Need to create an module to display datas of component in joomla - joomla

I am an newbie to Joomla.
I have created an new component with help of this website.
Now i need to get the values from component and display it in fronted with help of module. Similar to banner module.
Can anyone help me out

Well if you have a model for your component, which gets data from the database, you should create an Instance of that model in your module like this:
jimport( 'joomla.application.component.model' );
JModelLegacy::addIncludePath( JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_mycompo/models', 'YourModel' );
$model = JModelLegacy::getInstance( 'Items', 'YourModel' );
Then you use a model method to get the data you want:
$data = $model->getData();

If you create the component using you will get many more features such as full ACL support, SQL import, front end editing and many more types of fields including foreign key fields. And as a bonus you can also build a module that can display your data.


How does beforeSaveAddressInformation plugin

I was looking at this post: Magento 2 Add a custom input field on chackout forrm and save it
I have tried the same way but I am not sure how this part came
$customField = $shippingAddressExtensionAttributes->getFiscalCode();
Where is this getFiscalCode?
It's a Custom AttributeCode.
the getFiscalCode() method is an accessor method that is used to identity fields such as the one that is created with the extension attribute fiscal_code mentioned in the example.
It is not just extension attributes, but all collection models in magento use the following camel casing structure where for example the column entity_id in database table, can be accessed via either $modelCollection->getEntityId() or $modelCollection->setEntityId($valueOfEntityId)
This is a good read to understand the idea Magento 2: CRUD Models for Database Access

Where to process data in Laravel

Back when I was using CodeIgniter I had functions in my models like
public function GetArticlesFormatted($inactive = FALSE)
and then in my controller I could have had
And so on.
How should I achieve the same with Laravel 5.4? The database of the app I'm building is already built and full and is a mess so most of the "automated" super-restrictive things that Laravel has don't work out of the box.
For example there is a Country Code that I'm retrieving and I need it as is, but in some instances I need it converted in a Country Name which I had in another table.
Right now I just have in my controller wherever I am retrieving data from the model:
$countryResult = Country::where('country_code', $item['country_code'])->first();
$countryArray = $countryResult->toArray();
$item['country'] = $countryArray['country_name'];
Can I somehow achieve that in a more elegant way?
I tried accessors but for some reason couldn't get anything to work for my purposes.
A select query can be used to limit selection to a particular column.
$countryName = Country::select('country_name')
->where('country_code', $item['country_code'])

Odoo 8 declare view file programmatically

I want to declare my view file that its struct is loaded from database. I know in order I have to declare it on file. But I have many user, and I want each of theme when access to my module (form view - for instance) will have difference view (fields), I am mentions to fields on database, not by "how to hide some fields for some user?". Is there any solution for this? Thanks
You can use Field Access Right.
As of OpenERP 7.0, you can create field level access rights. You can achieve this by adding the groups attribute in your field definition in the module:
_columns = { 'my_field': fields.char('My field', groups="base.group_erp_manager,base.group_system") }`
It's still valid in Odoo 8. Check Odoo documentation about security
There is one solution I'm thinking of but haven't try it yet:
Override _views_get_fnc in 'ir.actions.act_window' model. This function return {action_id: (view_id, view_mode)}. Here you can query for view_id based on the user.

How VirtueMart sends the data when you save the custom fields in a product

first of all, sorry for my english, but I'll try to explain myself best I can.
My question is little tricky, because I made some important changes in the core code of VirtueMart.
For some reasons, I added an attribute to the Custom Fields, like Price, called Availability.
TIP: The admin site is in Spanish. Disponibilidad = Availability
So, now, when I try to change any value of any created Custom Field, I can't save it. I mean, I can change the value, but when I apply them, It doesn't be saved.
The only field that I can change, is the field I created, the Availability (ironically).
So, my principal question is, how does VirtueMart to pick up the data from the table and sends them to the database?
I work with
Joomla v.2.5.11
VirtueMart 2
The workflow is like follows,
When you save the products details on the backend , It calls a function store() on the product.php model. under administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/. Inside this function an area like follows.
if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelCustom')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'models'.DS.'custom.php');
It loading the custom model file from the same path and do the task inside saveModelCustomfields()
Hope it helps..

problem with 'datatable' jquery plugin and two table (ajax related)

i have two tabs that their content loads by ajax. both have a table in their content. i want to apply 'datatable' jquery plugin to both table. tables have the same id because they are create by a function.but their rows are different.
datatable plugin is applied to first tab table well but on the second one give this error:
"DataTables warning (table id = 'dttable'): Cannot reinitialise DataTable.
To retrieve the DataTables object for this table, please pass either no arguments to the dataTable() function, or set bRetrieve to true. Alternatively, to destory the old table and create a new one, set bDestroy to true (note that a lot of changes to the configuration can be made through the API which is usually much faster)."
i use "bDestroy":true in datatable plugin define.but in this way the plugin doesn't show in second table.
would you help me?
Your problem is that both tables have the same ID, which is invalid HTML. When you try to initialize the second Databable, your selector only finds the first table and tries to initialize Datatables on the first table again, which results in the error that you are getting.
You need to change your function to create each table with a unique ID and initialize each table by its respective ID.
Why not set the Datatables by a className rather than ID then it can apply to both of them?
When retrieving the data you can use something like $('.dataTableStyle').eq(1) to get information from the relevant one.
I'm using mvc3 and my problem was with initializing a dataTable in a view, then rendering a partial view with another dataTable. The issue was not in the id's of the 2 tables, but in the way the partial views get rendered in the framework. In my case, I had to move the script, or reference to the script, into the view that hosts the partial view. I had an issue similar to this using the Google Maps api.
try this code
$(document).ready(function() {
oTable = $('#DataTables_Table_0').dataTable({ //DataTables_Table_0 <-------table id
iVote: -1, //your field name
oTable.fnSort( [ [1,'desc'] ] );
use this in function event when you would change your table data
and add
"bRetrieve": true,
