Content-based advertising for a fully ajax application - ajax

I've built a php/js application that relies completely on AJAX so none of the content is static.
I'm trying to find a way to ad content-based advertising that uses the AJAX delivered content as keywords.
Google's Adsense doesn't really support AJAX and
I'm having a really difficult time finding another provider.

making some assumptions here. 1.) you're using JSON.
send to the adwords a link to a "statically" rendered slim page of your to-be-updated content, let Google match that content with the ad, capute the ad, and return both the content and the ad via JSON to your page and insert them in the DOM accordingly?


Google Not Indexing AJAX URLs

I have submitted a sitemap for my AJAX web application to Google via their Webmaster Tools. The submitted URLs are of the form:!myscreen;id=object-id!myotherscreen;id=another-id
However, even though more than a week has passed since sitemap submission, Google has not indexed the URLs. Google states that the sitemap has been processed, states that 60 URLs have been detected, states that no errors occurred, but does not index any of the URLs.
I have already implemented the AJAX crawlability contract on the server side, where requests containing an _escaped_fragment_ are responded to with a snapshot.
Any help/info regarding why Google is not indexing the URLs would be greatly appreciated.
See GWT SE friendly application
Suggestions include following the guide at
Nowadays, you don't need to do something specific for Google anymore, and AJAX crawling scheme has been deprecated been Google.
Just make sure that your website is easy to use for your users, and Google will be able to properly crawl it.
If you want to go the extra mile, however, you can check that article:

Using Google Analytics on a jQuery Mobile app that runs entirely off the phone

I have made an app using jQuery mobile and phoneGap, and read its good to put Google Analytics on there. I just a little confused because most of the app (pages etc... ) runs from the index.html file on the phone. The only time the app communicates with the server is when it logs a user in and they do ajax requests to retrieve or put data to a database.
Can I still use the analytics package here? Or is the whole point of it to be used with an app where all the DOM etc is stored online?
You can probably use the event tracking feature of Google Analytics to help you out here:
You basically just fire a js function and pass in descriptive strings and category I think for each of the interactions you want to track / report on:
_trackEvent(category, action, opt_label, opt_value, opt_noninteraction)
Hope that helps

Why is the first request to a Facebook IFrame App Canvas Page a POST request?

I noticed when I set up my first FB app today (an iframe app accessed within facebook) that all the requests made to it via facebook are HTTP POSTs rather than GET requests. Is there any reason for this? What if I wanted to implement HTTP caching?
I'm new to developing on the FB platform, forgive me if this is an obvious question but I've googled and can't find the answer.
Facebook POSTs to the initial page in order to pass along the signed request that includes potentially important information for the application.

How to fill out AJAX form programmatically and scrape results?

Basically, I want to use the Facebook Ads Manager Tool to estimate the number of users targeted by a particular set of targeting parameters. I know there is a published API available, but it is only usable if you are on their advertising application "whitelist." I am sure what I am asking is possible. Plus, it would be interesting to learn more about scraping.
Facebook's Ads Manager Tool is basically an AJAX UI for their ads API. In the process of creating a campaign, you can specify targeting parameters, and the page will dynamically report the number of users targeted as you modify the parameters. From what I've read on the web and here on stackOverflow, it is possible to use Firebug or a similar tool to pick apart what requests are being made by the page and to where, then mimicking these calls to get the information you want.
I'm having trouble interpreting the panels of Firebug. I think the URI I'm trying to send a request to is, though I'm not sure how to form a call.
So, if I want to write a script or program that takes a list of words to use as keywords and returns the estimated number of users for each keyword, how could I do it?
Link to Facebook's Ads Manager Tool, Campaign Creation Page:
yes using an extension like firebug to examine the HTTP requests is a good way to do this.
The Net tab is the one you want (last one).
Have you tried irobotsoft webscraper? It has a good ajax support.
Check their forum here:

Does a website link (href) validation service exist?

I am looking for a web service kind of like Google Analytics.
Paste some javascript into your web page and if any of the links there become invalid, hey presto, an email is sent to someone telling them which link, which page etc etc has the incorrect link.
Anyone heard of such a service?
This would slow the page loading down a lot if it had to check for broken links every time someone visited it (basically a http request for every link). Not that it isn't possible, but the implementation would have to be very very good.
Javascript cannot send emails, you would have to use ajax to post the details to another page that would then email the admin. As this is all client side, it is very open to abuse.
I would suggest using a program to do it every now and again. There are even Firefox extensions to do it rather than a program. Google will also list a whole host of websites offering the service.
