Magento enterprise sending password in email not reset link - magento

i am using magento enterprise right now when user click on reset password fill email address our magento send password to user. but what i am trying to add reset link in email. i try to edit
{{store url="customer/account/resetpassword/"_query_id=$ _query_token=$customer.rp_token}}{{var}}&token={{var customer.token}}
{{store url="customer/account/resetpassword/" _query_id=$ _query_token=$customer.token}}
three of them not working customer token not coming in email i try with rp_tocken , token both has same problem token missing in email.
and when i click on link shows me 404..

while i was working on this functionality then i saw " rp_token " not exist then what i did i create rp_token,ro_date attribute under customer then once user request for password reset then i just add values in these attributes then send email link.. here is full module :
download this module please read or install carefully if you are not able to run this left me know..


Laravel - Changing the Base URL of the Reset Email URL that's being sent to users

I am using Laravel's default email functionality when sending the password reset link to users, and because of this, i wanted to change some parts of the email content that's being sent. One of those is the base URL of the reset link in the email.
In the email, it has this:
I wanted to change the Base URL http://localhost:8081 into something different since I am hosting other web apps on a different domain.
How can I do that?
Any tips are greatly appreciated!
You mean you have 2 servers. One for user to click reset password (an email will be sent to user). The other for handling reset password logic (after user click the link in email, fill new information and submit)
Is that right?
You can check Reset Email Customization and domain you can set in .env for getting

Strapi returns error code 400 on user registration

Strapi user registration returns error 400 Bad Request every time I try to register a test user, however the user does get created in the Users collection.
I am using the standard Strapi Email plugin (not the Send grid plugin), everytime I register a user, this plugin does not send an email which leads to be unable to confirm the user.
In the above image it returns an 400 Error but the user gets created.
Also, how to send the confirmation email with Strapi standard email plugin.
All auth permissions for Public role have been enabled
How to fix this error and send the confirmation email on new user register?
I also have the same issue, I just turned off the 'Enable email confirmation' on Advanced Settings, then it worked (registration).
So, In Strapi Admin:
Go to Settings -> Advanced settings
Set the field Enable email confirmation to "Off" then click save.
This works for me.
I think it's because you use the default email provider (sendmail). And your computer is not an available smtp server.
So I suggest you to install strapi-email-nodemailer
Then in your admin panel, got to Plugins (menu link) > Email (cog icon) and the select nodemailer provider and set the smtp server you want to use.
If you have trouble to setup correct information I suggest you to check how nodemailer node module work. strapi-email-provider is just a connector to use nodemailer from Strapi.
please check
My problem was because the sender email was misidentified.
The other problem I had was because there was no email configuration.
I installed the strapi-provider-email-smtp package and it was fixed when I made the necessary settings.
this worked for me.

Magento admin Forgot password not triggering email

I am checking "Forgot Password" link in Magento 1.9.1 but when I click on Forgot Password and provide my email id, it is giving message reset link email will be sent to your email id.
But I am not receiving any email for admin forgot password. I am getting password reset link for Customers account.
Can you please help with this?
Nilesh Bhayani
if you install new them platform included your information probably change... I dont know which hosting u hired but all of them similar...
Follow this steps
Hosting's Cpanel > Web Application > My Application
select your apllication (magento , wordpress , joomla etc.) and click edit.
You can see your admin name , password and mail information... you can change it what you want... Control mail section, change mail adress and try again

Magento: How to create an account with email and password only

I'm using Magento 1.7.
I would like to simplify the create account (register new user) to show and require only the email and a password.
The user would only fill in the other info (like name, address, etc) when making a purchase.
The idea behind is that every user would need to give out the email address in order to view the site content.
I'm already using this extension in order to make the the site available only to login users. I need a way to simplify the register process to include only email and password
and comment out the fields that you don't want.
This is what you want, right?
You can try this extension from Magento Connect - Fast Registration it allow customer registration only with Email & Password

How to disable Joomla Unique Email Functionality?

I have a site with Joomla 1.5.25. I have user login facilty with the site. I have modified Joomla's default functionality. Also I have created a user acount via php MyAdmin and entered so many data approximatly 1200 user entry.
But now I face a problem with the Email at Joomla backend.
When I trying to changed the Email ID via the back-end(user managment), its fires an error that:
"Email Id alread in used."
So here I want to change this Unique Email validation and it allow me to enter the Email ID if its already used by other one. Is ther any way or patch to set it disable?
There is no "easy" solution to work with duplicated emails.
But if you really need to do it, you have to override JTableUser (see line 230) and take care of sideffects like the ability to reset a password on com_users.
