DynaTrace installation issue - performance

During re-installation of Dyntrace I getting below error, Tried to google it but didn't find any appropriate solution.

When you say "re-installation" does it mean you hit the "Modify" option or did you install a 6.1 on an existing 6.0 installation?
Can you look at the Windows Event Log? Typically installers write error messages in the windows event log.
What I'Ve seen in the past is that some anti-virus software corrupated the msi file that people downloaded from our download servers. Can you try downloading it again? maybe from a different machien? You can get the current installers from here https://community.compuwareapm.com/community/display/EVAL/Step+1+-+Download+and+install+dynaTrace
Please also check out our community portal where we have a dedicated discussion forum for dynatrace related questions: https://community.compuwareapm.com/community/display/DTFORUM/dynaTrace+Forums+Home


"some installed products need licenses. Please start automation license manager..." TIA portal installation error

Newbie here.
So I've been having trouble installing TIA Portal v15.1. During the installation, I always get an error message saying "some installed products need licenses". I'm on win 10 Pro 64 bit. The log file can be found here: http://txt.do/1eusu
Thanks for your help in advance. Been struggling for a while now.
enter image description here
It seems to fail at MSMQ. Make sure MSMQ is enabled,
You can find this under
control panel > turn on windows features > MSMQ.
Also try to run the installer as administrator (in case you didn't do this already).

Arelle software not installing

I am attempting to install the Arelle XBRL software and these are the steps I am following.
Download the Windows 64 bit version from http://arelle.org/pub/applications/
Double click on installer
As soon as I click the installer I get an NSIS Error message depicted below.
What I have tried:
E-mailing the Arelle support dept but they don't seem to answer at all
Searched for a solution
The most common solution I have found was to run the installer from the command prompt with the below syntax. This seems to have worked for many people but I am still getting the exact same error.
"C:\Users\MyPc\Desktop\arelle-win-x64-2019-07-24.exe" /NCRC
This problem has existed for weeks and it doesn't make sense as Arelle is a widely used program for use with XBRL and many people have downloaded it.
Disk checks and various error checks are being done frequently by the company's administrator so computer maintenance is always occurring.
Any ideas?
I've had the same issue, I've downloaded installer from another computer and another net, run it on computer where was issue, and it works.

How to uninstall VMWare Workstation 14 on Windows 7 (X64)

When I tried to manually uninstall VMWare Workstation 14... It gives me this error...Windows installer Service Could Not Be Accessed .... I'm using corporate machine, could this possibly mean I have to contact my sys admins and have them remove it? Has anyone had this problem before and solved it?
I wasn't going to post this - I think I misunderstood your scenario - but here goes, maybe see if some ideas pop up:
A few questions:
Does this happen with other packages on the box as well?
Do you see the same problem with the VMWare package on other boxes?
Do co-workers - with similar login credentials and rights - see the same problem(s)?
Did you ask you system administrator what policies apply for the install / repair of MSI packages? Maybe group policy blocks them? Is this a package you downloaded yourself, or is it "blessed" by a sys-admin?
Do you know if this is a 32-bit or 64-bit package? Do you have a tool to open the MSI? If you got Orca - open the MSI and go to View => Summary Information... - what does the Platform field say?
When things like this happens, you should generally first hit the vendor site looking for user forums, knowledge bases, support contact information etc... Unless you have a service agreement, in which case you should obviously just call them and enjoy some nice waiting music.
A quick search:
https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1031032 (for installations inside virtuals)
https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1004802 (for installations inside virtuals)
Maybe try msiexec /regserver first - it seems to be the most harmless option. My guess is that this is a policy thing which locks the whole Windows Installer service from running. What security software do you have installed on the box?

GAMMU -- Identify: not a valid win32 application

I downloaded from official site and installed latest version of Gammu for windows.
The set-up runs just fine like any other exe I have ever installed.
Then, when I try to call the command as instructed in the official guide I get this message: (alternative)
I've tried anything but it's always the same.
All of the other similar "win32 not a valid application" questions are related to self-made applications or programming in general: I haven't found a similar problem related to gammu in the whole web, except for a very old case from seven years ago which suggest to downgrade, which of course I can't do.
any suggestion to this problem? anyone had a similar one
Okay, there seems to be problem with running apps built with recent Visual studio on Windows XP and 2003.
Fortunately there is a configuration to change this.
I've just committed this change to Gammu and the new binaries will soon build. They should be available for download here. It would be great if you can test them...

What causes the Vista/Win7 warning: "This program may not have installed correctly" ?

What causes this warning and what can I do to keep it from popping up when my app installs?
Possible causes:
Virus scanning software (I'm looking into that)
Not putting the uninstall in the Add/Remove programs (this will definitely cause the problem, per documentation from Microsoft (see answer below)
Putting .ocx or .dll files in the App Directory?
Not registering the library files (app runs fine without reinstalling, so I don't think this is it.
Any other ideas?
To fix this, see this blog post by Aaron Stebner:
Your app is probably being detected by the PCA (Program Compatibility Assistant) as a non-Vista (pre-Vista) installation application.
You will need to add an embedded manifest and set a requested execution level
There is a previous stack question on this topic as well with some alternative work-arounds (noob, I can only post one link at the moment). You should be able to find some information on Vista-aware installation applications and be able to resolve this issue, but the info above has worked for me in the past.
One of the reasons this pops up is that after running the installer, the system checks to see if something changed in the installed programs list. If the contents of the installed programs list hasn't changed, it assumes that your application failed to install correctly.
I think this is related to operations which may be denied via UAC. (Not sure what exactly - file copies to restricted areas?)
To keep this from occurring, run the installer as an administrator.
