Mockito Java 8 compilation errors - java-8

I just moved to Java 8 and I am getting some compilation errors that I don't really understand how to overcome.
The following code does not compile:
With error:
The method query(String, ResultSetExtractor<T>) in the type JdbcTemplate is not
applicable for the arguments (String, ResultSetExtractor)
I have tried another approach from Java 1.8 with Mockito 1.9.5 gives compile errors:
Mockito.when(jdbcTemplate.query(Mockito.eq(expectedQuery1), Mockito.any()))
now I am getting the following error:
The method when(T) in the type Mockito is not applicable for the arguments (void)
how exactly does this supposed to work and why doesn't it work in the first place

Add a type witness to help the Eclipse compiler figure it all out:
Mockito.<ResultSetExtractor<TYPE>> any())).thenReturn(mockReturn1);
Ensure you replace TYPE with the type of mockReturn1. E.g.
String mockReturn1 = "result";
Mockito.<ResultSetExtractor<String>> any())).thenReturn(mockReturn1);
I expect the Oracle Java 8 compiler could figure this out itself, due to its improved type inference capabilities.

What is happening is that you are passing mockito ResultSetExtractor.class, which is of type Class<ResultSetExtractor>, but this is incorrect, because it is expecting a Class<ResultSetExtractor<T>>.
To overcome this problem, define a method as follows:
#SuppressWarnings( "rawtypes" )
public static <T> Class<T> uncheckedClassCast( Class clazz )
if( clazz == null )
return null;
#SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
Class<T> result = (Class<T>)clazz;
return result;
And use it as follows:
Class<ResultSetExtractor<T>> resultSetExtractorClass =
uncheckedClassCast( ResultSetExtractor.class );
Then, in your calls to mockito (or anything else) use resultSetExtractorClass instead of ResultSetExtractor.class.


Redis transaction in Spring Boot + Kotlin

I am trying to execute a transaction on a Redis instance from within Spring Boot application written in Kotlin. I have followed the recommendation in Spring Doc on the best practice to achieve this.
I am struggling with the Kotlin implementation, however. Specifically, I don't know how to implement the Java generic interface with a generic method to make it work in the Kotlin code:
redisTemplate.execute(object : SessionCallback<List<String>> {
override fun <K : Any?, V : Any?> execute(operations: RedisOperations<K, V>): List<String>? {
operations.opsForValue().set("key", "value")
return operations.exec()
The code above complains that the set method expects parameters with types K and V respectively but String is found instead.
Is there an elegant way how to inline the interface implementation in Kotlin without having to use unchecked casting or other convoluted approaches to make this work?
I think you're facing this problem due to poor interface definition for SessionCallback and the framework itself is doing unsafe casts themselves.
You see, if we take a look into the SessionCallback definition over here we can see that it looks as follows:
public interface SessionCallback<T> {
<K,V> T execute(RedisOperations<K,V> operations) throws DataAccessException
The generics K,V referring to the type of keys and values from your Redis are not parameters of the SessionCallback interface and that's why the kotlin compiler is having a hard time inferring the type of these: Because the execute function only takes a parameter of type SessionCallback<T> without passing the types of keys and values as parameters to that interface.
Your best-effort might be to provide a nice wrapper around that API using extension functions and inline generic types by doing some controlled unsafe casts.
Something like this might be enough:
inline fun <reified K : Any?, reified V: Any?, reified T> RedisTemplate<K, V>.execute(crossinline callback: (RedisOperations<K,V>) -> T?): T?{
val callback = object : SessionCallback<T> {
override fun <KK, VV> execute(operations: RedisOperations<KK,VV>) = callback(operations as RedisOperations<K, V>) as T?
return execute(callback)
Which then you can consume by doing:
fun doSomething(redisTemplate: RedisTemplate<String, String>) {
redisTemplate.execute { operations ->
operations.opsForValue().set("key", "value")
operations.exec() as List<String>
And yes, you need to cast the .exec() result because nobody bothered using generics and returns a List<Object> as you can see on the official documentation

Jackson XML "Undeclared general entity" caused by custom entity

I'm deserializing a large XML file (not mine) and it contains custom entities defined as:
<!ENTITY math "mathematics">
and elements used this way:
When I try to deserialize it by:
XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
return xmlMapper.readValue(classloader.getResourceAsStream("file.xml"), MyClass.class);
I get this error:
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Undeclared general entity "math"
I think it might be a security measure to prevent Xml External Entity injections.
Is there a way to mark these custom entities as valid? Like create an Enum for them or something?
If not, is there a flag to just parse these as Strings?
I was able to work around this problem by basically doing a find-replace on the text file. It's quite an ugly solution and if anyone has a better idea, I'm all ears. :)
I know it may be a little late, but just in case someone else is stuck on the same issue:
You have to set a custom XMLResolver as XMLInputFactory's property:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.XmlMapper;
import com.ctc.wstx.api.WstxInputProperties;
var xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
new XMLResolver() {
public Object resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId, String baseUri, String ns) throws XMLStreamException {
// replace the entity with a string of your choice, e.g.
switch (ns) {
case "nbsp":
return " ";
return "";
// some useful tool is org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils
// e.g.
// return StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml10(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4('&' + ns + ';'));
// then xmlMapper.readValue....

JDK8 type inference issue

I'm trying to run the following code which is compiled fine under JDK8 thanks to type inference:
public static <A,B> B convert(A a) {
return (B) new CB();
public static void main(String[] args) {
CA a = new CA();
CB b = convert(a); //this runs fine
List<CB> bl = Arrays.asList(b); //this also runs fine
List<CB> bl1 = Arrays.asList(convert(a)); //ClassCastException here
However, running this throws ClassCastException: CB cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Object, but the CB b = convert(a) works fine.
Any idea why?
Whenever you create a generic method with a signature that promises to return whatever the caller wishes, you are asking for trouble. You should have got an “unchecked” warning from the compiler which basically means: unexpected ClassCastExceptions may occur.
You expect the compiler to infer
List<CB> bl1 = Arrays.asList(YourClass.<CA,CB>convert(a));
whereas the compiler actually inferred
List<CB> bl1 = Arrays.asList(YourClass.<CA,CB[]>convert(a));
as far as I know, because it prefers method invocations not requiring a varargs packaging (which is compatible with pre-varargs code).
This fails because your convert method does not return the expected array type.

Lagom framework / streamed response / websocket / pathCall / Descriptor / Creator instead of Function

I have my service declared this way:
public interface BlogQueryService extends Service {
public ServiceCall<String, Source<String, ?>> tick(int interval);
public ServiceCall<String, Source<String, ?>> tock();
public ServiceCall<NotUsed, Source<PostSummary, ?>> newPosts();
public ServiceCall<String, Source<PostSummary, ?>> getPostSummaries();
default Descriptor descriptor() {
return named("blog-query").with(
//pathCall("/api/bloggie/tick/:interval", this::tick),
pathCall("/api/bloggie/tock", tock())
//pathCall("/api/bloggie/newPosts", this::newPosts),
//pathCall("/api/bloggie/postSummaries", this::getPostSummaries)
The tick works. The tock doesn't.
When I invoke it using websocket client (to ws://localhost:9000/api/bloggie/tock ) , I got "undefined" as response, indicating no mapping found for that URL.
After some experimentings, found out why: tick works because it has url param (the :interval). Tick doesn't work because it doesn't have url param. Seriously pathCall requires you to have param in your URL? So I checked the API of Service:
There are several overloaded declarations of pathCall. Apparently the tick uses this one:
static <Request,Response,A> Descriptor.Call<Request,Response> pathCall(String pathPattern, akka.japi.function.Function<A,ServiceCall<Request,Response>> methodRef)
So from the signature, yes it requires the method to take a parameter. So, if the method (such is tock) doesn't take a param, the binding will fail at runtime. So I guess I need to use this one instead:
static <Request,Response> Descriptor.Call<Request,Response> pathCall(String pathPattern, akka.japi.function.Creator<ServiceCall<Request,Response>> methodRef)
The problem is... I don't know how. I haven't seen any example of the use of akka.japi.function.Creator in pathCall.
I tried this:
default Descriptor descriptor() {
return named("blog-query").with(
pathCall("/api/bloggie/tick/:interval", this::tick),
pathCall("/api/bloggie/tock", new Creator<ServiceCall<String, Source<String, ?>>> () {
public ServiceCall<String, Source<String, ?>> create() {
return tock();
//pathCall("/api/bloggie/newPosts", this::newPosts),
//pathCall("/api/bloggie/postSummaries", this::getPostSummaries)
It compiles. But it throws an error at runtime: Unable to create injector, see the following errors:
1) Error in custom provider, java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to resolve method for service call with ID PathCallId{pathPattern='/api/bloggie/tock'}. Ensure that the you have passed a method reference (ie, this::someMethod). Passing anything else, for example lambdas, anonymous classes or actual implementation classes, is forbidden in declaring a service descriptor.
at com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.server.ServiceGuiceSupport.bindServices( (via modules:$OverrideModule -> sample.bloggie.impl.BlogServiceModule)
while locating com.lightbend.lagom.internal.server.ResolvedServices
Thanks in advance!
I just did some experiments... All compiled, but none of them works....
namedCall("/api/bloggie/tock", this::tock)
Result: Compile success. Runtime: path unknown (no binding (?)).
Then I tried
pathCall("/api/bloggie/tock", () -> this.tock())
Result: exception. Unable to create injector, see the following errors:
1) Error in custom provider, scala.MatchError: Request (of class sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.TypeVariableImpl)
at com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.server.ServiceGuiceSupport.bindServices( (via modules:$OverrideModule -> sample.bloggie.impl.BlogServiceModule)
while locating com.lightbend.lagom.internal.server.ResolvedServices
for parameter 1 at com.lightbend.lagom.internal.server.ServiceRegistrationModule$RegisterWithServiceRegistry.<init>(ServiceRegistrationModule.scala:55)
at com.lightbend.lagom.internal.server.ServiceRegistrationModule.bindings(ServiceRegistrationModule.scala:29):
Binding(class com.lightbend.lagom.internal.server.ServiceRegistrationModule$RegisterWithServiceRegistry to self eagerly) (via modules:$OverrideModule -> play.api.inject.guice.GuiceableModuleConversions$$anon$1)
while locating com.lightbend.lagom.internal.server.ServiceRegistrationModule$RegisterWithServiceRegistry
Then I tried:
public ServiceCall<NotUsed, Source<String, ?>> tock(Void x);
Result: exception Unable to create injector, see the following errors:
1) Error in custom provider, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to serialize ID class java.lang.Void
at com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.server.ServiceGuiceSupport.bindServices( (via modules:$OverrideModule -> sample.bloggie.impl.BlogServiceModule)
Update: "Solved" (partially). Figured out that this one works:
pathCall("/tock", this::tock)
I can open it using this URL: ws://localhost:9000/tock
So..., I can't have nicely structured URL for those functions that returns stream, when those functions need no param? At least for now (?).
UPDATE: seems like this problem is happening not only with pathCall. I encountered the same problem with rest call. This one doesn't work (no binding):
public ServiceCall<NotUsed, PSequence<PostSummary>> getPostSummaries();
restCall(Method.GET, "/api/bloggie/postSummaries", this::getPostSummaries)
This one works:
public ServiceCall<NotUsed, PSequence<PostSummary>> getPostSummaries();
restCall(Method.GET, "/postSummaries", this::getPostSummaries)
So firstly, namedCall should only be used if you don't care about the path. You are invoking the service call directly, which means you do care about the path, so you have to use pathCall or restCall.
This should work:
pathCall("/api/bloggie/tock", this::tock)
Also, I think you're not pasting the full errors. Make sure you check right to the bottom of the list of Guice errors, that should explain exactly what the problem is, in many of the cases above, the problem is that you're not passing a method reference, you're passing a lambda, and the error message should say that.

Is there any way to clean up the following generic method using any of the new C# 4 features?

I've just modified a method for handling my DDD commands (previously it had no return type):
public static CommandResult<TReturn> Execute<TCommand, TReturn>(TCommand command)
where TCommand : IDomainCommand
var handler = IoCFactory.GetInstance<ICommandHandler<TCommand, TReturn>>();
return handler.Handle(command);
The method is fine, and does what I want it to do, however using it creates some fugly code:
CommandResult<Customer> result =
DomainCommands.Execute<CustomerCreateCommand, Customer>
new CustomerCreateCommand(message)
Before I added the Customer return type TReturn, it was nice and tidy and the method could infer the types from its usage. However that's no longer possible.
Is there any way using any new C# features that I could rewrite the above to make it tidier, i.e. using Func, Action, Expression, etc? I'm probably expecting the impossible, but I'm getting fed up of writing so much code to just call a single method that used to be very simple.
One option to reduce it slightly is to have a static generic type for the type parameter that can't be inferred, allowing you to have a generic method with just one type parameter that can be inferred:
public static class DomainCommands<TReturn>
public static CommandResult<TReturn> Execute<TCommand>(TCommand command)
where TCommand : IDomainCommand
var handler = IoCFactory.GetInstance<ICommandHandler<TCommand, TReturn>>();
return handler.Handle(command);
var result = DomainCommands<Customer>.Execute(new CustomerCreateCommand(msg));
It's not much nicer, but it's slightly better. Of course, if the domain command type itself could be generic, that might help - so CustomerCreateCommand would implement IDomainCommand<Customer> for example. If you still needed a nongeneric IDomainCommand, you could make IDomainCommand<T> derive from IDomainCommand.
