Leaflet markercluster draggable - draggable

I'm trying to do a draggable marker cluster but unsuccessfully. I hace seen many examples to do it with simple markers but not with clusters. I have seen there are some events to catch for cluster group but I think it´s not possible.
Does anybody have tried to do it?


How to create UI for Spark AR?

I'm new to Spark AR and I'm having issues creating a UI that sticks to the screen rather than moving with the 3D object (I'm using plane tracking). Does anyone have a tutorial you followed or could tell me how to do it?
My end game is to have the user be able to switch between 3D models by touching two buttons.
Have you tried using a canvas object?
See here:

Integrate any D3.js Chart with DC.js

I am trying to figure out how to easily integrate any D3.js chart with the DC.js library so as to use the crossfilter feature between all charts.
I also do understand a question of this nature has been asked before, adding the link for reference:
DC.js - Listening for chart group render
I was unable to understand or follow the answer and the following comment threads where #Gordon even gave a small minimal example.
Can anyone help me out by putting out a sample code to better understand as to how I could do this? Let us say I would like to integrate a parallel coordinates D3.js chart with a basic DC.js Pie chart.
It would be really helpful to see a small basic example as to how to go about to achieve this. Thanks in advance.

three js clickable cube texture

I am new on the JavaScript and HTML. I am on learning process. I successfully made a cube and textured it. I also want to add different html link to open pages in "iframe".
I used the example of http://mrdoob.github.com/three.js/examples/canvas_geometry_cube.html
This is what I did http://olcaysahin.com/pages/cube.html
If anyone knows any tutorial or similar approach to make each face clickable, appreciated.
Have a look at http://mrdoob.github.com/three.js/examples/canvas_interactive_cubes.html.
The from variable intersects, you can determine which face was clicked on from either the faceIndex or the face normal.

Create Canvas handling events

I have a canvas , which have rectangles dynamically created in the code . (Around more then 100 rectangles .) I would like to have the event handling created for all the recatngles .
Instead of creating different event handling functions , I would like to have one event handling function and then , based on the rectangel which is clicked , handle the event correspondingly . I am new to this windows development .
Please share some light on this .
Thanks-Best Regards,
There's no built in way to do this. I've made a few tutorials to help people get started.
Let me just say that this would be easier to do in SVG if that's all you need.
In canvas there is no way to handle individually created elements inside the canvas. You can implement it programmatically. If they are just plain rectangles then may be divs are better alternative. If they can be any drawing you need to capture the mouse move events on the canvas. Find the location of mouse move event and use a formula to find if the mouse is inside any drawing or not. I have implemented same thing for polygonic shapes. All I do is that find the mouse coordinated and then check if the coordinate lies inside any shape.

Irrlicht Human Mesh Animation

does anybody know how anime(move) Human body Parts in Irrlicht.
I only found Animathion for the whole mesh.
I´m using makehuman.org mesh and want only to move the hand or the leg in irrlicht. There are riggins and bones in the mesh but I dont know how to move them in Irrlicht.
pls help a noob.
thx in advance
With a quick google search, you would have found this wiki page…
All you need to know is the names of the bones of your mesh and get them as IBoneSceneNodes using IAnimatedMeshSceneNode's getJointNode method.
A IBoneSceneNode can be animated and moved around like any regular scene node.
