[i] = Min{ DP[i-d1], DP[i-d2],...DP[i-dn] } + 1. Well this is correct as in finding minimum denominations, order or no order does not matter. Why this is linear / 1-D DP , well although the DP array is 1-D each state depends on at most m states unlike your first solution where array is 2-D but each state depends on at most 2 states. So in both case run time which is ( number of states * number of states each state depends on ) is the same which is O(nm). So both are correct, just your second solution saves memory. So either you can find it by 1-D array method or by 2-D by using the recurrence
dp(n,m)=min(dp(m-1,n),1+dp(m,n-Sm)). (Just use min in your first recurrence)
Hope I cleared the doubts , do post if still something is unclear.

This is a very good explanation of the coin change problem using Dynamic Programming.
The code is as follows:
public static int change(int amount, int[] coins){
int[] combinations = new int[amount + 1];
combinations[0] = 1;
for(int coin : coins){
for(int i = 1; i < combinations.length; i++){
if(i >= coin){
combinations[i] += combinations[i - coin];
return combinations[amount];


Incorrect Recursive approach to finding combinations of coins to produce given change

I was recently doing a project euler problem (namely #31) which was basically finding out how many ways we can sum to 200 using elements of the set {1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200}.
The idea that I used was this: the number of ways to sum to N is equal to
(the number of ways to sum N-k) * (number of ways to sum k), summed over all possible values of k.
I realized that this approach is WRONG, namely due to the fact that it creates several several duplicate counts. I have tried to adjust the formula to avoid duplicates, but to no avail. I am seeking the wisdom of stack overflowers regarding:
whether my recursive approach is concerned with the correct subproblem to solve
If there exists one, what would be an effective way to eliminate duplicates
how should we approach recursive problems such that we are concerned with the correct subproblem? what are some indicators that we've chosen a correct (or incorrect) subproblem?
When trying to avoid duplicate permutations, a straightforward strategy that works in most cases is to only create rising or falling sequences.
In your example, if you pick a value and then recurse with the whole set, you will get duplicate sequences like 50,50,100 and 50,100,50 and 100,50,50. However, if you recurse with the rule that the next value should be equal to or smaller than the currently selected value, out of those three you will only get the sequence 100,50,50.
So an algorithm that counts only unique combinations would be e.g.:
function uniqueCombinations(set, target, previous) {
for all values in set not greater than previous {
if value equals target {
increment count
if value is smaller than target {
uniqueCombinations(set, target - value, value)
uniqueCombinations([1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200], 200, 200)
Alternatively, you can create a copy of the set before every recursion, and remove the elements from it that you don't want repeated.
The rising/falling sequence method also works with iterations. Let's say you want to find all unique combinations of three letters. This algorithm will print results like a,c,e, but not a,e,c or e,a,c:
for letter1 is 'a' to 'x' {
for letter2 is first letter after letter1 to 'y' {
for letter3 is first letter after letter2 to 'z' {
print [letter1,letter2,letter3]
m69 gives a nice strategy that often works, but I think it's worthwhile to better understand why it works. When trying to count items (of any kind), the general principle is:
Think of a rule that classifies any given item into exactly one of several non-overlapping categories. That is, come up with a list of concrete categories A, B, ..., Z that will make the following sentence true: An item is either in category A, or in category B, or ..., or in category Z.
Once you have done this, you can safely count the number of items in each category and add these counts together, comfortable in the knowledge that (a) any item that is counted in one category is not counted again in any other category, and (b) any item that you want to count is in some category (i.e., none are missed).
How could we form categories for your specific problem here? One way to do it is to notice that every item (i.e., every multiset of coin values that sums to the desired total N) either contains the 50-coin exactly zero times, or it contains it exactly once, or it contains it exactly twice, or ..., or it contains it exactly RoundDown(N / 50) times. These categories don't overlap: if a solution uses exactly 5 50-coins, it pretty clearly can't also use exactly 7 50-coins, for example. Also, every solution is clearly in some category (notice that we include a category for the case in which no 50-coins are used). So if we had a way to count, for any given k, the number of solutions that use coins from the set {1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200} to produce a sum of N and use exactly k 50-coins, then we could sum over all k from 0 to N/50 and get an accurate count.
How to do this efficiently? This is where the recursion comes in. The number of solutions that use coins from the set {1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200} to produce a sum of N and use exactly k 50-coins is equal to the number of solutions that sum to N-50k and do not use any 50-coins, i.e. use coins only from the set {1,2,5,10,20,100,200}. This of course works for any particular coin denomination that we could have chosen, so these subproblems have the same shape as the original problem: we can solve each one by simply choosing another coin arbitrarily (e.g. the 10-coin), forming a new set of categories based on this new coin, counting the number of items in each category and summing them up. The subproblems become smaller until we reach some simple base case that we process directly (e.g. no allowed coins left: then there is 1 item if N=0, and 0 items otherwise).
I started with the 50-coin (instead of, say, the largest or the smallest coin) to emphasise that the particular choice used to form the set of non-overlapping categories doesn't matter for the correctness of the algorithm. But in practice, passing explicit representations of sets of coins around is unnecessarily expensive. Since we don't actually care about the particular sequence of coins to use for forming categories, we're free to choose a more efficient representation. Here (and in many problems), it's convenient to represent the set of allowed coins implicitly as simply a single integer, maxCoin, which we interpret to mean that the first maxCoin coins in the original ordered list of coins are the allowed ones. This limits the possible sets we can represent, but here that's OK: If we always choose the last allowed coin to form categories on, we can communicate the new, more-restricted "set" of allowed coins to subproblems very succinctly by simply passing the argument maxCoin-1 to it. This is the essence of m69's answer.
There's some good guidance here. Another way to think about this is as a dynamic program. For this, we must pose the problem as a simple decision among options that leaves us with a smaller version of the same problem. It boils out to a certain kind of recursive expression.
Put the coin values c0, c1, ... c_(n-1) in any order you like. Then define W(i,v) as the number of ways you can make change for value v using coins ci, c_(i+1), ... c_(n-1). The answer we want is W(0,200). All that's left is to define W:
W(i,v) = sum_[k = 0..floor(200/ci)] W(i+1, v-ci*k)
In words: the number of ways we can make change with coins ci onward is to sum up all the ways we can make change after a decision to use some feasible number k of coins ci, removing that much value from the problem.
Of course we need base cases for the recursion. This happens when i=n-1: the last coin value. At this point there's a way to make change if and only if the value we need is an exact multiple of c_(n-1).
W(n-1,v) = 1 if v % c_(n-1) == 0 and 0 otherwise.
We generally don't want to implement this as a simple recursive function. The same argument values occur repeatedly, which leads to an exponential (in n and v) amount of wasted computation. There are simple ways to avoid this. Tabular evaluation and memoization are two.
Another point is that it is more efficient to have the values in descending order. By taking big chunks of value early, the total number of recursive evaluations is minimized. Additionally, since c_(n-1) is now 1, the base case is just W(n-1)=1. Now it becomes fairly obvious that we can add a second base case as an optimization: W(n-2,v) = floor(v/c_(n-2)). That's how many times the for loop will sum W(n-1,1) = 1!
But this is gilding a lilly. The problem is so small that exponential behavior doesn't signify. Here is a little implementation to show that order really doesn't matter:
#include <stdio.h>
#define n 8
int cv[][n] = {
int *c;
int w(int i, int v) {
if (i == n - 1) return v % c[n - 1] == 0;
int sum = 0;
for (int k = 0; k <= v / c[i]; ++k)
sum += w(i + 1, v - c[i] * k);
return sum;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned p;
if (argc != 2 || sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &p) != 1 || p > 2) p = 0;
c = cv[p];
printf("Ways(%u) = %d\n", p, w(0, 200));
return 0;
Drumroll, please...
$ ./foo 0
Ways(0) = 73682
$ ./foo 1
Ways(1) = 73682
$ ./foo 2
Ways(2) = 73682

How to improve this Dynamic programming solution(Optimisation in algorithm)

The Problem statement:
Assurance Company of Moving (ACM) is a company of moving things for people. Recently, some schools want to move their computers to another place. So they ask ACM to help them. One school reserves K trucks for moving, and it has N computers to move. In order not to waste the trucks, the school ask ACM to use all the trucks. That is to say, there must be some computers in each truck, and there are no empty trucks. ACM wants to know how many partition shemes exists with moving N computers by K trucks, the ACM ask you to compute the number of different shemes with given N and K. You needn't care with the order. For example N=7,K=3, the the following 3 partition instances are regarded as the same one and should be counted as one sheme: "1 1 5","1 5 1","5 1 1". Each truck can carry almost unlimited computers!!
Save Time :
You have to count how many sequences a[1..k] exist such that :
1) a[i] + a[2] + .... + a[k] = N such that permutations dont matter
My O(N*K^2) solution (Cannot figure out how to improve on it)
using namespace std;
int DP[5001][5001];
void ini()
int i,j,k;
return ;
int main()
int N,K,i,j;
if(N==0 && K==0)
return 0;
int i;
return 0;
Explanation of my solution DP[i][j] represents the number of ways I can have total j computers using i Trucks only.
The k represents the number of computers with which I am dealing with that means I am just avoiding permutations!
How can I improve it to O(N*K)?
Problem constraints
N (1<=N<=5000) and K(1<=K<=N)
Problem Link: Problem Spoj
Just say that you have K gift boxes and N chocolates.
I will start with a recursive and real easy to convert it to iterative solution.
The key to avoid repetitions is distributing chocolates in a ascending order (descending also works). So you 7 chocolates and I put 2 chocolate in the first box, I will put at least 2 in the second box. WHY? this helps in avoiding repetitions.
now onwards TCL = totalChocholatesLeft & TBL = totalBinsLeft
you have to call the above expression starting with S(n-k), k)
Why? because all boxes need at least one item so first put `1` each box.
Now you are left with only `n-k` chocolates.
That's all! that's the DP recursion.
How does it work?
So in order to remove repetitions we are maintaning the ascending order.
What is the easiest way to maintain the ascending order ?
If you put 1 chocolate in the ith box, put 1 in all boxes in front of it i+1, i++2 .....k.
So after keeping chocolate in a gift box, you have two choices :
Either you want to continue with current box :
S(TCL-TBL,TBL) covers this
or to move the next box just never consider this box again
S(TCL,TBL-1) covers this.
Equivalent DP would make have TC : O(NK)
This problem is equivalent to placing n-k identical balls (after already placing one ball in each cell to make sure it's not empty) in k identical cells.
This can be solved using the recurrence formula:
D(n,0) = 0 n > 0
D(n,k) = 0 n < 0
D(n,1) = 1 n >= 0
D(n,k) = D(n,k-1) + D(n-k,k)
Stop clauses:
D(n,0) - no way to put n>0 balls in 0 cells
D(n<0,k) - no way to put negative number of balls in k cells
D(n,1) - one way to put n balls in 1 cell: all in this cell
We have two choices.
We either have one (or more) empty cell, so we recurse with the same problem, and one less cell: D(n,k-1)
Otherwise, we have no empty cells, so we put one ball in each cell, recurse with the same number of cells and k less balls, D(n-k,k)
The two possibilities are of disjoint sets, so the union of both sets is the summation of the two sizes, thus D(n,k) = D(n,k-1) + D(n-k,k)
The above recursive formula is easy to compute in O(1) (assuming O(1) arithmetics), if the "lower" problems are known, and the DP solution needs to fill a table of size (n+1)*(k+1), so this solution is O(nk)

Find best adjacent pair such that to maximize the sum of the first element

I was asked this question in an interview, but couldn't figure it out and would like to know the answer.
Suppose we have a list like this:
1 7 8 6 1 1 5 0
I need to find an algorithm such that it pairs adjacent numbers. The goal is to maximize the benefit but such that only the first number in the pair is counted.
e.g in the above, the optimal solution is:
{7,8} {6,1} {5,0}
so when taking only the first one:
7 + 6 + 5 = 18.
I tried various greedy solutions, but they often pick on {8,6} which leads to a non-optimal solution.
First, observe that it never makes sense to skip more than one number *. Then, observe that the answer to this problem can be constructed by comparing two numbers:
The answer to the subproblem where you skip the first number, and
The answer to the subproblem where you keep the first number
Finally, observe that the answer to a problem with the sequence of only one number is zero, and the solution to the problem with only two numbers is the first number of the two.
With this information in hand, you can construct a recursive memoized solution to the problem, or a dynamic programming solution that starts at the back and goes back deciding on whether to include the previous number or not.
* Proof: assume that you have a sequence that produces the max sum, and that it skip two numbers in the original sequence. Then you can add the pair that you skipped, and improve on the answer.
A simple dynamic programming problem. Starting from one specific index, we can either make a pair at current index, or skip to the next index:
int []dp;//Array to store result of sub-problem
boolean[]check;//Check for already solve sub-problem
public int solve(int index, int []data){
if(index + 1 >= data.length){//Special case,which cannot create any pair
return 0;
if(check[index]){//If this sub-problem is solved before, return the value
return dp[index];
check[index] = true;
//Either make a pair at this index, or skip to next index
int result = max(data[index] + solve(index + 2, data) , solve(index + 1,data));
return dp[index] = result;
It's a dynamic programming problem, and the table can be optimised away.
def best_pairs(xs):
b0, b1 = 0, max(0, xs[0])
for i in xrange(2, len(xs)):
b0, b1 = b1, max(b1, xs[i-1]+b0)
return b1
print best_pairs(map(int, '1 7 8 6 1 1 5 0'.split()))
After each iteration, b1 is the best solution using elements up to and including i, and b0 is the best solution using elements up to and including i-1.
This is my solution in Java, hope it helps.
public static int getBestSolution(int[] a, int offset) {
if (a.length-offset <= 1)
return 0;
if (a.length-offset == 2)
return a[offset];
return Math.max(a[offset] + getBestSolution(a,offset+2),
Here is a DP formulation for O(N) solution : -
MaxPairSum(i) = Max(arr[i]+MaxPairSum(i+2),MaxPairSum(i+1))
MaxPairSum(i) is max sum for subarray (i,N)

Problems with dynamic programming

I've got difficulties with understanding dynamic programming, so I decided to solve some problems. I know basic dynamic algorithms like longest common subsequence, knapsack problem, but I know them because I read them, but I can't come up with something on my own :-(
For example we have subsequence of natural numbers. Every number we can take with plus or minus. At the end we take absolute value of this sum. For every subsequence find the lowest possible result.
in1: 10 3 5 4;
out1: 2
in2: 4 11 5 5 5;
out2: 0
in3: 10 50 60 65 90 100;
out3: 5
explanation for 3rd: 5 = |10+50+60+65-90-100|
what it worse my friend told me that it is simple knapsack problem, but I can't see any knapsack here. Is dynamic programming something difficult or only I have big problems with it?
As has been pointed out by amit, this algorithm can be understood as an instance of the partition problem. For a simple implementation take a look at this Python code:
def partition(A):
n = len(A)
if n == 0:
return 0
k, s = max(A), sum(A)/2.0
table = [0 if x else 1 for x in xrange(n*k)]
for i in xrange(n):
for j in xrange(n*k-1, -1, -1):
if table[j-A[i]] > table[j]:
table[j] = 1
minVal, minIdx = float('+inf'), -1
for j in xrange(int(s)+1):
if table[j] and s-j < minVal:
minVal, minIdx = s-j, j
return int(2*minVal)
When called with one of the inputs in the question:
partition([10, 50, 60, 65, 90, 100])
It will return 5, as expected. For fully understanding the math behind the solution, please take a look at this examples and click the "Balanced Partition" link.
The knapsack in here is weight = value = number for each element.
your bound W is 1/2 * sum(elements).
The idea is - you want to maximize the amount of numbers you "pick" without passing the limit of 1/2 * sum(elements), which is exactly knapsack with value=weight.
This problem is actually the partition problem, which is a special case of the subset sum problem.
The partition problem says: "Is it possible to get a subset of the elements that sums exactly to half?"
The derivation to your problem from here is simple - if there is, take these as +, and those you didn't take as -, and you get out = 0. [the other way around works the same]. Thus, your described problem is the optimization for partition problem.
This is the same problem as in Tug Of War, without the constraint of balanced team sizes (which is not relevant):
I had solved this problem with a top-down approach. It works on the constraint that there is an upper limit to the numbers given. Do you have an upper limit or are the numbers unconstrained? If they are unconstrained I don't see how to solve this with dynamic programming.

Algorithm possible amounts (over)paid for a specific price, based on denominations

In a current project, people can order goods delivered to their door and choose 'pay on delivery' as a payment option. To make sure the delivery guy has enough change customers are asked to input the amount they will pay (e.g. delivery is 48,13, they will pay with 60,- (3*20,-)). Now, if it were up to me I'd make it a free field, but apparantly higher-ups have decided is should be a selection based on available denominations, without giving amounts that would result in a set of denominations which could be smaller.
denominations = [1,2,5,10,20,50]
price = 78.12
79 (multitude of options),
80 (e.g. 4*20)
90 (e.g. 50+2*20)
100 (2*50)
It's international, so the denominations could change, and the algorithm should be based on that list.
The closest I have come which seems to work is this:
for all denominations in reversed order (large=>small)
add ceil(price/denomination) * denomination to possibles
baseprice = floor(price/denomination) * denomination;
for all smaller denominations as subdenomination in reversed order
add baseprice + (ceil((price - baseprice) / subdenomination) * subdenomination) to possibles
end for
end for
remove doubles
Is seems to work, but this has emerged after wildly trying all kinds of compact algorithms, and I cannot defend why it works, which could lead to some edge-case / new countries getting wrong options, and it does generate some serious amounts of doubles.
As this is probably not a new problem, and Google et al. could not provide me with an answer save for loads of pages calculating how to make exact change, I thought I'd ask SO: have you solved this problem before? Which algorithm? Any proof it will always work?
Its an application of the Greedy Algorithm http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GreedyAlgorithm.html (An algorithm used to recursively construct a set of objects from the smallest possible constituent parts)
list={1,2,5,10,20,50,100} (*ordered *)
while list not null
found_answer = false
p = ceil(price) (* assume integer denominations *)
while not found_answer
find_greedy (p, list) (*algorithm in the reference above*)
EDIT> some iterations are nonsense>
list={1,2,5,10,20,50,100} (*ordered *)
p = ceil(price) (* assume integer denominations *)
while list not null
found_answer = false
while not found_answer
find_greedy (p, list) (*algorithm in the reference above*)
I found an improvement due to Pearson on the Greedy algorithm. Its O(N^3 log Z), where N is the number of denominations and Z is the greatest bill of the set.
You can find it in http://library.wolfram.com/infocenter/MathSource/5187/
You can generate in database all possible combination sets of payd coins and paper (im not good in english) and each row contains sum of this combination.
Having this database you can simple get all possible overpaid by one query,
WHERE sum >= cost and sum <= cost + epsilon
Some word about epsilon, hmm.. you can assign it from cost value? Maybe 10% of cost + 10 bucks?:
WHERE sum >= cost and sum <= cost * 1.10 + 10
Table structure must have number of columns representing number of coins and paper type.
Value of each column have number of occurences of this type of paid item.
This is not optimal and fastest solution of this problem but easy and simple to implement.
I think about better solution of this.
Other way you can for from cost to cost + epsilon and for each value calculate smallest possible number of paid items for each. I have algorithm for it. You can do this with this algorithm but this is in C++:
int R[10000];
sort(C, C + coins, cmp);
for(int i=1; i <= coins_weight; i++)
R[i] = 1000000;
for (int j=0; j < coins; j++)
if((C[j].weight <= i) && ((C[j].value + R[i - C[j].weight]) < R[i]))
R[i] = C[j].value + R[i - C[j].weight];
return R[coins_weight];
