Ruby - Webmock: Match URI using regular expression - ruby

I'm working with rspec and webmock and I'm looking into stubbing request. I do have a problem when I try to use regex to match the URI.
Everything was working fine when I used the stub below, without matching a specific URI (/.*/)
it "returns nil and stores an error when the response code is not OK" do
stub_request(:get, /.*/).
:headers => insertion_api.send(:default_headers, false).merge('User-Agent'=>'Ruby'),
:body => {}
:status => Insertion.internal_server_error.to_i,
:body => "{\"message\": \"failure\"}",
:headers => { 'Cookie' => [session_token] }
expect(insertion_api.get_iou(uid)).to be_nil
expect(insertion_api.error).to eq("An internal server error occurred")
Since I want to be more specific in my test to improve readability, if I try to match a this specific URI:
using the stub below:
it "returns nil and stores an error when the response code is not OK" do
stub_request(:get, %r{insertion_order/\w+\?fields\=[\w,]+\&depth\=[0-9]}).
:headers => insertion_api.send(:default_headers, false).merge('User-Agent'=>'Ruby'),
:body => {}
:status => Insertion.internal_server_error.to_i,
:body => "{\"message\": \"failure\"}",
:headers => { 'Cookie' => [session_token] }
expect(insertion_api.get_iou(uid)).to be_nil
expect(insertion_api.error).to eq("An internal server error occurred")
running the test I've got:
Real HTTP connections are disabled. Unregistered request: GET with body '{}' with headers {'Accept'=>'application/; version=2.0', 'Cookie'=>'y0Urv3ryLon6s3cur1tYT0k3ng0zeh3r3', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}
You can stub this request with the following snippet:
stub_request(:get, "").
with(:body => "{}",
:headers => {'Accept'=>'application/vnd.dataxu.mgmt+json; version=2.0', 'Cookie'=>'y0Urv3ryLon6s3cur1tYT0k3ng0zeh3r3', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {})
registered request stubs:
stub_request(:get, "/insertion_order\/\w+\?fields\=[\w,]+\&depth\=[0-9]/").
with(:body => {},
:headers => {'Accept'=>'application/; version=2.0', 'Cookie'=>'y0Urv3ryLon6s3cur1tYT0k3ng0zeh3r3', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'})
The regex I've used is correct, but I don't understand why I've got this error message.

The request you got is :
You have given the regexp :
In the regexp you have specified with the "\?" that it is mandatory that the request should contain "?" (or a query) after "insertion_order/\w+". In the request you got there aren't any query parameters. That's why it isn't matching the request.
One way you can fix that is to make the part that comes after "insertion_order/\w+" in the regexp optional. I would do it like this :


Connect to a SOAP API with savon and specify Domain

With SoapUI, I am successfully connecting to a SOAP API with details such as:
Initial WSDL:
Username: foo
Password: bar
Domain: example
But I am not sure how to do this with Savon. I am trying this (not quite understanding if ntlm is the correct setting here):
savon_defaults = {
:wsdl => "",
:ntlm => ["foo", "bar", "example"],
:log_level => :debug,
:pretty_print_xml => true,
:log => true
#client = Savon.client(savon_defaults), :message => {:bar => "baz"})
The above outputs:
D, [2020-05-18T21:21:14.853929 #7156] DEBUG -- : HTTPI /peer GET request to (httpclient)
Savon::HTTPError: HTTP error (401)
Any ideas?

Mocking methods in Puppet rspec tests

I've implemented a custom Puppet function that queries a Keystone server for information. The module that defines this function includes some helper methods that perform the actual work of querying keystone. Broadly, the structure looks like this:
def authenticate(auth_url, username, password)
def list_tenants(auth_url, token)
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:lookup_tenant, :type => :rvalue) do |args|
I would like to mock out the authenticate and list_tenants methods
during testing so that I can test the rest of the Puppet module in the
absence of an actual Keystone server.
I haven't previously worked with either Ruby or Rpsec before, and I'm
having a hard time finding examples of how to provide stubs for these
internal methods.
So far I have a stub rspec file that simply verified the existence of
the function:
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'lookup_tenant' do
it "should exist" do
Puppet::Parser::Functions.function("lookup_tenant").should == "function_lookup_tenant"
# This will fail because there is no keystone server.
it "should fail" do
should run.with_params(
I would like to be able to provide custom returns from the
authenticate and list_tenants methods (or even raise exceptions
from inside these methods) so that I can test the behavior of the
lookup_tenant function in different failure scenarios.
WebMock could be used for simulating the http requests as stubs. Here is the link to the github repo:
For folks who haven't seen webmock before, I wanted to leave some information here about why it's particularly awesome.
So, I have in my module some code that makes an http request:
url = URI.parse("#{auth_url}/tokens")
req = url.path
req['content-type'] = 'application/json'
req.body = JSON.generate(post_args)
res = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) {|http|
if res.code != '200'
raise KeystoneError, "Failed to authenticate to Keystone server at #{auth_url} as user #{username}."
rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
raise KeystoneError, "Failed to connect to Keystone server at #{auth_url}."
By simply adding a require to the start of the spec file:
require `webmock`
Attempts to open a connection will result in:
Real HTTP connections are disabled. Unregistered request: POST with body '{"auth":{"passwordCredentials":{"username":"admin_user","password":"admin_password"},"tenantName":"admin_tenant"}}' with headers {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Content-Type'=>'application/json', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}
You can stub this request with the following snippet:
stub_request(:post, "").
with(:body => "{\"auth\":{\"passwordCredentials\":{\"username\":\"admin_user\",\"password\":\"admin_password\"},\"tenantName\":\"admin_tenant\"}}",
:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Content-Type'=>'application/json', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {})
And that's just about all the information you need to stub out the
call. You can make the stubs as granular as necessary; I ended up
using something like:
good_auth_request = {
'auth' => {
'passwordCredentials' => {
'username' => 'admin_user',
'password' => 'admin_password',
'tenantName' => 'admin_tenant',
auth_response = {
'access' => {
'token' => {
'id' => 'TOKEN',
stub_request(:post, "").
with(:body => good_auth_request.to_json).
to_return(:status => 200, :body => auth_response.to_json, :headers => {})
And now I can test my module when there is no Keystone server

How to update all fields in MailChimp API batch subscribe using Ruby and Gibbon

I am using Ruby 1.9.3 without Rails and version 1.0.4 of the Gibbon gem.
I have referrals populated with my list and can send the following to MailChimp with Gibbon. However, only the email address and email type fields are populated in the list in MailChimp. What am I doing wrong that is prohibiting all the merge fields from being imported via API?
Here is the batch and map of the list.
referrals.each_slice(3) do |batch|
prepared_batch = do |referral|
:EMAIL => {:email => referral['client_email']},
:EMAIL_TYPE => 'html',
:MMERGE6 => referral['field_1'],
:MMERGE7 => referral['field_2'],
:MMERGE8 => referral['field_3'],
:MMERGE9 => referral['field_4'],
:MMERGE11 => referral['field_5'],
:MMERGE12 => referral['field_6'],
:MMERGE13 => referral['field_7'],
:MMERGE14 => referral['field_8'],
:MMERGE15 => referral['field_9'],
:FNAME => referral['client_first_name']
end"prepared_batch : #{prepared_batch}")
result = #gibbon.lists.batch_subscribe(
:id => #mc_list_id,
:batch => prepared_batch,
:double_optin => false,
:update_existing => true
rescue Exception => e
#log.warn("Unable to load batch into mailchimp because #{e.message}")
The above executes successfully. However, only the email address and email type are populated but most of the fields should be populated.
Here is my log output for one of the prepared_batches. I replaced the real values with Value. I used my own email for testing.
I, [2013-11-11T09:01:14.778907 #70827] INFO -- : prepared_batch : [{:EMAIL=>
{:email=>""}, :EMAIL_TYPE=>"html", :MMERGE6=>"Value",
:MMERGE7=>"Value", :MMERGE8=>nil, :MMERGE9=>nil, :MMERGE11=>"8/6/13 0:00",
:MMERGE12=>"Value", :MMERGE13=>nil, :MMERGE14=>"10/18/13 19:09", :MMERGE15=>"Value",
:FNAME=>"Value"}, {:EMAIL=>{:email=>""}, :EMAIL_TYPE=>"html",
:MMERGE6=>"Value", :MMERGE7=>"Value", :MMERGE8=>nil, :MMERGE9=>nil, :MMERGE11=>"8/6/13
0:00", :MMERGE12=>"Value", :MMERGE13=>nil, :MMERGE14=>nil, :MMERGE15=>"Value",
:FNAME=>"Value"}, {:EMAIL=>{:email=>""}, :EMAIL_TYPE=>"html",
:MMERGE6=>"Value", :MMERGE7=>"Value", :MMERGE8=>nil, :MMERGE9=>nil, :MMERGE11=>"8/7/13
0:00", :MMERGE12=>"Value", :MMERGE13=>nil, :MMERGE14=>nil, :MMERGE15=>"Value",
Here is the log output of result from the MailChimp call.
I, [2013-11-11T09:01:14.778691 #70827] INFO -- : {"add_count"=>3, "adds"=>
[{"email"=>"", "euid"=>"ab512177b4", "leid"=>"54637465"},
{"email"=>"", "euid"=>"eeb8388524", "leid"=>"54637469"},
{"email"=>"", "euid"=>"7dbc84cb75", "leid"=>"54637473"}],
"update_count"=>0, "updates"=>[], "error_count"=>0, "errors"=>[]}
Any advice on how to get all the fields to update in MailChimp is appreciated. Thanks.
Turns out the documentation for using the Gibbon gem to batch subscribe is not correct. You need to add the :merge_vars struct to contain the fields other than email and email type. My final code looks like the following. I'm also going to update this code in its entirety at:
referrals.each_slice(3) do |batch|
prepared_batch = do |referral|
:EMAIL => {:email => referral['email']},
:EMAIL_TYPE => 'html',
:merge_vars => {
:MMERGE6 => referral['field_1'],
:MMERGE7 => referral['field_2'],
:MMERGE8 => referral['field_3'],
:MMERGE9 => referral['field_4'],
:MMERGE11 => referral['field_5'],
:MMERGE12 => referral['field_6'],
:MMERGE13 => referral['field_7'],
:MMERGE14 => referral['field_8'],
:MMERGE15 => referral['field_9'],
:FNAME => referral['first_name']
end"prepared_batch : #{prepared_batch}")
result = #gibbon.lists.batch_subscribe(
:id => #mc_list_id,
:batch => prepared_batch,
:double_optin => false,
:update_existing => true
rescue Exception => e
#log.warn("Unable to load batch into mailchimp because #{e.message}")

HTTParty options parameter not functioning properly

I'm setting up an application which can make LastFM API Requests.
These are simple get requests and I'm using the HTTParty gem.
My function is as follows:
def get_albums
self.class.base_uri ""
options = {
:user => "Gerard1992",
:method => "user.gettopalbums",
:api_key => Constants::LASTFM_API_KEY,
:format => "json"
puts options.to_query
self.class.get "/?#{options.to_query}", {} #options don't work
This piece of code that's shown above works. The get request returns a set of JSON. My problem is that this /?#{options.to_query} doesn't look that neat. And neither does the actual (now empty {}) options parameter. How do I get the HTTParty options parameter to work like it should?
This is what I've tried, but both cases failed:
self.class.get "/", options
self.class.get "/", options => options
I appreciate the help.
The correct option for query parameters in HTTParty is :query, so what you want is:
self.class.get "/", query: options
You can see all the available parameters in the docs.
Send :verify => false in options hash

Parse WSDL file with SOAP4R

Is there any example of WSDL Parser using SOAP4R? I'm trying to list all operations of WSDL file but I can't figure it out :( Can you post me some tutorial?
Maybe that isn't answer you want, but I recommend you switch to Savon. For example, your task looks like this snippet (this example taken from github's savon page):
require "savon"
# create a client for your SOAP service
client ="")
# => [:create_user, :get_user, :get_all_users]
# execute a SOAP request to call the "getUser" action
response = client.request(:get_user) do
soap.body = { :id => 1 }
# => { :get_user_response => { :first_name => "The", :last_name => "Hoff" } }
