AEM:OSGI sling service activate method not being executed - osgi

I am trying to create a very basic sling service in AEM:
package com.mypackage;
* A simple service interface
public interface TestService {
* #return the name of the underlying JCR repository implementation
public String getPropertyName();
The implementation class:
package com.mymypackage.impl;
import javax.jcr.Repository;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.mypackage.TestService;
#Component(label = "Title", description = "Description.", immediate = true, metatype = true, policy = ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE)
#Service(value = {TestService.class})
#Property(name = "propertyPath", label = "Property Label", description = "Property Desc.")
public class TestServiceImpl implements TestService {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestServiceImpl.class);
String propertyPath = null;
public void activate(ComponentContext ctx) {
Dictionary properties = ctx.getProperties();
String propertyPath =(String)properties.get("propertyPath");"====================getPropertyName activate========================"+propertyPath);
this.propertyPath = propertyPath;
public String getPropertyName() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub"====================getPropertyName========================"+propertyPath);
return propertyPath;
and I have created a node of type sling:OsgiConfig inside the config folder. The name of this node is com.mypackage.impl.TestServiceImpl.xml and are the content of it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jcr:root xmlns:sling="" xmlns:jcr=""
and this is how I am trying to use it inside a Java class:
public static String getTestService() {
TestService testService = new TestServiceImpl();
String prop = testService.getPropertyName();
return prop;
This method is being called from a JSP using customtaglib (method being mapped through a .tld file)
When I use this approach the activate method inside the HelloServiceImpl class is not called and hence the property is not set. But when I use the service inside a component JSP like this:
<%#page import=""%>
<%#page import=""%>
Configuration conf = sling.getService("Name of the config");
String myProp = (String) conf.getProperties().get("property key");
everything works fine. There is something really wrong I must be doing while trying to call the service from a Java class. How can I use that approach. I don't want to use scriptlet inside JSP. Also, any best practices would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance

OSGi Services work within a life cycle which manages the creation and deletion of the Service instances.
As part of the container management of these instances, when the container creates the instance it calls the activation method with the appropriate values. So that the property can be assigned.
What you are doing in your first code snippet:
TestService testService = new TestServiceImpl();
String prop = testService.getPropertyName();
Is not using the containers version of your component. Your using the direct implementation and bypassing the container management.
To use the instance that is managed by the container. You need to request it from the container.
Which is exactly what your second snippet shows
Is requesting the best matching service from the container.
To access a service from the container. You either need to be a Service yourself. Which you can do by the #Reference annotation.
You mentioned however being in a taglib which makes things a bit more complicated. You need to obtain a reference to the SlingScriptHelper which can be obtained from the pageContext like this;
ServletRequest request = pageContext.getRequest();
final SlingBindings bindings = (SlingBindings) request
final SlingScriptHelper scriptHelper = bindings.getSling();
TestService service= scriptHelper

The problem is, that sometimes when you try to re-install a bundle, some old compiled classess are not removed and replaced with a new one. Try to remove the /var/classes and/or /var/clientlibs nodes and re-install your projects.

This may also be useful, if you are unable to use #Reference annotation for injecting your service
// get the service component
TestServiceImpl testService = getSlingScriptHelper().getService(TestServiceImpl.class);


Overriding repository endpoints automatically created by Spring Data Rest

I have a Spring project with spring-data-rest as a dependency. I have quite a number of repositories in my project, which spring-data-rest automatically created REST API endpoints for. This suited my needs pretty well until now. Now I have a requirement to change the default functionality of one endpoint for all my repositories, specifically, /BASE_PATH/REPOSITORY. This path responds with a paged list of all records of my db.
Now I want to reimplement this endpoint for all my repositories. This is where I am hitting a roadblock. I tried
public class MyTableResource {
private MyTableService myTableService;
public MyTableResource(MyTableService myTableService) {
this.myTableService = myTableService;
#GetMapping(value = "/api/v1/myTables", produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity getMyTables(#QuerydslPredicate(root = MyTable.class) Predicate predicate) throws NoSuchMethodException {
// My custom implementation
Now this somewhat works but the problem is I need to write almost the same code for all my repositories. I tried #GetMapping(value = "/api/v1/{repository}", produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE) but this is also matching /api/v1/notarepository which I have implemented separately.
Also, even if I do #GetMapping(value = "/api/v1/{repository}", produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE) I would like to get a handle to a repository object (MyTable) using {repository} path variable, which would be myTables in this case.
In short, I want to write a single custom controller for all my repositories, since the logic would be the same for each of them, while making sure the correct repository is called based on the path called also making sure that any path variables I introduce does not hide other controller classes I have written.
More things I have tried
I was attempting to get paged HATEOAS resource objects automatically from my list of entities. For this I found that I can use PagedResourceAssembler
public class MyTableResource {
private MyTableService myTableService;
public MyTableResource(MyTableService myTableService) {
this.myTableService = myTableService;
#GetMapping(value = "/api/v1/myTables", produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity getMyTables(#QuerydslPredicate(root = MyTable.class) Predicate predicate, PagedResourcesAssembler<Object> pagedResourcesAssembler) throws NoSuchMethodException {
// My custom implementation
return ResponseEntity.ok(pagedResourcesAssembler.toResource(myTableList);
This gives me a good response with the required links for the page but does not give links per entity. Then I found I can hook up PersistentEntityResourceAssembler and pass it to toResource above so I did
public class MyTableResource {
private MyTableService myTableService;
public MyTableResource(MyTableService myTableService) {
this.myTableService = myTableService;
#GetMapping(value = "/api/v1/myTables", produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity getMyTables(#QuerydslPredicate(root = MyTable.class) Predicate predicate, PagedResourcesAssembler<Object> pagedResourcesAssembler, PersistentEntityResourceAssembler assembler) throws NoSuchMethodException {
// My custom implementation
return ResponseEntity.ok(pagedResourcesAssembler.toResource(myTableList, assembler);
This does not work as reported in How to have PersistentEntityResourceAssembler injected into request methods of custom #RepositoryRestController in a #WebMvcTest unit test .
It kind of works if I replace #RestController with RepositoryRestController but then Predicate stops working as mentioned in .
So, I tried using #QuerydslPredicate RootResourceInformation resourceInformation instead of #QuerydslPredicate(root = MyTable.class) Predicate predicate. This also did not work as my controller endpoint does not have /{repository} in it.
Then I tried setting #GetMapping(value = "/{repository}" produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE). This threw a mapping conflict error.
So I am completely stuck as to what to do next.
You can extend the default behavior provided by Spring Data Rest by extending RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration.
RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration has a DelegatingHandlerMapping bean which holds a list of HandlerMapping. Spring iterates over this list and tries to find a handler for the request. The order of this list is important. The first one gets picked up first for the execution. So if we add a new handler in front of the ones we already have then our HandlerMapping will be called.
You can use whatever logic you want to find the handler for the request. In your case, this would be if the path variable is a repository name.
The following code adds a new handler:
import org.springframework.beans.factory.ObjectFactory;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionService;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerExecutionChain;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerMapping;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.List;
public class CustomRestMvcConfiguration extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration {
public CustomRestMvcConfiguration(ApplicationContext context,
ObjectFactory<ConversionService> conversionService) {
super(context, conversionService);
#Override public DelegatingHandlerMapping restHandlerMapping() {
DelegatingHandlerMapping delegatingHandlerMapping = super.restHandlerMapping();
List<HandlerMapping> delegates = delegatingHandlerMapping.getDelegates();
delegates.add(0, new HandlerMapping() {
#Override public HandlerExecutionChain getHandler(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
//Your custom logic to decide if you should handle the request
//If you don't want to handle the request return null
return null;
return new DelegatingHandlerMapping(delegates);
Hope this helps!
Note: RepositoryRestHandlerMapping is the default one you can check it while writing your logic. It might be helpful.

AEM CQ5 passing SlingHttpServletRequest Object to a service

I am trying to pass SlingRequest object from a component jsp to a osgi service as follows. But the service is not getting registered. (not sure why?)
<c:set var="inverterData" value='<%=sling.getService(InverterFactory.class).getOverview(slingRequest, resourceResolver)%>' scope="request" />
Question : Is it allowed to pass a SlingRequest object from a component jsp to a osgi service ? If it is allowed, why my service not getting registered. If I take out SlingRequest object, the service is getting registered and I am able to call the service from jsp.
including your OOTB /libs/foundation/global.jsp makes you to get the default tag libs, sling objects and CQ objects defined.
when you pass the fully qualified name of the service to sling.getService method, SlingRepository gets injected into service by the OSGi bundle managed component.
In your code snippet sling.getService(InverterFactory.class) the service is obtained from the sling SlingScriptHelper object to retrieve OSGi services available in Sling, and this generally will be called on the interface. After your creation of a Service object by using sling.getService, you can invoke any methods exposed by that service.
Have a look at the ScriptHelper api documentation and sling scripting variables
try code snippet below
<% your.qualified.path.InverterFactory Invfac = sling.getService(your.qualified.path.InverterFactory.class); %>
<c:set var="inverterData" value='<%=Invfac.getOverview(slingRequest, resourceResolver)%>' scope="request" />
also i don't think SlingRequest object should cause any problem, i have tried your code snippet syntax and just returned some string from OSGI service, it works fine. Below is my example
HelloService Interface
public interface HelloService {
public String getRepositoryName();
public String getRepositoryName(SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest, ResourceResolver resourceResolver);
#Component(metatype = false)
public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService {
protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private SlingRepository repository;
public String getRepositoryName() {
return repository.getDescriptor(Repository.REP_NAME_DESC);
public String getRepositoryName(SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest, ResourceResolver resourceResolver) {"*** Inside my interface impl OSGI ***");
String returnstr = repository.getDescriptor(Repository.REP_NAME_DESC)+" Data from OSGI";
//return repository.getDescriptor(Repository.REP_NAME_DESC);
return returnstr;
<%# page import="com.mycompany.myrestservice.HelloService" %>
com.mycompany.myrestservice.HelloService hs = sling.getService(com.mycompany.myrestservice.HelloService.class);
String repo = hs.getRepositoryName() ;
out.println("myrepo::" + repo);
<c:set var="inverteraa" value='<%=sling.getService(com.mycompany.myrestservice.HelloService.class).getRepositoryName(slingRequest,resourceResolver)%>' />
<c:out value="${inverteraa}"/>

Deserialise JSON fields based on user role

I have some fields in a model that I only want to be returned when the logged in user has the role ROLE_ADMIN. I can use #JsonIgnore but that hides it for everyone. How can I make it hide dynamically?
You should use Jackson Json Views technology to acheive it - it allows to choose a different set of fields to be serialized programatically. It is also supported by Spring
Consider you have a class Model with two properties: commonField which should be available for everyone and secretField which should be available only for certain users. You should create an hierarchy of views (any classes would work) and specify which field is available in which view using #JsonView annotation
package com.stackoverflow.jsonview;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonView;
public class Model {
public static class Public {}
public static class Secret extends Public {}
private String commonField;
private String secretField;
public Model() {
public Model(String commonField, String secretField) {
this.commonField = commonField;
this.secretField = secretField;
public String getCommonField() {
return commonField;
public void setCommonField(String commonField) {
this.commonField = commonField;
public String getSecretField() {
return secretField;
public void setSecretField(String secretField) {
this.secretField = secretField;
Now you can specify the view you want to use in concrete ObjectMapper
package com.stackoverflow.jsonview;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class ModelTest {
public void testSecretField() throws JsonProcessingException {
Model model = new Model("commonField","secretField");
assertEquals("{\"commonField\":\"commonField\",\"secretField\":\"secretField\"}", new ObjectMapper().writerWithView(Model.Secret.class).writeValueAsString(model));
assertEquals("{\"commonField\":\"commonField\"}", new ObjectMapper().writerWithView(Model.Public.class).writeValueAsString(model));
I am not sure if you can use declaratie approach to make spring choose the right view based on user role out of the box, so probably you will have to write some code like this:
public String getData(HttpServletRequest request) {
Model model = service.getModel();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper = request.isUserInRole("ROLE_ADMIN") ? objectMapper.writerWithView(Model.Secret.class) : objectMapper.writerWithView(Model.Public.class);
return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(model);
I solved this after literally a full month of trying various things. I'm working with Spring 4.3.1 and boot, with data being returned in Hal using a pagedrepository.
extend RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration as MyRepositoryRestMvcConfiguration and add #Configuration to the class, make sure your starter class has #EnableWebMvc
add this to MyRepositoryRestMvcConfiguration- extend TypeConstrainedMappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter as MyResourceSupportHttpMessageConverter
add this to MyRepositoryRestMvcConfiguration
public TypeConstrainedMappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter halJacksonHttpMessageConverter() {
ArrayList<MediaType> mediaTypes = new ArrayList<MediaType>();
if (config().useHalAsDefaultJsonMediaType()) {
int order = config().useHalAsDefaultJsonMediaType() ? Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE - 10
TypeConstrainedMappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter converter = new MyResourceSupportHttpMessageConverter(
converter.getObjectMapper().addMixIn(Object.class, MyFilteringMixin.class);
final FilterProvider myRestrictionFilterProvider = new SimpleFilterProvider()
.addFilter("MyFilteringMixin", new MyPropertyFilter()).setFailOnUnknownId(false);
return converter;
Create an empty Mixin
package filters;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFilter;
public class MyFilteringMixin {}
Create an empty Mixin
create class MyPropertyFilter extending SimpleBeanPropertyFilter and override adapt this method
serializeAsField(Object, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider, PropertyWriter)you need to call either super.serializeAsField(pPojo, pJgen, pProvider, pWriter) or pWriter.serializeAsOmittedField(pPojo, pJgen, pProvider) depending on whether you wish to include or discard this particular field.
I added an annotation to the particular fields I wanted to alter and interrogated that annotation when deciding which of these two to call. I injected the security role and stored permitted roles in the annotation.
This alters what Hal shares out to the caller, not what Hal is holding in its repository. Thus you can morph it depending on who the caller is.

How to replace a constructor injected object with mocked object in spock

I know that the question is very big but I just want to clear the situation i am into.
I am working on an application that consumes the JMS messages from the message broker.
We are using camel route on the consumer side. All the object required in route builder are injected through constructor injection using spring .
I want to mock the behavior of the actual processing, Once the consumer receives the message from the queue. All the classes gets loaded via the spring configuration.
Below are the three classes:
public CustomRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder{
private CustomRouteAdapter customAdapter;
public CustomRouteBuilder (CustomRouteAdapter customAdapter){
this.customAdapter = customAdapter
public void configure(RouteDefinition route){
public class CustomRouteAdapter {
private Orchestrator orchestrator;
public CustomRouteAdapter (Orchestrator orchestrator){
this.orchestrator = orchestrator;
public void process(String message){
orchestrator.generate(message) ;
public class Orchestrator{
private Service service;
public Orchestrator(Service service){
this.service = service;
public void generateData(String message){
As per our requirement we have to load this configuration file and then write the functional test using spock.
Below is my
CustomRouteBuilderTest.groovy file.
import org.springframework.test.util.ReflectionTestUtils
import spock.lang.Specification
class CustomRouteBuilderTest extends Specification{
private static final String message = "Hello";
Orchestrator orchestrator;
CustomRouteAdapter customRouteAdapter;
def setup(){
orchestrator = Mock(Orchestrator)
orchestrator.generate(message )
private String getMessageAsJson() {
//return json string;
private String getMessage() {
// return message;
private Map<String, Object> doMakeHeaders() {
//Create message headers
private void doSendMessage(){
Map<String,Object> messageHeader = doMakeHeaders()
byte [] message = getMessageAsJson().getBytes()
CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext()
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(jmsBrokerUrl)
ProducerTemplate template = context.createProducerTemplate()
template.sendBodyAndHeaders("queueName", message, messageHeader)
def "test message consumption"(){
static class Config{
The problem that here is even though I inject the mocked object to the adapter using ReflectionTestUtils , I am not able to define its behavior correctly.
And when the message is received the orchestrator tries to process it.
My Requirement is that:
Adapter should be called from the camel route automatically which happens but
when the orechestrator.generate is called from the adapter then nothing should happen it should simply return.
But here nothing like that is going on.
Each time I send a message the consumer(RouteBuilder) receives it and calls the handler function which then calls the
function and the orchestrator starts processing and throws an exception from service level.
Any one can please help me on this.
I suppose your beans have been proxified by Spring, and this proxy use cglib (because you see CustomRouteBuilder$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$ad2783ae).
If it's really the case, you didn't #Autowired in your test the real instance of your CustomRouteAdapter but a cglib proxy: Spring creates a new class, extending the realclass, and overriding all the methods of this class. The new method delegate to the real instance.
When you change the orchestrator field, you are in reality changing the orchestrator field of the proxy, which is not used by the real instance.
There are severals ways to achieve what you want to do:
add a setOrchestrator method in CustomRouteAdapter
create the mock in your spring configuration and let spring inject this mock instead of a real instance of Orchestrator
Inject the orchestrator in the real instance (ugly - I didn't recommend you that, it didn't help in the testability of your code!) = _themock_

Using #ExceptionHandler or some other annotation that would work like a Spring 4.1 AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler

I would like to configure and use a Spring 4.1 AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler. According to the Spring team (see relevant comment here) one will be able to configure an AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler either by with the <task:annotation-driven> or by implementing AsyncConfigurer as shown here:
public AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler getAsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler() {
return new SimpleAsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler() ;
Now my question is as follows: Is there another web-layer annotation similar to #ExceptionHandler that would work like a AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler?
As stated in the comment, here's an approach I've taken:
It's about async data imports so all classes are called Import...
What I did not do (yet) is the uncaught exception handling, but reading your post made me think about it and it should be straight forward with Spring-AOP wrapping the Importer.process() methods. This will not be global solution but it would be adaptable for a complete application by using a more generalized Result object.
The Controller uses the ImportRequests to get processing (or done) messages. The Importer itself is not removing the results from the map but this is delegated to the controller instead (A user is clicking delete). We also have a #Scheduled task which cleans up done results after 1 hour to ensure there are not left-overs.
So here's part of the code that the Controller is able to get import results during processing:
public class ImportRequests {
private final Map<User, ImportResult> importRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** Add, remove, get methods for current user omitted */
public class ImportResult {
/** The done. */
private Future<Boolean> done;
/** The error messages. */
private List<String> messages = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());;
public class ImportService {
private ImportRequests importRequests;
private Importer importer;
public ImportResult doImport(final ImportForm importForm) {
ImportResult result = new ImportResult();
/* This is the actual Async call (process) */
return result;
public class ImporterImpl implements Importer {
* doProcess will import the *big* file and update the result object with the necessary messages
public Future<Boolean> process(ImportResult result) {
Boolean done = doProcess(result);
return new AsyncResult<Boolean>(done);
Hope this helps.
Original Text:
One possibility that I have used is the "#ControllerAdvice" on a class scanned by the servletcontext.
You simply create a method with the exception as a parameter and annotate that method with "#ExceptionHandler". You can even have multiple handlers for specific exception types.
The result of these methods are again handled by the DispatcherServlet, so you can render a view the same way as with request mappings.
