best way to handle complex page layout in joomla - joomla

I have to convert a static site for a client and it has to retain the exisiting layout.
Fortunately, most of the pages don't have to be editable, so for those I was going to use more or less the existing html.
The challenge I am having is that for many of the pages that do need to be editable, the content is laid out in columns (2, 3 and sometimes mixed)
This ( ) is an example of a page like that, and you can see others on the site where the layout is relatively complex.
I had thought of creating a jce stylesheet that would at least layout the page in the editor in a reasonable way (a bit like a responsive site, by having the columns stacked one after the other) , but I am concerned that my client may accidentally delete the surrounding classes/divs that create the more detailed structure.
I'm pretty familiar with Joomla and have built quite a few sites, but I've not used an cck tools and was hoping not to have to do that in this case, though maybe now is the time to learn.
Any advice / recommendations would be welcome !

Maybe ContentBuilder could do in your case, it's fairly easy and creates super-simple code, I've accomplished similar tasks with it. You provide the user with 3 fields (one per column) and create a layout for its display.
Another alternative is possibly even easier: you could override the use of the page functions in a template override of com_content/article, instruct the user to insert at most 2 page breaks, and use the page breaks to build the layout as you require.

If your sites is upgraded to the Joomla 3 you can use the build-in Bootsrap to do the layout.
You can find some more information how you can achieve this in the following page:


Comic navigation in joomla?

I have a joomla site and would like to integrate some old unfinished webcomics to it, so I can pick them up where I stopped in a CMS that won't leave me in an absolute frothing rage (thanks, wordpress).
I've got some experience with Joomla and I believe it would be a pretty good platform for managing multiple comics... except for the small issue of horrid navigation between pages/articles. Joomla's integrated article navigation is a humble but passable start, but if you intend to use categories to organize chapters then getting from the end of one to the beginning of the next is... yeah. This is a pity, as Joomla's category and article management options are beautiful for archiving and presentation, and adding gantry 5 to it means a great deal of control over the reading experience. Basically, joomla has pretty much everything I want, except for the navigation.
Ideally, what I'd like to be able to accomplish for comic navigation in joomla is:
Clickable full-article-image leading to next article/page
Prev/next article buttons (already available)
Prev/next category buttons (do we have those?)
The latter two in a module I can choose where to publish (optional)
And this is it, basically. I understand that implementing the first could be very hard without some major template customization, in which case I'd be willing to insert the image as a link in the article body... but only if there was one single code I could use, like the one that generates the next category article button. Because I'm not willing to create hundreds of menu items to generate links page-by-page.
So is any of this doable?
This is a quick answer but too much for a comment. I'm assuming since you are on SO that you don't mind coding (as opposed to just configuring).
I think you need to do two things. First you need to create a pagination.php for your template. This will let you really super control what the pagination looks like. You can have images, special css and js, whatever you want. You can also add the "last" and "first" options.
I think you need to make a new plugin to replace the core pagenavigation plugin and that also generates the previous/next category links. (Or I guess you could make one just to do categorynavigation depending on what you want.) HOWEVER, it seems to me that there is data on the sibling links that is already being generated in the content category model so you might be able to use that. (Check the code; I think there was never a UI for it, but it is there. Even if it isn't there, siblings are very easy to obtain in nested sets)
The other thing you can really think about if you go that route is changing the whole thing somewhat to use a module that gets the current ID and category ID from JInput. You might also be able to use JPagination. The important thing, however is that you make sure to do the caching the way the pagination that is there does it. In other words you really want to cache the whole list in the order you want so you are not running so many queries and slowing your site down. You may want to look at the categories and category modules to get some ideas about the queries to do.
Hope that gets you started, but it is definitely something you can do without too much trouble.

Octopress choose aside for each page

I have several pages on my blog that are quite specific and I know exactly what links I would like to appear on the sidebar of each page.
The only way I know how to control sidebar content is to designate certain asides to appear with certain layouts.
In my case, these pages do not each need a unique layout (per-se), they just need a different set of asides. So I am reluctant to create a separate layout for each page just so I can control the asides with more precision.
You are correct, you'll need a new layout in which you can specify specific page_asides. There's a good example of the customizations you'll need to make here: New Plain Page Layout for Octopress

Joomla 3 Article alternative layout

I've created an alternative layout for one of my articles which can be applied successfully, but as has been highlighted in various forums: if you view the article using the Single Article menu type the alternative layout doesn't get applied because of an XML override.
I have a Joomla site that is setup for Sales and Support where the article info such as date, hits etc is useful but on the marketing side none of that is needed, hence an alternative layout would work well.
I want to know how to enable my alternative layout using the Single Article menu type - I've already got the layout how I want it (testing it by having it overwrite default.php) but want to set it up as marketing.php instead and only have it applied to what is needed.
You're probably not going to like this answer because you have already written you're alternate view. If you were rewriting it to begin with, why would you not write in a way that the side bar parameters (date, hits, ect) are within a container that is only loaded conditionally. This way you would only have one view to worry about and a lot less headaches.

Drupal 7 - Views, loaded by Ajax

Two years ago I made a website to learn Flash, but these days Flash is loosing it's popularity. (the website never went online, was just for testing) Now I want to try making this test website with Drupal + Ajax...
Take a look at the Flash website
I have a collection of handbags, with different types and sizes. So I use taxonomy for that. (content type: handbag, with taxonomy terms "type" and "size" - small, medium and large)
The visitor should choose a type in the navigation. (Silver Medallion or Silver Jewel) Then he sees a page (made with views) that shows all available sizes. (The type 'Jewel' doesn't have sizes, so this type should show all bags.)
After the visitor clicks a size, he sees all available items of that type and size. With views, this is quite simple... But now I want to do this with Ajax, so the page doesn't have to reload... I also want the path to change, so people can add a page to the favortites.
I found an answer that helped me a bit further, but I have no idea where to put the code...
Code that helped me out... a bit
I think you need to create a custom module to create the view and add the configuration in setting file, then create a js file and add to drupal project.
Take a look at this. It seems to provide what you want:

Generate a catalog for print and web

I need to create a solution, which allows a database driven catalog to be generated.
Assume, there are a bunch of products, images, prices, other details, and admin can generate catalogs based on "templates".
These templates essentially are "styles" of pages. For instance, style 1, could have 4x4 layout (16 products, with image and other attributes), hence on each page, upto 16 products and details could be displayed. Style 2 could have 2x2 layout, 4 products, but more detail. Admin can pick and choose different styles in a catalog.
Once the catalog is generated, it needs to be put up for either web viewing (lower fidelity) and/or print publishing (higher fidelity).
I would like help in determining the optimum stack to use, particularly, to "code" template and consequently to generate the PDFs.
Factors to consider
Minimum coding effort (reuse commercial or foss)
I will prefer an existing software which can create/edit "template" so I don't have to do that. I can simply get the license and reuse that functionality.
What I have considered so far is the following
Adobe XFA Forms as templates, connected to database to generate PDF.
I not sure which program can generate XFA templates. Acrobat X is an option however it does not seem to have control for adding images. The LiveCycle Server seems to be an overkill.
Use iText library, no idea if templates are possible or not, generate for web/print. Has good support for size/quality of catalog to print.
Use Open office, make template, and write the glue to retrieve data and generate an open office doc, which can easily be converted into html/pdf. No idea how tough/easy this is.
EDIT: Adobe Framemaker allows templates - I am evaluating if it can do the job that i have in mind. I will post an update once I am done.
I have no experience with any of these technologies, so if you can guide/rate them, or add other options that I did not consider.
At this point I am language agnostic. Alot of libraries provide hooks from various languages, so I don't think that will be a problem. If your solution is specific to foo language, please mention it as well.
Thanks for taking the time.
There is a followup question I asked on graphicsdesign exchange.
How about Adobe inDesign Data Merge. And video here
Pretty easy to use aswel.
TCPDF (PHP) would give you quite a bit of control, and has lots of example code.
I've used it before, it's not too hard to figure out.
I'm not sure if its a good fit, but maybe
