Laravel Saving data - laravel-4

In my Laravel project I use this code into controller method to save data:
$routine->p1=Input::get('course_teacher' . $countCourseTeacher);
$routine->p2=Input::get('course_teacher' . $countCourseTeacher);
$routine->p3=Input::get('course_teacher' . $countCourseTeacher);
But I want to use $routine->p$i into a for loop Like
for ($i=1; $i <=6; $i++) {
$routine->p$i=Input::get('course_teacher' . $countCourseTeacher);
When I use $routine->p$i
instead of using
$routine->p1 , $routine->p2, $routine->p3.....
It gives error. Is there any way to do this into a forloop using p$i???

That is the normal behaviour in PHP. You can use interpolation. If you want to use interpolation for object properties/methods, use brackets around the string. Here are a quick example:
for ($i=1; $i <=6; $i++) {
$routine->{"p$i"} = Input::get('course_teacher'.$countCourseTeacher);

Any Way I find My answer myself. I use thos code below
for ($j=1; $j <=6; $j++) {
$routine=new RoutineCreate;
$routine->day=Input::get('day' . $j);
for ($i=1; $i <=10; $i++) {
$pi="p" . $i;
$routine->$pi=Input::get('course_teacher' . $countCourseTeacher);


Lumen: Auto increment and Reset Transaction_ID Automatically every month

I trying to generate random transaction_id, with format "2000-yymmm-0000".
I already know how to set the transaction_id, but I have a problem with the auto-increment from "2000-yymm-0000" to "2000-yymm-0001", and reseting automatically to "2000-yymm-0000" at every new month.
I put this logic in different path of controller.
PS: I'm using Lumen 6.0 with Laravel 6.0.
I'm trying to create the increment with:
$number = sprintf('%04d', 0000);
but it didn't work.
$year = 2000;
$time = date('ym');
$number = sprintf('%04d', 0000);
$transaction_id = $year . '-' . $time . '-' . $number;
$transaction_data = explode('-', $transaction_id);
$month = date("m", strtotime($transaction_data[0]));
I expect the result to automatically increment every time a new data is stored to the database. But the actual result is transaction_id being having always the same value 2000-yymm-0000.
What am I doing wrong?
I know it's weird to answer my own question, but i already find the solution.
in Models/Order.php
i create a function like this.
public function count()
after that i call the function from Model/Order.php to OrdersController.php
public function create(Request $request)
$year = 2000;
$date = date('ym');
$total_data = $this->table->count();
$number = str_pad($total_data + 1, 4, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
$transaction_id = $year . '-' . $date . '-' . $number;
return $this->success('count all transaction id', $t_id);

-loop, is there easier way to do with carbon?

I'm using Laravel 5.7 and carbon 1.x.
I need to build dateLooper which interval is 5 days and follows calender dates.
I need to find the way build looper which add 5 days for startdate.
$startDate = "2014-01-01";
$interval = "5";
so $endDate = $startDate + 5 ;
so endDates 2014-01-05
till 2014-01-30, so this is tricky because need to follow calender.
Next 2014-02-04.
I was reading Carbon but did not find any examples
which could have open solution for my problem.
And I realized that L5.7 is still using 1.x carbon.
I have tried to build double for-loop, but did not work
as it stops after reach end of inside loop.
$month ="13" ; // +1;
$day ="29" ; // +1;
for ($i = 1; $i < $month; $i++)
echo "Month: ".$i.'<br/>';
for ($i = 1; $i < $day; $i++)
echo "Day: ".$i.'<br/>';
1) So is there way to do with Carbon?
or is there some other library which I could use? Ideas..
Thanks MikroMike.
I found it from How to add CarbonInterval instance in Carbon instance
$carbon = Carbon::now();
$monthLater = clone $carbon;
dd($carbon, $monthLater);
This has resolved my issue.

Laravel - Get data based on date range using eloquent

Heei, I want to show data according to daterange. Specifically data on this day and 6 days to go. Here's my code now.
$hari = [];
for ($i=0; $i < 6; $i++)
$hari[] = date("Y M d") + $i;
$booking_room = jadwal_meeting::whereBetween('tanggal', [$hari, $hari + 6])->get();
return view('homepage')->with($booking_room);
Note: 'tanggal' is a field on table.
But I just get error like this
Unsupported operand types
: $booking_room = jadwal_meeting::whereBetween('tanggal', [$hari, $hari + 6])->get();
What's wrong with my code, anyone can help me please :)
Since $hari is an array, you have to use something like this:
$booking_room = jadwal_meeting::whereBetween('tanggal', [$hari[0], $hari[5]])->get();
Or more general:
$booking_room = jadwal_meeting::whereBetween('tanggal', [$hari[0], end($hari)])->get();
Try this code it will help you.
$from = '2018-04-12';
$to = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($from. ' + 6 days'));
$reservations = Reservation::whereBetween('tanggal', [$from, $to])

Insert $i variable in object call in Propel & PHP

I'm currently busy rebuilding our CMS in Propel. I currently have the functions to get several body's from our database but i'm struggling to get a desired one based on a $i variable.
The function is as follows:
for ($i = 0; $i < $item->getColumns(); $i++) {
if (strlen(strip_tags(stripslashes($item->getBody1()))) > 100) {
$body = strip_tags(stripslashes(substr(strip_tags($item->getBody$i()), 0, strpos(strip_tags($item->getBody.$i()), ' ', 100)))) . ' ...';
} else {
$body = stripslashes($item->getBody.$i());
In the function above you the see code $item->getBody1(). I want the function to use the $i variable to get the desired body, so for example if $i = 2, the getBody function should be $item->getBody2().
I've tried to use $item->getBody.$i() but that doesn't work. Is there a way I could create this?
Any help is appreciated!
This is not an issue with Propel, but with PHP.
Instead of using:
$getIthBodyMethod = 'getBody' . $i;
PHP manual on variable methods

Commission Junction Simple Pixel Magento

Let me start by saying I am NOT a programmer. I'm a retail web manager that knows enough about HTML5 to understand what is going on. Ok now on to my issue. We recently upgraded our eCommerce platform from 3DCart to Magento. It's a completely different monster and I'm fairly lost. I'm trying to integrate Magento's simple pixel (just returns the total not the individual items) into our confirmation page but all of our tests are failing. I've tried bits and pieces of other codes that I've found around the web but I'm still missing the "amount" parameter. Can anyone help me? Below is what we have on our site now (please note this is part of the copy/paste code I've found):
$cjmerchID = '1521251';
$cjaid = '382643';
$cjorder = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId(Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getLastRealOrderId());
$cjitems = $cjorder->getAllItems();
$cjorderID = $cjorder->getIncrementId();
//$cjsubtotal = round($cjorder->getSubtotal(), 2);
$i = 1;
foreach ($cjitems as $itemId => $item)
$unitPrice = round($item->getPrice(), 2);
$sku = $item->getSku();
$qty = $item->getQtyToInvoice();
//echo $qty . '<br>';
$itemsStr .= '&ITEM;' . $i . '=' . $sku . '&AMT;' . $i . '=' . $unitPrice . '&QTY;' . $i . '=' . $qty . '';
?<img src="<?php echo $cjmerchID; ?>&OID;=<?php echo $cjorderID; ?>&TYPE;=<?php echo $cjaid; ?><?php echo $itemsStr; ?>&CURRENCY;=USD&METHOD;=IMG" height="1" width="20">
According to CJ this is what I'm doing wrong:
Thank you for providing the results of your test. I am seeing the pixel calls on our server. However, both tests failed as the incorrect Action ID is being used and the 'AMOUNT' parameter has no associated value and is being passed back blank. I've attached the integration instructions for your convenience.
The Action ID for the simple action that should be integrated to replace the existing pixel is 382643.
Integration Test
Advertiser: 3448671
Ad: 12313358
Action Id: 346589
Action Type: item_sale
Query String: AMOUNT=&OID=100056687&CID=1521251&CURRENCY=USD&METHOD=IMG&TYPE=346589
Sid: TrackingTest
Surfer: 476602316150531682:VJXkXAhFHzU2 Click Ref:
Action Status: active
img src="" height="1" width="20"
Please update the pixel to pull in the subtotal (pre-taxed amount of purchase) and to have 'TYPE' populated with 382643.
Any help you can give would me most appreciated!
See if this code works. what i did is get the subtotal of total checkout order and append a new parameter in img href with AMOUNT. Let me know how the results work out
$cjmerchID = '1521251';
$cjaid = '382643';
$cjorder = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId(Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getLastRealOrderId());
$cjitems = $cjorder->getAllItems();
$cjorderID = $cjorder->getIncrementId();
//New Codee
$totals = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getTotals();
$subtotal = $totals["subtotal"]->getValue();
//$cjsubtotal = round($cjorder->getSubtotal(), 2);
$i = 1;
foreach ($cjitems as $itemId => $item)
$unitPrice = round($item->getPrice(), 2);
$sku = $item->getSku();
$qty = $item->getQtyToInvoice();
//echo $qty . '<br>';
$itemsStr .= '&ITEM;' . $i . '=' . $sku . '&AMT;' . $i . '=' . $unitPrice . '&QTY;' . $i . '=' . $qty . '';
?<img src="<?php echo $cjmerchID; ?>&OID;=<?php echo $cjorderID; ?>&TYPE;=<?php echo $cjaid; ?>&AMOUNT;=<?php echo $subtotal; ?><?php echo $itemsStr; ?>&CURRENCY;=USD&METHOD;=IMG" height="1" width="20">
