Javascript Origins for Embedded Feeds in Mobile Webview - yammer

I have developed an app which loads a html document from the mobile app storage that contain Yammer Embedded Feed javascript.
Recently, our company's Yammer admin received a message from yammer, telling that all Yammer Embedded Feed javascript will not work unless the domains have been specified in the "Javascript Origins" section.
However, since we are loading the html page directly from mobile, it is just like opening a html page in web browser with "file://" as domain. Can I add "file://" in the "Javascript Origins"? I have tried to "alert" the "window.location" and it returns "about:blank" on the mobile browser.

I answered this question over on the O365 Network, but let me add the answer here too in case someone has a similar question in the future.
The recent push to update your Yammer app's JavaScript Origins (documented/instructions here affects only those using the JS SDK (specifically
It does not affect those using the Embed feed (specifically


webchat integration with Atlassian Confluence

Has anyone integrated the webchat/directline from Microsoft Botframework with Atlassian Confluence
We are exploring options to host a chatbot on one of the wikis powered by Confluence
Any directions/guidance will help;
The only option I see is to use the "/" (slash) command and add an embedded iframe into the space's page. It's possible to backup and download, edit, and upload and restore a page however, the exported page is in XML. So, editing a backed up page wouldn't give you access to the HTML needed to truly integrate Web Chat into the page.
As for the slash command, you will need to develop a separate web app to host the Web Chat instance. Then, simply provide the values required in the iframe macro tool, and you should be set.
iframe macro:
Published page:
Hope of help!

Firebase web push notification in iframe is only working in firefox

I am using firebase for web push notification it is working perfect when I used it in same domain, but I have only one ssl domain and many non ssl website. So I have plan to use it in iframe and integrate this facility in all my non ssl websites too.
URL is
I have integrate it through iframe like below
<iframe src=''></iframe>
I have integrate this lines into my blogger But it is working perfectly in Firefox browser but not in chrome browser. No errors also displayed.
As per this link Does my web application require SSL for Firebase Cloud Messaging for Web to work?. It should not work, but how it is working in firefox browser.
I am not able to find a reference right now, but you want to do
embed a "push notification webpage" inside another via iframe
is blocked by Chrome for security reasons.

Google Oauth2 in embedded browser (web view)

I added Google OAuth2 to my website. I noticed that when the website was opened in a embedded browser (web view), redirecting to google auth page (see the link below) will fail with error:
"403 disallowed_useragent".
Here is the link:
I get that Google no longer allows OAuthrequests to Google in web view. But here is the strange thing. The google sign in demo work fine when opened in web view. I managed to find the client_idand redirect_uri used in the demo and replace them into the my google auth link (see the updated link below), the updated link can now magically open in web view.
Notice that I changed only client_idand redirect_url and nothing else. Later I found more client_idsthat also works with webview. I am wondering is there any specific settings for these client_ids to work?
Also I want to know what's the recommended fix to:
"403 disallowed_useragent"?
My website has no native app. And most likely, people will just open the website they received on online chat in a webview. I'd like to avoid showing the :
"403 disallowed_useragent"
error when they click *sign-in by Google*.

Yammer embedded application iframe

Is it possible to create an App that has an embedded page (iframe/etc) inside Yammer ?
In Yammer we can create standalone application that interact with Yammer, Can we this application inside Yammer?
You can inject (static) OpenGraph content into Yammer, but you can't inject dynamic content through the platform, and definitely not iframes. Check out the Yammer Developer Center Open Graph documentation for use cases and examples.

Content-based advertising for a fully ajax application

I've built a php/js application that relies completely on AJAX so none of the content is static.
I'm trying to find a way to ad content-based advertising that uses the AJAX delivered content as keywords.
Google's Adsense doesn't really support AJAX and
I'm having a really difficult time finding another provider.
making some assumptions here. 1.) you're using JSON.
send to the adwords a link to a "statically" rendered slim page of your to-be-updated content, let Google match that content with the ad, capute the ad, and return both the content and the ad via JSON to your page and insert them in the DOM accordingly?
