Native file chooser using input type file for Android 4.4.2 using VS 2013 Multi Device Hybrid Apps does not work - android-4.4-kitkat

I need to use the VS 2013 Multi Device Hybrid Apps which should on use of below html
<input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="camera" />
be able to access the camera as well the other options (Gallery) currently when i add the above HTML only the gallery options are shown (Shown below).
I use an Android 4.4.2 phone .
I need to get the screen where the user can chose between a Camera/Gallery etc.
I have been trying to add this plugin to the Visual Studio
by modifying the config.xml file
but i get this error "error: package R does not exist" . The defination in the plugin url say that we need to change the package name but i am not sure where should this be done. Thanks

In the current version of fileChooser we need to set the R to work with the package.
You will have to import into the following java files:
The FileChooser creator says that
"automatically import in the java files"
will be in the next version


How to go inside a class in vs code by a click

I am using VSCODE as editor to build my laravel application . I saw in a video that, it is possible to go inside a class just by a click on the class name like what the extension goto-View do . So can someone tell which extension can handle this functionality in vscode for classes
You can download Laravel Goto extension. Its description and link is here:
Description: Go to various Laravel files by Alt + ;
Version: 4.2.0
Publisher: Adrian
VS Marketplace Link:
For the ultimate experience on VSCode using Laravel install:
Laravel Extension Pack
PHP Intelephense
To open the classes files hover over the class name then click ctrl + right click

Property ribbon doesn't exist on office

While working on enabling/desabling a control in an Excel web complement the editor throw the following error :""property 'ribbon' doesn't exist on type 'type of office'" from an 'Office.ribbon instruction'.
My Excel Version is : 2104 (Build 13929 20296)
Here is a snapshot of the code code with office.ribbon. This code comes from Note than isSetSupported('RibbonApi', '1.1') ==true
Screen shot :
Xml of my addin
Make sure you specified the latest Office JavaScript API library in the add-in manifest. If you use runtime checks, you need to reference the most current version of the Office JavaScript API library from the content delivery network (CDN). To do this, add the following script tag to your HTML. Using /1/ in the CDN URL ensures that you reference the most recent version of Office.js.
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
A workaround is to use message boxes. Off course it's quite Ugly, but I need to publish my app shortly. I hope that by this time I will find a way to actually enable/desable commands on this addin.

Set up a Xamarin UI Test getting error is incompatible with the Android SDK

I am trying to run a xamarin UI Test but I keep getting
"The running adb server is incompatible with the Android SDK version in use by UITest"
Googled it and cannot find answer I am using
XamarinUITest= 3.0.7
Nunit3TestAdapter 3.17
Android SdK built tools 29.0.2 Set up
Android_Home = C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk
Why Am I keeping getting the above error what am I Missing?
Where do I find instructions and what is compatible to what?
Refer to the link below to confirm your project is ready for automated UI testing.
After that add UITest support to Xamarin.Forms apps. To enable the UITest code to reference controls, each control needs a unique identifier.
<Button x:Name="b" AutomationId="MyButton" Text="Click me"/>
<Label x:Name="l" AutomationId="MyLabel" Text="Hello, Xamarin.Forms!" />
For more details, please check the MS docs.
Basically if you have any directory in the androidSdK with a name "old" you should delete them and this fixed it for me

In which package can I find Xamarin IDevice

I am writing a Xamarin Forms PCL application (both iOS and Android)
I have to pick an image from phone gallery.
I have read some documentation about this plugin:
In my Common project, i have to put this code:
var device = Resolver.Resolve<IDevice>();
picker = DependencyService.Get<IMediaPicker>() ?? device.MediaPicker;
But I have an error on the first line: IDevice and Resolver Objects are not know. I think I am missing a reference or a using clause.
You need to install the following Nuget package in all of your projects in the solution (i.e. PCL core project, iOS project, and the Android Project, and UWP project if using it):
And you will need to add the following using statements:
using XLabs.Ioc;
using XLabs.Platform.Device;
using XLabs.Platform.Services.Media;

Installation process of Gzip framework in Swift

How to install the Gzip framework in swift 3.0.1 and also how to use it in swift 3 and iOS 10.
For This actually they given the following instructions like
1.Build Gzip framework.
2.In Build Phases, add Gzip.framework library to your project.
3.import Gzip in your Swift file.
4.Use in your code.
But among all steps How to implement the 1st step like building the Gzip framework.
Thanks in advance.
1.For the solution, Just download the project from the GitHub and then open it.
2.Now in the project navigator panel expand the folder named "product".
3.In that folder beneath you can see the Gzip.framework in red color, on that you right click in order to see it in the Finder.
4.From that Finder location, you just drag and drop into your project.
5.In General tab under linker and binaries you add the framework.
6.And finally import the header module like "import GZip"for required class and then implement the required things.
