How does beforeSaveAddressInformation plugin - magento

I was looking at this post: Magento 2 Add a custom input field on chackout forrm and save it
I have tried the same way but I am not sure how this part came
$customField = $shippingAddressExtensionAttributes->getFiscalCode();
Where is this getFiscalCode?
It's a Custom AttributeCode.

the getFiscalCode() method is an accessor method that is used to identity fields such as the one that is created with the extension attribute fiscal_code mentioned in the example.
It is not just extension attributes, but all collection models in magento use the following camel casing structure where for example the column entity_id in database table, can be accessed via either $modelCollection->getEntityId() or $modelCollection->setEntityId($valueOfEntityId)
This is a good read to understand the idea Magento 2: CRUD Models for Database Access


How to add another table column in searchable array in nova?

i am getting data from different different tables and i displayed all those in one section that section contains search button also, i want to add another resource field as a searchable item in nova ,i am trying to add based on the relation of the particular table but it's throwing an error undefined column, How to add please help..
public static $searchable=['id','name','account.type'];
Basically, the search by relationship is not possible through Nova.
A package well made for your needs is this one: LaravelNovaSearch
This package includes both relationship search but also has other useful features making the search much more comprehensive.
Another package, which I have not personally tested, but which seems to be useful for your needs: NovaSearchRelations
My advice is to use LaravelNovaSearch, more maintained and more complete.

How to fetch data from relationship in strapi.js?

I have created two content type builder which are category and sub-category respectively. While adding sub-category I had define one relationship which is one-to-many.
After creating successfully, I found that the basic CRUD API has been created and it works fine.
Now I need to find data like if I pass category-id then it has to return me it's all sub-category list.
Well, for this I can also write API manually, But I thought that strapi provides a feature of relationship though it may have some way to fetch data from the relationship table. In my app, I had set up a project with MySQL.
Expected output: Need a way to fetch data from a relation without writing custom API. Looking for inbuilt feature of strapi.
You have to use deep filtering.
📚Here is the documentation
So you will be able to do /categories?[your id]

How to create custom SpringBoot Crud Repository Methods to find specific details?

So i have 5 tables as Users,Orders,Products,Ingredients and nutrients,
Each is connected to adjacent table via #ManyToOne annotation.
What i am stuck at is how to find product details of a particular user for a particular order and similarly finding ingredients for a particular product for a particular order for a particular user and similarly for nutrients.
I know i have to declare custom crud methods according to a given syntax and i did so but still the method is not working.
Here is the link to the git repository
You can use Specification/Querydsl for defining custom criteria. Because we should use more than 3 parameters with AND suffix.
One more issue I have found in your code is that your property name not match with your method findByProductId() it should be findByProduct(Product product). Look same for others too.

Overview of all fluidcontent FCEs

For complex TYPO3 project using fluidcontent I'm looking for a tool, which show me the followering informations:
which FCE exists
how often and on what pages are they in use
which partials are used
which flux form fields are used (with name and type)
diposit some meta informations, e.g. tags, description ...
How would be the smartest way to implement this library in a typo3 project?
My idea is, to develop an extension which read the fluidcontent templates and show the informations in a frontend plugin with examples. But i have no idea to read out the information like "used partials" or "used flux form fields".
Any ideas?
FCE's are just cType elements in the tt_content table. you can write a simple query to count the different cTypes, thus gives you a list with all the used FCE's on your site. you can know on witch page they are used because every tt_content entry has a pageUId
for the flux fields. you will have to create a function that fetch all content elements that uses flux and then parse all the flexform fields. note that flux can also store data in other fields then flexform xml.
you can create a basic extbase plugin for this to show it in the front or backend

How VirtueMart sends the data when you save the custom fields in a product

first of all, sorry for my english, but I'll try to explain myself best I can.
My question is little tricky, because I made some important changes in the core code of VirtueMart.
For some reasons, I added an attribute to the Custom Fields, like Price, called Availability.
TIP: The admin site is in Spanish. Disponibilidad = Availability
So, now, when I try to change any value of any created Custom Field, I can't save it. I mean, I can change the value, but when I apply them, It doesn't be saved.
The only field that I can change, is the field I created, the Availability (ironically).
So, my principal question is, how does VirtueMart to pick up the data from the table and sends them to the database?
I work with
Joomla v.2.5.11
VirtueMart 2
The workflow is like follows,
When you save the products details on the backend , It calls a function store() on the product.php model. under administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/. Inside this function an area like follows.
if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelCustom')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'models'.DS.'custom.php');
It loading the custom model file from the same path and do the task inside saveModelCustomfields()
Hope it helps..
