Translate joomla K2 template sentence - joomla

I have a joomla website with 5 subtemplate K2.
The website is multilingual and I want to translate some sentences in subtemplate.
Where I can put this translation ?
I think it's in de-DE.com_k2.ini but in the next K2's update, sentence will be erase ?
Thank you for your time

You can either edit the appropriate files in
or use the Language override feature in your administrator backend (Administrator-Extensions-Language management-Overrides). There you can search for text, find the language constants, and provide your custom localisations, which will persist across components' and Joomla! updates.


TYPO3 create links and respect language of target page (Fluid, typolink)

we have a webpage, where not all pages are translated. So many pages are only available in english and some special pages (country landing pages) are translated to various languages.
From these special translated pages I want to create links automatically converted to the default languages if the target page is not translated.
In menus (HMENU) "protectLvar = 1" works fine for me.
But how can I achieve this in normal typolinks or fluid "< uid="..."> without manually dealing with the language ?
I'm on typo3 9.5.
I have the following polish URL:
All the links from this page should go to "/en/subpage-xy/" because the above page is the only page translated to "pl". But actually all links go to "/pl/subpage-xy/" regardless if pages are translated to "pl".
The content-fallback mode leads to displaying english content under a /pl/-URL. I don`t want to change the fallback mode - I only want the links to be created to available language of the target page.
Is this possible ? Many thanks for any hints.
I think that you can't achieve what you want with default behavior.
I suggest you to wrote your own view helper based on <> and in that view helper, you can check with a request in the DB if the page exist for the current language and switch to English if that's not the case.
I guess that you can also generate the link with typoscript with condition over page existence in current language but it's more tricky.
You have a sample here : check if current page is translated

Limit TranslationModes (copy/translate) in TYPO3 7 Translation Wizard

TYPO3 7 has a nice Translation Wizard where you have for each page the choice whether you translate the elements or copy them. Once you choose one mode its locked for this page (as long as there is a translated content element).
My question is: can I force one option (for redactor) that he can only make "real" translations and no copies.
A quick and dirty hack is to hide the unwanted option via CSS in the backend.

Highly customizable/templatable CCK for Joomla 3.x

I'm working on Event websites with Joomla, and the issue is that these websites require that their content be updated quite frequently. There are different types of content, such as Speaker, Partner Companies and a complex Agenda.
I'm looking for a CCK or other extension that will allow me to make custom data types - one each for Speakers, Partners, etc.
For example, the Speakers content type would contain -
Their name
Their company designation
Their photograph
Their Bio
I also need this to be very flexible in its templating, as some things need to be displayed in modals or otherwise.
Thus far, I have found Form2Content to be very helpful, I have also tried K2 and SEBLOD.
I'm wondering if there is a solution better than Form2Content to solve this issue - any help is appreciated. :)
You can try use K2 and extrafields or write own K2 plugin for add some additional specific content type. With template hierarchy create own child k2 template in templates/your_template/html/com_k2/your_new_tmpl/ where could be modals or otherwise.

Building a native Joomla 3.1 component with refereing com_weblinks component

I'm going to develop joomla 3.1 component.
I have checked lend tutorial. And some people ask us to go through com_weblinks component which is fully written in new MVC style.
Can you please explain img and alt attribute in menu tag and its contents submenu section in weblinks.xml.
And also can you explain link in com_weblinks_categories (option=com_categories&extension=com_weblinks)? How it work? What is the purpose of extension parameter?
Note that all & must be escaped to & for the file to be valid
XML and be parsed by the installer
<menu link="option=com_weblinks" view="links" img="class:weblinks"
<menu link="option=com_categories&extension=com_weblinks"
view="categories" img="class:weblinks-cat" alt="Weblinks/Categories">com_weblinks_categories</menu>
And also anyone explain this check condition and parameters and its pattern in controller.php
$this->checkEditId('com_weblinks.edit.weblink', $id)
Thanks a lot
When it comes to articles, banners, weblinks, newsfeed, contacts etc, they use categories. The categories component is not only used for articles but all of the mentioned above. So when you go to view the weblinks, the URL will be option=com_weblinks however when viewing the category, it will use the parent component that's used for it option=com_categories. The child extension is then defined after like so:
As for the checkEditID function, have a look at this. It's basically a method to check whether or not the ID is in the edit list.
If you look on the Joomla 2.5 menu, you will see small icons on the left hand side of each menu item which I believe img="class:weblinks-cat" is supposed to be used for, however they don't show on Joomla 3.1. I'm not sure why but can always find out why.
Weblinks is most definitely not written in the newest mvc style used by Lendr, if you are coming from 1.5 it is written in the style you should use for 2.5. That style (now known as legacy) also works in J3, but if you extend the base classes you need to rename them.

best way to handle complex page layout in joomla

I have to convert a static site for a client and it has to retain the exisiting layout.
Fortunately, most of the pages don't have to be editable, so for those I was going to use more or less the existing html.
The challenge I am having is that for many of the pages that do need to be editable, the content is laid out in columns (2, 3 and sometimes mixed)
This ( ) is an example of a page like that, and you can see others on the site where the layout is relatively complex.
I had thought of creating a jce stylesheet that would at least layout the page in the editor in a reasonable way (a bit like a responsive site, by having the columns stacked one after the other) , but I am concerned that my client may accidentally delete the surrounding classes/divs that create the more detailed structure.
I'm pretty familiar with Joomla and have built quite a few sites, but I've not used an cck tools and was hoping not to have to do that in this case, though maybe now is the time to learn.
Any advice / recommendations would be welcome !
Maybe ContentBuilder could do in your case, it's fairly easy and creates super-simple code, I've accomplished similar tasks with it. You provide the user with 3 fields (one per column) and create a layout for its display.
Another alternative is possibly even easier: you could override the use of the page functions in a template override of com_content/article, instruct the user to insert at most 2 page breaks, and use the page breaks to build the layout as you require.
If your sites is upgraded to the Joomla 3 you can use the build-in Bootsrap to do the layout.
You can find some more information how you can achieve this in the following page:
