How do I supress false 'Java version is out of date message' when running projects in Netbeans - java-8

I use the Netbeans 8.2 IDE to design and run a desktop application written in Java FXML. The current Java RTE is 1.8.0_261. The OS is Windows 10. When I compile the project and attempt to run it at project level (Run > Run Main Project) a Java Update Project dialog is displayed with the message
Your Java version is out of date
There are three prompts in the dialog,
Update (Recommended) Block and Later
The first time the popup was displayed I selected Update. Then I closed NB, reopened it and tried to run the project again. The same dialog appeared. I selected the Update prompt again, but all this returned was a new popup saying
You already have the latest Java version on this platform.
To investigate the issue I opened the Java console via the Windows control panel. In the Security level for applications radio button set to High. I also notice an Exception Site List, which should not be of concern to me as I am only developing a desktop application.
How can I stop this happening and go back to Run > Run Main Project without these impediments?

Solved. In Netbeans > Project Properties > Run I discovered that Netbeans had unilaterally changed the property
Run: Standalone
Run: as Web Start
I shall report this as a Netbeans bug as I cannot find any explanation for this behavior.


Trying to publish ASP.NET Core React app with Electron.NET

So my understanding from the documentation to perform a publish is I need to call 'electronize build /target win'. This builds the project. However, there are some issues I'm unsure how to address.
The content path when I try to run it says the content root is C:\Windows\system32 instead of the actual working directory where the .exe resides. That isn't correct. Any ideas why? I think some of the other issues are caused by this.
Edit: I found out #1 uses the correct directory if it is ran as administrator. Unsure why.
How does one hide the command menu that comes up? all i want is the electron window to show on publish.
I see an electron window come up like when i run 'electronize start' but not after publishing. Any ideas?
Please try the latest version of Electron.NET. During development, a development menu is displayed. A standard behavior of Electron if you not have your own menu. With a build, the development menu is hidden again.

How to connect NetBeans 8 with Tomcat 8 in Mac OS X?

I found other Questions and Answers dealing with getting the NetBeans IDE to talk to the Apache Tomcat servlet container. But they seem to be out of date or involve extraneous steps. I remember the process as being less complicated on my Mac. But I cannot remember the exact steps.
Indeed, getting Tomcat to talk to NetBeans is fairly simple though not obvious.
Java EE edition of NetBeans
If downloading NetBeans, grab an edition of NetBeans IDE already bundled with Tomcat. You may need to customize the installation to get Tomcat, as described in this Question.
But that version of Tomcat is likely to be out of date. So let‘s look at hooking up a fresh copy of Tomcat with NetBeans IDE.
File Permissions
First be sure your copy of Tomcat can run. The permissions by default usually do not allow execution, at least in my experience on a Mac. So reset the permissions. If you are a Unix whiz, you can do so in the command-line. The rest of us use the BatChmod app.
I turn on all the checkboxes except Clear xattrs.
Verify that Tomcat can run by executing the file in Tomcat’s bin folder. Point your web browser to http://localhost:8080/ to see a Tomcat page. Then run to quit Tomcat.
Tip: You may delete all the files ending in .bat. Those are "batch" files used only on Microsoft Windows. Mac OS X uses the Unix files ending in .sh instead.
Define a Server in NetBeans
In the Services pane, context-click on the Servers item. From the context menu, choose Add server.
Big NetBeans Tip: When in doubt, context-click. While the Mac convention is to provide a main menu item for every item with context-menu being a mere convenience, NetBeans depends heavily on context-menus.
In the dialog that appears, choose Apache Tomcat or TomEE. Type a name to be displayed in NetBeans list of "Servers". I suggest typing "Tomcat" plus the version number.
Click Next for the next panel of this Add Server Instance wizard.
Tomcat Location
Click the Server Location > Browse button, and choose where your Tomcat folder. I keep mine in my "home" folder.
Deployment Location
Turn on the Use Private Configuration Folder checkbox.
We need to choose a folder where we want Tomcat (specifically, Tomcat’s Catalina module) to do its work, keep its temporary files, keep its logs, and place the installed copy of your web app when you run from within NetBeans. You must create this folder. The folder’s location can be anywhere. For its bundled version of Tomcat, NetBeans uses a folder nested in ~/Library/Application Support. But I tend to create a folder in my home folder with a nested folder for each version of Tomcat, ~/Apache-Tomcat-Netbeans/8.0.27/ for example. Unix & Java tend to get cranky about spaces in file paths, so I use hyphens rather than spaces in those folder names.
Click the Cataline Base > Browse button to display a file picker. Use the Create New Folder icon button in the upper right corner to create the folder hierarchy you want to use for your web app’s deployment when run from NetBeans (as discussed in previous paragraph).
Tomcat Manager User
Lastly in that panel, make up a user name and password to be used as a Tomcat "manager" to startup and shutdown Tomcat. Be sure to check the Create user if it does not exist checkbox.
The wizard panel should look something like this screen shot.
Click the Finish button. And voilá, you have a new Tomcat server defined within NetBeans.
The last step is to tell your project to use that server.
In your project’s Properties dialog, set Build > Run > Server (popup menu) to your newly defined server.

How to download/attach source code in Intellij 12

I had created a new project in Intellij 12 version ,which is a maven module.I have selected autoscroll options from the IDE too.But when I hover to WebDriver using Ctrl Q it prompts me to download /attach source code.I tried downloading/attaching but no change shows and WebDriver.class opens up instead of
Also note that this is happening for my new projects only ,for old selenium version like 2.39.0 it shows fine,it prompts me to attach for only 2.41.0 selenium dependency.
Message that shows is "Source not found" in the IDE.Why is it only for 2.41.0 selenium version and not for 2.39.0?
In order to add sources choose:
1.File | Project Structure
2.Click Libraries tab
3.Pick library and click + icon
4.Find a JAR file containing sources.
But in your case,( using maven as a build tool), IntelliJ will automatically download and attach available source to all libraries, no manual work needed.
Feel free to do the following step to update the indexes so that idea know that we have done the above change.
File > Invalidate Caches/Restart -> click invalidate and restart

Running emulator not working (iOS and Phonegap)

I'm trying to run a project on Xcode (4.6.2) with Phonegap (2.7).
I create the project using the create command in the terminal window, and then when I open it in Xcode and click the run button on the top left corner it builds successfully, but does not launch the emulator. Also, when I click the project tab, the "Run" button is not an option.
Any ideas as to why Xcode is not letting me run this project?
Note, I can run other projects in Xcode perfectly, it's just this one I'm having difficulty with.
When you use the create_project script and open the project for the first time in XCode, the CordovaLib sub-project is selected as the Run scheme so it builds CordovaLib OK but there's nothing to run. This has caught me out a few times and left me wondering why my project built but didn't run until I remembered to look at the scheme.
On the main toolbar at the top of Xcode, make sure the Scheme (next to Run and Stop buttons) is set to your project's name (the parent project) and not "CordovaLib" (the child project). The Scheme should read something like "My Project > iPhone" not "CordovaLib > iPhone".

CodeName One, Action event not created normally - need explanation

Good morning, Everyone.
I have a simple Hello World application created from basic "Hello World" template.
I've added simple button on the main form (in a CodeNameOne GUI designer) and I'm trying to fire an action event by clicking "Action Event". I am saving GUI designer contains before to make an event as it described here - CodeName One, Action event not working- need explanation
But GUI designer ask me to choose some filename instead to simply auto-create an event handler in NetBeans IDE as it shown in every manual. The main problem - I can not to select any file in this window. I don't know which file types GUI Designer need, but all *.java files from my projects are gray in this window and not accessible accordingly.
Event handler is created too in "", but not always.
For example, event handler created for button, but not created for Tabs.
Mac OS version is 10.8.3 (under Oracle Virtual Box)
NetBeans IDE is 7.3 and Java version is 1.6.0_43
Help me, please, this project is very nice,
but I can not continue to develop my application while this problem not resolved.
In some cases NetBeans install isn't detected correctly by the plugin. You need to point at the file not at the source file. You can force this by selecting the menu option "File->Setup NetBeans".
This is a known issue in the issue tracker with several artifacts e.g.: once you pick the right copy of NetBeans this should "just work".
