add 2 more attribute values to the magento order view page section - magento

in the magento admin panel, if we go for Orders section
and if we click on one order, we can see the Product name and sku at the bottom.
i want to add 2 more attributes to the order section.
please help me to find solution.
thanks in advance.

Name and Sku attributes are added in the file app\design\adminhtml\default\default\template\sales\items\column\name.phtml
So you need to make changes there to add any other product attribute.


Magento Event Observer: modify CatalogSearch to include custom attribute

I was following the article (Customize Magento using Event/Observer) on the below link:
But not sure about the step 7. How could I do the step 7 on this article?
Step 7
Navigate to the product details page on the front end and observe that the new discount has taken effect. To be noted here is that, on all other screens where discounted price is required. An example here is the search results screen, where you would need to add this new attribute to the select query search attributes in method
$_productCollection= $_productCollection->addAttributeToSelect('percent_discount');
Thanks in advance.
I think it would be a lot easier if you could just navigate to product attributes management and set 'Used in Product Listing' to 'Yes' this way, you are able to read the attribute value on product list page.

Magento - Adding quantity box to upsell / related products

I have a question regarding Magento. I want to be able to add a quantity box to the products that show up in the 'related products' list that is shown on the product detail page. This way a visitor can order a related item multple times instead of only once per action. I have been looking for a solution for this for over 2 weeks, but I can't seem to find anything usefull. Can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance!
Think you need to edit this template: your_package/your_theme/template/catalog/product/list/upsell.phtml. If you do not have that file already in your theme, simply copy it in your theme and package following the rest of the path.
There you can add you Qty input box and add Add to Cart button and change the URL to include the qty. You should bear in mind that you may have also configurable/bundle products displayed as an up-sell, so you should cover these too.

Magento reset product list view all

Magento Version
right i'm trying to reset the product list count to the default value when customer changes category.
Customer visits - Category A
Default products shown - 16
Selects View All
Views all products
Navigates to - Category B
Shows All not 16.
I know there is a way to change this in toolbar.php but this is modifying a core file that i'm trying to avoid. Any way i can do this without editing a core file?
Just add that in your template file and it should do the trick :
Hope it helps!

Magento order products by SKU

I would like my store products to be displayed in SKU (ascending) order by default when looking at the category product listing pages. Can someone please tell me how to:
Make this the default sort option.
Add SKU as a user selectable option on the product listing pages.
Can anyone help please?
I hope this works the same for as it does for because it is really easy and you don't have to touch any code:
In the admin panel, go to Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes
Find the attribute labeled SKU
In it, under Frontend Properties, change the "Use for Sorting in Product Listing" to "Yes" and save
Go to System > Configuration and click on the Catalog section
Under Frontend, change the "Product Listing Sort by" to "SKU" and save
You can also change the default product listing for each category in Catalog > Manage Categories under the Display Settings tab of your selected category.
Having been around this issue a little, I found out that you can add SKU as an option in the Manage Attributes menu in Admin. Having done that, and then set it to be the default in System > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Product Listing Sort By.
It turns out that the company I hired to produce my website template had overridden the toolbar.php file, and there was a hardcoded list of order by options in there.
Commenting that list out (basically reverting that function back to the default template version) now shows up the SKU option in the list.
I next need to figure out how to make that be the default - something else I guess is over-riding that as it should be the default based on the settings I have in place now.
Thanks for all the help here.
See this question and answer Magento Category Product List Sort By Bestseller Options. Because sku is table column, you don't need extend setCollection() method.

Adding additional information on product page in magento

I want to add information in the additional information tab of the product page, but can't figure out from where it picks the data.
Check out the product attributes in the backend. You can configure existing and/or new product attributes and make them (optionally) show up in this section. Make sure the attributes have "Visible on Product View Page on Front-end" set to Yes.
1)First create the attribute as per your requirement
2)Assign this to default attribute set then save.
3)go to attribute and make visible(from drop down) your recently created attribute.
4)fill some value in the attribute(you created) for your selected product .
5)Again go to the attributes select your attribute then select yes or no to " Visible on Product View Page on Front-end " and "Used in Product Listing" depending your need.
If you need more help please inform..
