How to recompile Crypto++ with GCC-4.8? - compilation

My question is how can I recompile Crypto++ with GCC-4.8 in FreeBSD 9.2?
I'm having the following error, and I noticed that recompiling CrypTopp would solve the problem.
undefined reference to `CryptoPP::AlignedDeallocate(void*)'

My question is how can I recompile Crypto++ with GCC-4.8 in FreeBSD 9.2?
There's usually 3 or 4 things to be mindful of with later versions of GCC and the BSDs. They are enumerated below. If you have a specific problem, then you should ask.
First, install gmake and use it instead of the BSD's anemic make. So you would compile with something like:
cd cryptopp
gmake GNUmakefile
I think other dependencies include gettext and libiconv.
Second, the Crypto++ makefile sometimes blows away your choice of CXX and maybe LD. Open the GNUmakefile and hard code them to want you want if its occurring.
Third, Crypto++ has some bug fixes for dependent name lookups. This only affects later versions of GCC, like 4.7 or 4.8 and above. See, for example, Unable to make on MingW due to unrecognized option.
So you should be using Crypto++ from SVN, and not the ZIP file from the website. See SVN on the Crypto++ wiki on how to check it out.
Fourth, install Crypto++ into /usr/local, and not /usr. For some reason, one of the BSDs (OpenBSD) treat everything in /usr/include as a C file, and does not honor a C++ file. It will lead to unexplained compile failures. You can read about it on the Crypto++ wiki: Linux and OpenBSD.
So your install would look like:
sudo gmake install PREFIX=/usr/local
There should also be a port available. You should try and use it if its available. For example its available as cryptopp-5.6.3-2 under FreeBSD. OpenBSD has a patch at Fix: net/synergy, so its probably available in their ports tree, too.
Finally, there is a Crypto++ wiki page covering Linux and the BSDs at Linux and BSD. Its basically everything I know about building and running Crypto++ on *nix variants. If you are a die hard BSD guy, then my apologies for lumping Linux and BSD together on one page.


Run a program built with gcc8 on a producing environment without gcc8

My developing/producing environments are all CentOS-7.7.
In order to compile my program with gcc-8.3.0, I have installed "devtoolset-8" on my developing env, but it can not be used in the way same as gcc-4.8.5 that was shipped with CentOS7 oringinally.
Every time I need to compile a program, I must use "scl enable devtoolset-8 -- bash" to switch to gcc8 instead of gcc4.8.5.
When the program was deploying onto the producing-env, there is no gcc8, nor, so it can not run.
I guess should be released with gcc8? I can neither install "devtoolset-8" on the producing-env, nor build gcc8 from source on the producing env.
The version of libstdc++ that can be installed from the official yum repo of CentOS, is, hence my programs can not be loaded at the producing-env.
How to let such programs to run?
Pls forgive my Ugly English.
In order to not have to copy or ship a separate but rather link statically (as suggested in a comment) against the C++ runtime, one can link C++ programs with -static-libstdc++ (also specifying -static-libgcc will also make sure that the program does not depend on a recent enough version of on the system - although that should rarely be a problem).
There can also be the issue of the target system having a version of glibc that is too old (relative to the build system). In that case, one could anyhow compile gcc of no matter how recent of a version on the older system, so that the resulting C++ executables as well as libstdc++ are linked against the older glibc. Linking C++ programs with -static-libstdc++ will again help to not depend on the program having to be able to find at run-time.
Finally, the C++ program could also be linked with -static not depending on any dynamic libraries at all.

GCC not working during compiling haskell programs on Windows

I'd like to compile a Haskell project with a .cabal file under windows.
I have installed the Haskell Platform and Cygwin. One of the dependancies is time, which fail to build during the cabal install command.
The error message is the following:
checking for gcc... C:\PROGRA~1\HASKELL~1\826561~1.1\mingw\bin\gcc.exe
checking if the C compiler is working... no
configure error: C compiler cannot create executable
So I downloaded another gcc withing Cygwin that, I suppose, will work better.
However, this other question mention that the Haskell platform now uses MinGW rater than Cygwin to run GNU software.
I changed in the cabal configure file the location of gcc, but I still get the same error message (but with the new location of gcc).
So I'm a bit confused here: what is exactly the problem with gcc? Do you have any inputs on how I could continue the building of my software?
Fixed (partially) by using Stack. Building is failing but for another reason, so I'll ask another question.
Thanks again.

Haskell package missing c library

I'm having trouble building the hmatrix library on OS X Lion. Looking at the .cabal file, it requires the gsl library, so I installed it with macports. The .a files are in /opt/local/lib and the .h files are in /opt/local/include/gsl
As suggested here I changed the built-type from Custom to Simple. (without that change I get a similar error).
When I use cabal configure I get the following output:
* Missing C library: gsl
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
So I tried cabal --extra-include-dirs=/opt/local/include --extra-lib-dirs=/opt/local/lib configure, but I still get the same error. I can compile and link a c program that includes gsl. What files is cabal looking for? If I have the right files, how do I tell it how to find them?
libgsl.a is a universal binary:
$ file /opt/local/lib/libgsl.a
/opt/local/lib/libgsl.a: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/opt/local/lib/libgsl.a (for architecture x86_64): current ar archive random library
/opt/local/lib/libgsl.a (for architecture i386): current ar archive random library
ghc looks like it's 64-bit:
$ ghc --info
[("Project name","The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System")
,("GCC extra via C opts"," -fwrapv")
,("C compiler command","/usr/bin/llvm-gcc")
,("C compiler flags"," -m64 -fno-stack-protector -m64")
,("ar command","/usr/bin/ar")
,("ar flags","clqs")
,("ar supports at file","NO")
,("touch command","touch")
,("dllwrap command","/bin/false")
,("windres command","/bin/false")
,("perl command","/usr/bin/perl")
,("target os","OSDarwin")
,("target arch","ArchX86_64")
,("target word size","8")
,("target has GNU nonexec stack","False")
,("target has subsections via symbols","True")
,("Project version","7.4.2")
,("Booter version","7.4.2")
,("Build platform","x86_64-apple-darwin")
,("Host platform","x86_64-apple-darwin")
,("Target platform","x86_64-apple-darwin")
,("Have interpreter","YES")
,("Object splitting supported","NO")
,("Have native code generator","YES")
,("Support SMP","YES")
,("Tables next to code","YES")
,("RTS ways","l debug thr thr_debug thr_l thr_p dyn debug_dyn thr_dyn thr_debug_dyn")
,("Leading underscore","YES")
,("Debug on","False")
,("Global Package DB","/usr/local/Cellar/ghc/7.4.2/lib/ghc-7.4.2/package.conf.d")
,("Gcc Linker flags","[\"-m64\"]")
,("Ld Linker flags","[\"-arch\",\"x86_64\"]")
As an alternative to mac-ports you can use the nix package manager for mac. It does a pretty good job of taking care of the c dependancies for for the libraries available through it. In general I have been more happy with it then any other package manager on mac.
Unfortunately mac(darwin) unlike for linux does not have as many binaries available through nix so installing ghc often means waiting for it to compile.
The commands to install ghc and hmatrix after installation of nix are:
nix-env -iA nixpkgs-unstable.haskellPackages.ghc
nix-env -iA nixpkgs-unstable.haskellPackages.hmatrix
All of the needed dependencies will be taken care of for you.
I just tried it on my macbook pro and hmatrix seems to be working correctly in ghci after trying commands from the first few pages of the tutorial.
I'm not a mac person, but it really sounds like you haven't installed the "-dev" version. For a mac, I suspect you need to install gsl-devel in addition to gsl. If the problem persists, verify that you have libgsl0-dev on your library path.

Proper way to upgrade from llvm-g++-4.2 to g++-4.7 on Mac

I have Lion 10.7.3 with the Command-line tool installed. I wanted to experiment with C++11, so I used homebrew to install GCC 4.7 as documented here.
How can I now upgrade the /usr/bin/g++ to be the one installed by Homebrew? Is it as simple as symlinking it? I just want to double check and make sure. Thanks!
First, are you sure you need g++ 4.7? As you can see from the C++11 implementation status page, recent versions of clang support most of C++11 too. Of course there are still things that g++ handles and clang doesn't, but there are also still things that clang supports and g++ doesn't. And, more importantly, you already have a recent version of clang, from Apple, configured and ready to go, as your default compiler. Plus, g++ after 4.2 doesn't support Mac extensions like, say, -arch, which means you can't use it to build a whole lot of third-party software (because most configure scripts assume that if you're on a Mac, your compiler supports Mac extensions).
But if you want g++ 4.7, you can do it. Just not by trying to replace /usr/bin/g++ with a different version. Never replace anything in /usr/bin (or /System) with non-Apple stuff except in a few very rare cases (when you have a strong reassurance from someone who knows what they're talking about).
A better thing to do is to just install another compiler in parallel. Just let Homebrew install its favorite way (so it installs into some prefix like /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/4.7, then symlinks all the appropriate stuff into /usr/local/bin, etc.), and use it that way.
When compiling your code, instead of writing g++, write /usr/local/bin/g++, or g++-4.7.
If you get tired of doing that, put /usr/local/bin higher on your PATH that /usr/bin, or create a shell alias, or stick it in the environment variable CXX and write $CXX instead of g++.
If you're using a GUI IDE, you should be able to configure it to use your compiler by setting the path to it somewhere. (Unless you're using Xcode, which you can only configure to work with Apple-tested compilers.)
This is all you need for experimenting with your own code. If you want to compile third-party applications with this compiler, that may be a bit more complicated. You don't often actually compile each source file and link the result together; you just do configure && make and let them do the heavy lifting for you.
Fortunately, most packages will respect the standard environment variables, especially CXX for specifying a default C++ compiler and CC for a default C compiler. (That's why I suggested the name CXX above.)
Just remember that, again, g++ 4.7 doesn't support Mac extensions, so if you're not prepared to debug a bunch of autoconf-based configure scripts complaining that your compiler can't generate code because it assumed it could throw -arch x86_64 at any compiler on a Mac, etc., don't do this.

ARM toolchain for ubuntu Error while compiling

I am trying to make the ARM toolchain in ubuntu. The way it is specified in
I am getting the following error:
Configuring for a x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu host.
Invalid configuration `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu': machine `x86_64-unknown' not recognized
Invalid configuration `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu': machine `x86_64-unknown' not recognized
Unrecognized host system name x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.
does anybody have idea whats going wrong here.
A Google-search on the "machine `x86_64-unknown' not recognized" error message indicates that this can happen if the config.guess and config.sub files in the program you're building are too old to recognize the machine type for 64-bit linux. I expect that's your problem. You can fix that by replacing the ones in your GCC source tree with newer versions; your system should have some in the /usr/share/libtool directory that will work. Alternately, compile in a 32-bit Linux installation, or with "--build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu" configure options.
There are also copies here:*checkout*/config/config/config.guess*checkout*/config/config/config.sub
The real question, though, is: Why you are trying to build a version of the ARM toolchain that's that old? The directions on the site you link to will lead you to download the sources for the 2.95.3 version of GCC -- which was released nearly a decade ago. In GCC terms, that's positively ancient; the latest version is 4.5. It's older than a lot of ARM instruction-set changes, too.
Thus, the right solution to your problem, unless you have some specific need for a 2.95 compiler, is to get a version of GCC that's much more recent.
Also, you'll probably save some pain by not compiling it yourself, unless you particularly want to. There are numerous sources of precompiled cross-compilers; since I work at CodeSourcery, I'll recommend ours (which you can download and use for free): If you want something equivalent to the compiler on the page you linked to, you probably want the "uClinux" version.
