Deserialise JSON fields based on user role - spring

I have some fields in a model that I only want to be returned when the logged in user has the role ROLE_ADMIN. I can use #JsonIgnore but that hides it for everyone. How can I make it hide dynamically?

You should use Jackson Json Views technology to acheive it - it allows to choose a different set of fields to be serialized programatically. It is also supported by Spring
Consider you have a class Model with two properties: commonField which should be available for everyone and secretField which should be available only for certain users. You should create an hierarchy of views (any classes would work) and specify which field is available in which view using #JsonView annotation
package com.stackoverflow.jsonview;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonView;
public class Model {
public static class Public {}
public static class Secret extends Public {}
private String commonField;
private String secretField;
public Model() {
public Model(String commonField, String secretField) {
this.commonField = commonField;
this.secretField = secretField;
public String getCommonField() {
return commonField;
public void setCommonField(String commonField) {
this.commonField = commonField;
public String getSecretField() {
return secretField;
public void setSecretField(String secretField) {
this.secretField = secretField;
Now you can specify the view you want to use in concrete ObjectMapper
package com.stackoverflow.jsonview;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class ModelTest {
public void testSecretField() throws JsonProcessingException {
Model model = new Model("commonField","secretField");
assertEquals("{\"commonField\":\"commonField\",\"secretField\":\"secretField\"}", new ObjectMapper().writerWithView(Model.Secret.class).writeValueAsString(model));
assertEquals("{\"commonField\":\"commonField\"}", new ObjectMapper().writerWithView(Model.Public.class).writeValueAsString(model));
I am not sure if you can use declaratie approach to make spring choose the right view based on user role out of the box, so probably you will have to write some code like this:
public String getData(HttpServletRequest request) {
Model model = service.getModel();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper = request.isUserInRole("ROLE_ADMIN") ? objectMapper.writerWithView(Model.Secret.class) : objectMapper.writerWithView(Model.Public.class);
return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(model);

I solved this after literally a full month of trying various things. I'm working with Spring 4.3.1 and boot, with data being returned in Hal using a pagedrepository.
extend RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration as MyRepositoryRestMvcConfiguration and add #Configuration to the class, make sure your starter class has #EnableWebMvc
add this to MyRepositoryRestMvcConfiguration- extend TypeConstrainedMappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter as MyResourceSupportHttpMessageConverter
add this to MyRepositoryRestMvcConfiguration
public TypeConstrainedMappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter halJacksonHttpMessageConverter() {
ArrayList<MediaType> mediaTypes = new ArrayList<MediaType>();
if (config().useHalAsDefaultJsonMediaType()) {
int order = config().useHalAsDefaultJsonMediaType() ? Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE - 10
TypeConstrainedMappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter converter = new MyResourceSupportHttpMessageConverter(
converter.getObjectMapper().addMixIn(Object.class, MyFilteringMixin.class);
final FilterProvider myRestrictionFilterProvider = new SimpleFilterProvider()
.addFilter("MyFilteringMixin", new MyPropertyFilter()).setFailOnUnknownId(false);
return converter;
Create an empty Mixin
package filters;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFilter;
public class MyFilteringMixin {}
Create an empty Mixin
create class MyPropertyFilter extending SimpleBeanPropertyFilter and override adapt this method
serializeAsField(Object, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider, PropertyWriter)you need to call either super.serializeAsField(pPojo, pJgen, pProvider, pWriter) or pWriter.serializeAsOmittedField(pPojo, pJgen, pProvider) depending on whether you wish to include or discard this particular field.
I added an annotation to the particular fields I wanted to alter and interrogated that annotation when deciding which of these two to call. I injected the security role and stored permitted roles in the annotation.
This alters what Hal shares out to the caller, not what Hal is holding in its repository. Thus you can morph it depending on who the caller is.


quarkus with json-b and private property visibility

In json-b, I can use a custom PropertyVisibilityStrategy. What is the behaviour for quarkus if I use the following:
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import javax.json.bind.config.PropertyVisibilityStrategy;
* Enables private property visibility
* and disables method visibility for JSON-B processings.
public final class PrivateVisibilityStrategy implements PropertyVisibilityStrategy {
public boolean isVisible(Field field) {
return true;
public boolean isVisible(Method method) {
return false;
and then on a class I can use
#JsonbVisibility(value = PrivateVisibilityStrategy.class)
public class User {
// only fields are used for json mappings because of "PrivateVisibilityStrategy"
Will quarkus use reflection for such cases (because it must use field access)?
If yes, should I avoid such cases in quarkus to avoid reflection to improve performance?
Should I always avoid field access in quarkus by reflections? Or does quarkus use java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles for such cases behind the scene?
I was able to do this using a class like this:
public class JsonConfigurator implements JsonbConfigCustomizer {
public void customize(JsonbConfig config) {
config.withPropertyVisibilityStrategy(new PrivateVisibilityStrategy());
PrivateVisibilityStrategyis just like you posted.

Overriding repository endpoints automatically created by Spring Data Rest

I have a Spring project with spring-data-rest as a dependency. I have quite a number of repositories in my project, which spring-data-rest automatically created REST API endpoints for. This suited my needs pretty well until now. Now I have a requirement to change the default functionality of one endpoint for all my repositories, specifically, /BASE_PATH/REPOSITORY. This path responds with a paged list of all records of my db.
Now I want to reimplement this endpoint for all my repositories. This is where I am hitting a roadblock. I tried
public class MyTableResource {
private MyTableService myTableService;
public MyTableResource(MyTableService myTableService) {
this.myTableService = myTableService;
#GetMapping(value = "/api/v1/myTables", produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity getMyTables(#QuerydslPredicate(root = MyTable.class) Predicate predicate) throws NoSuchMethodException {
// My custom implementation
Now this somewhat works but the problem is I need to write almost the same code for all my repositories. I tried #GetMapping(value = "/api/v1/{repository}", produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE) but this is also matching /api/v1/notarepository which I have implemented separately.
Also, even if I do #GetMapping(value = "/api/v1/{repository}", produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE) I would like to get a handle to a repository object (MyTable) using {repository} path variable, which would be myTables in this case.
In short, I want to write a single custom controller for all my repositories, since the logic would be the same for each of them, while making sure the correct repository is called based on the path called also making sure that any path variables I introduce does not hide other controller classes I have written.
More things I have tried
I was attempting to get paged HATEOAS resource objects automatically from my list of entities. For this I found that I can use PagedResourceAssembler
public class MyTableResource {
private MyTableService myTableService;
public MyTableResource(MyTableService myTableService) {
this.myTableService = myTableService;
#GetMapping(value = "/api/v1/myTables", produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity getMyTables(#QuerydslPredicate(root = MyTable.class) Predicate predicate, PagedResourcesAssembler<Object> pagedResourcesAssembler) throws NoSuchMethodException {
// My custom implementation
return ResponseEntity.ok(pagedResourcesAssembler.toResource(myTableList);
This gives me a good response with the required links for the page but does not give links per entity. Then I found I can hook up PersistentEntityResourceAssembler and pass it to toResource above so I did
public class MyTableResource {
private MyTableService myTableService;
public MyTableResource(MyTableService myTableService) {
this.myTableService = myTableService;
#GetMapping(value = "/api/v1/myTables", produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity getMyTables(#QuerydslPredicate(root = MyTable.class) Predicate predicate, PagedResourcesAssembler<Object> pagedResourcesAssembler, PersistentEntityResourceAssembler assembler) throws NoSuchMethodException {
// My custom implementation
return ResponseEntity.ok(pagedResourcesAssembler.toResource(myTableList, assembler);
This does not work as reported in How to have PersistentEntityResourceAssembler injected into request methods of custom #RepositoryRestController in a #WebMvcTest unit test .
It kind of works if I replace #RestController with RepositoryRestController but then Predicate stops working as mentioned in .
So, I tried using #QuerydslPredicate RootResourceInformation resourceInformation instead of #QuerydslPredicate(root = MyTable.class) Predicate predicate. This also did not work as my controller endpoint does not have /{repository} in it.
Then I tried setting #GetMapping(value = "/{repository}" produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE). This threw a mapping conflict error.
So I am completely stuck as to what to do next.
You can extend the default behavior provided by Spring Data Rest by extending RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration.
RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration has a DelegatingHandlerMapping bean which holds a list of HandlerMapping. Spring iterates over this list and tries to find a handler for the request. The order of this list is important. The first one gets picked up first for the execution. So if we add a new handler in front of the ones we already have then our HandlerMapping will be called.
You can use whatever logic you want to find the handler for the request. In your case, this would be if the path variable is a repository name.
The following code adds a new handler:
import org.springframework.beans.factory.ObjectFactory;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionService;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerExecutionChain;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerMapping;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.List;
public class CustomRestMvcConfiguration extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration {
public CustomRestMvcConfiguration(ApplicationContext context,
ObjectFactory<ConversionService> conversionService) {
super(context, conversionService);
#Override public DelegatingHandlerMapping restHandlerMapping() {
DelegatingHandlerMapping delegatingHandlerMapping = super.restHandlerMapping();
List<HandlerMapping> delegates = delegatingHandlerMapping.getDelegates();
delegates.add(0, new HandlerMapping() {
#Override public HandlerExecutionChain getHandler(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
//Your custom logic to decide if you should handle the request
//If you don't want to handle the request return null
return null;
return new DelegatingHandlerMapping(delegates);
Hope this helps!
Note: RepositoryRestHandlerMapping is the default one you can check it while writing your logic. It might be helpful.

BIRT: scripted datasource cannot access public methods

I´m trying to set up a scripted Datasource using pojos from my app (java 1.8).
I embedded a reportengine (4.4.0) in my app via maven and created a report with a scripted datasourse. The pojos can be seen by the report.
bookSrv =;
I can access static methods of my object, but whatever i try, accessing public methods or fields results in an exception.
books = bookSrv.books;
org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException: Java class "" has no public instance field or method named "books". (/report/data-sets/script-data-set[#id="5"]/method[#name="open"]#11)
books = bookSrv.showMyBooks('Peter');
org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException: Java class "" has no public instance field or method named "showMyBooks". (/report/data-sets/script-data-set[#id="5"]/method[#name="open"]#11)
books ='Peter');
works like expected. (Simply a static wrapper around my method)
here is my java class:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class ReportDataService {
public ReportDataService() {
books = showMyBooks("Peter");
private List<BookDto> books;
public List<BookDto> getBooks() {
return books;
public void setBooks(List<BookDto> books) {
this.books = books;
public List<BookDto> showMyBooks(String commodity){
BookDto dto = new BookDto(12l, "otto", "My", 12l);
List<BookDto> books = new ArrayList<>();
dto = new BookDto(122l, "paul", "My", 122l);
return books;
public static List<BookDto> myBooksStatic(String commodity){
ReportDataService rep = new ReportDataService();
return rep.showMyBooks(commodity);
Many thanks
shouldn't it be
bookSrv = new;
instead of
bookSrv =;
With the second one, bookSrv will be the Java class ReportDataService (which is an object in Rhinoscript), not an instance of the class.

Jackson #JsonFilter is not getting applied when used at field or method level

I am using Spring version 4.3.3 and Jackson version 2.8.3. I am trying to filter out specific fields from an entity bean based on some custom logic that is determined at runtime. The #JsonFilter seems ideal for this type of functionality. The problem is that when I put it at the field or method level, my custom filter never gets invoked. If I put it at the class level, it gets invoked just fine. I don't want to use it at the class level though since then I would need to separately maintain the list of hardcoded field names that I want to apply the logic to. As of Jackson 2.3, the ability to put this annotation at the field level is supposed to exist.
Here is the most basic custom filter without any custom logic yet:
public class MyFilter extends SimpleBeanPropertyFilter {
protected boolean include(BeanPropertyWriter beanPropertyWriter) {
return true;
protected boolean include(PropertyWriter propertyWriter) {
return true;
Then I have the Jackson ObjectMapper configuration:
public class MyObjectMapper extends ObjectMapper {
public MyObjectMapper () {
SimpleFilterProvider filterProvider = new SimpleFilterProvider();
filterProvider.addFilter("myFilter", new MyFilter());
Then finally I have my entity bean:
public class Project implements Serializable {
private Long id;
private Long version;
#JsonFilter("myFilter") private String name;
#JsonFilter("myFilter") private String description;
// getters and setters
If I move the #JsonFilter annotation to the class level where #Entity is, the filter at least gets invoked, but when it is at the field level like in the example here, it never gets invoked.
I have the same need but after examining the unit tests I discovered that this is not the use-case covered by annotating a field.
Annotating a field invokes a filter on the value of the field not the instance containing the field. For example, imagine you have to classes, A and B, where A contains a field of type B.
class A {
#JsonFilter("myFilter") B foo;
Jackson applies "myFilter" to the fields in B not in A. Since your example contains fields of type String, which has no fields, Jackson never invokes your filter.
I have a need to exclude certain fields based on the caller's permissions. For example, an employee's profile may contain his taxpayer id, which is considered sensitive information and should only be serialized if the caller is a member of the Payrole department. Since I'm using Spring Security, I wish to integrate Jackson with the current security context.
public class EmployeeProfile {
private String givenName;
private String surname;
private String emailAddress;
private String taxpayerId;
The most obvious way to do this is to Jackson's filter mechanism but it has a few limitations:
Jackson does not support nested filters so adding an access filter prohibits using filters for any other purpose.
One cannot add Jackson annotations to existing, third-party classes.
Jackson filters are not designed to be generic. The intent is to write a custom filter for each class you wish to apply filtering. For example, I you need to filter classes A and B, then you have to write an AFilter and a BFilter.
For my use-case, the solution is to use a custom annotation introspector in conjunction with a chaining filter.
public class VisibilityAnnotationIntrospector extends JacksonAnnotationIntrospector {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Object findFilterId(Annotated a) {
Object result = super.findFilterId(a);
if (null != result) return result;
// By always returning a value, we cause Jackson to query the filter provider.
// A more sophisticated solution will introspect the annotated class and only
// return a value if the class contains annotated properties.
return a instanceof AnnotatedClass ? VisibilityFilterProvider.FILTER_ID : null;
This is basically a copy SimpleBeanProvider that replaces calls to include with calls to isVisible. I'll probably update this to use a Java 8 BiPredicate to make the solution more general but works for now.
This class also takes another filter as an argument and will delegate to it the final decision on whether to serialize the field if the field is visible.
public class AuthorizationFilter extends SimpleBeanPropertyFilter {
private final PropertyFilter antecedent;
public AuthorizationFilter() {
public AuthorizationFilter(final PropertyFilter filter) {
this.antecedent = null != filter ? filter : serializeAll();
public void serializeAsField(Object bean, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider, BeanPropertyWriter writer) throws Exception {
if (isVisible(bean, writer)) {
this.antecedent.serializeAsField(bean, jgen, provider, writer);
} else if (!jgen.canOmitFields()) { // since 2.3
writer.serializeAsOmittedField(bean, jgen, provider);
public void serializeAsField(Object pojo, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider, PropertyWriter writer) throws Exception {
if (isVisible(pojo, writer)) {
this.antecedent.serializeAsField(pojo, jgen, provider, writer);
} else if (!jgen.canOmitFields()) { // since 2.3
writer.serializeAsOmittedField(pojo, jgen, provider);
public void serializeAsElement(Object elementValue, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider, PropertyWriter writer) throws Exception {
if (isVisible(elementValue, writer)) {
this.antecedent.serializeAsElement(elementValue, jgen, provider, writer);
private static boolean isVisible(Object pojo, PropertyWriter writer) {
// Code to determine if the field should be serialized.
I then add a custom filter provider to each instance of ObjectMapper.
public class VisibilityFilterProvider extends SimpleFilterProvider {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
static final String FILTER_ID = "dummy-filter-id";
public BeanPropertyFilter findFilter(Object filterId) {
return super.findFilter(filterId);
public PropertyFilter findPropertyFilter(Object filterId, Object valueToFilter) {
if (FILTER_ID.equals(filterId)) {
// This implies that the class did not have an explict filter annotation.
return new AuthorizationFilter(null);
// The class has an explicit filter annotation so delegate to it.
final PropertyFilter antecedent = super.findPropertyFilter(filterId, valueToFilter);
return new VisibilityPropertyFilter(antecedent);
Finally, I have a Jackson module that automatically registers the custom annotaion introspector so I don't have to add it to each ObjectMapper instance manually.
public class FieldVisibilityModule extends SimpleModule {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public FieldVisibilityModule() {
public void setupModule(Module.SetupContext context) {
// Append after other introspectors (instead of before) since
// explicit annotations should have precedence
context.appendAnnotationIntrospector(new VisibilityAnnotationIntrospector());
There are more improvements that can be made and I still have more unit tests to write (e.g., handling arrays and collections) but this is the basic strategy I used.
You can try this approach for the same purpose:
strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE
discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING,
length = 2
name = "project"
use = Id.CLASS,
include = As.PROPERTY,
property = "#class"
value = BasicProject.class,
name = "basicProject"
value = AdvanceProject.class,
name = "advanceProject"
public abstract class Project {
private Long id;
private Long version;
public class AdvanceProject extends Project {
private String name;
private String description;
public class BasicProject extends Project {
private String name;
I don't think you will make it work. I was trying and these are results of my investigation, maybe it will be helpful.
First of all, as #Faron noticed, the #JsonFilterannotation is applied for the class being annotated not a field.
Secondly, I see things this way. Let's imagine, somewhere in Jackson internals you are able to get the actual field. You can figure out if there is the annotation using Java Reflection API. You can even get the filter name. Then you get to the filter and pass the field value there. But it happens at runtime, how will you get the corresponding JsonSerializer of the field type if you decide to serialize the field? It is impossible because of type erasure.
The only alternative I see is to forget about dynamic logic. Then you can do the following things:
1) extend JacksonAnnotationIntrospector (almost the same as implement AnnotationIntrospector but no useless default code) overriding hasIgnoreMarker method. Take a look at this answer
2) criminal starts here. Kinda weird way taking into account your initial goal but still: extend BeanSerializerModifier and filter out fields there. An example can be found here. This way you can define serializer that actually doesn't serialize anything (again, I understand how strange it is but maybe one will find it helpful)
3) similar to the approach above: define useless serializer based on BeanDescription implementing ContextualSerializer's createContextual method. The example of this magic is here
Thanks to this really good blog, I was able to use #JsonView to filter out specific fields from an entity bean based on some custom logic that is determined at runtime.
Since the #JsonFilter does not apply for the fields within a class, I found this to be a cleaner workaround.
Here is the sample code:
public class TestEntity {
private String a;
private Date b;
private Integer c;
private List<String> d;
public class CustomViews {
public static interface GeneralAccess {}
public static interface SecureAccess {}
public static class GeneralAccessClass implements GeneralAccess {}
public static class SecureAccessClass implements SecureAccess, GeneralAccess {}
public static Class getWriterView(final boolean hasSecureAccess) {
return hasSecureAccess
? SecureAccessClass.class
: GeneralAccessClass.class;
public void test() throws JsonProcessingException {
final boolean hasSecureAccess = false; // Custom logic resolved to a boolean value at runtime.
final TestEntity testEntity = new TestEntity("1", new Date(), 2, ImmutableList.of("3", "4", "5"));
final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper().enable(MapperFeature.DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION);
final String serializedValue = objectMapper

Spring Data Rest - Add link to search endpoint

In our Spring-Data-Rest Project we have a custom (fuzzy) search on a /buergers/search/findBuergerFuzzy?searchString="..." endpoint.
Is it possible to add a link for it on the /buergers/search endpoint (Without overriding the automatically exposed Repository findBy Methods)?
The Controller exposing the search:
public class BuergerSearchController {
QueryService service;
#RequestMapping(value = "/findBuergerFuzzy", method = RequestMethod.GET)
ResponseEntity<?> findBuergerFuzzy(PersistentEntityResourceAssembler assembler, #Param("searchString") String searchString) {
if (searchString.length() < 3)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search String must be at least 3 chars long.");
List<Buerger> list = service.query(searchString, Buerger.class, new String[]{"vorname", "nachname", "geburtsdatum", "augenfarbe"});
final List<PersistentEntityResource> collect =;
return new ResponseEntity<Object>(new Resources<>(collect), HttpStatus.OK);
UPDATE: This is an outdated workaround answer. Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.0.
Old Workaround:
Digging the spring-data-rest source i found the RepositorySearchesResource which seems to solve the problem.
public class SearchResourcesProcessor implements ResourceProcessor<RepositorySearchesResource> {
public RepositorySearchesResource process(RepositorySearchesResource repositorySearchesResource) {
final String search = repositorySearchesResource.getId().getHref();
final Link findFullTextFuzzy = new Link(search + "/findFullTextFuzzy{?q}").withRel("findFullTextFuzzy");
return repositorySearchesResource;
Because we generate this code by templates, this is sufficient and fullfills our needs. Make sure to check the comments for the right and safe way.
ResourceSupport is now RepresentationModel
Resource is now EntityModel
Resources is now CollectionModel
PagedResources is now PagedModel
The code for new version:
import org.springframework.hateoas.Link;
import org.springframework.hateoas.server.RepresentationModelProcessor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class RepositorySearchesProcessor implements RepresentationModelProcessor<RepositorySearchesResource> {
public RepositorySearchesResource process(RepositorySearchesResource model) {
model.add(Link.of(model.getRequiredLink("self").getHref() + "/findFullTextFuzzy{?q}").withRel("findFullTextFuzzy"));
return model;
About how to find what resource or model you use, after setting breakpoints in each method of RepresentationModel, you maybe find something useful :
