Parse WSDL file with SOAP4R - ruby

Is there any example of WSDL Parser using SOAP4R? I'm trying to list all operations of WSDL file but I can't figure it out :( Can you post me some tutorial?

Maybe that isn't answer you want, but I recommend you switch to Savon. For example, your task looks like this snippet (this example taken from github's savon page):
require "savon"
# create a client for your SOAP service
client ="")
# => [:create_user, :get_user, :get_all_users]
# execute a SOAP request to call the "getUser" action
response = client.request(:get_user) do
soap.body = { :id => 1 }
# => { :get_user_response => { :first_name => "The", :last_name => "Hoff" } }


FIWARE keyrock oauth callback - ruby

I am trying to implement/use Fiware Keyrock for authentization. Is there any tutorial/webinar on how to do it. Anyone does this ? It requires callbackurl and url of application of oauth, how to implement this in my rails application that it would communicate with keyrock (IDM). Any help is greatly appreciated, Thank you.
I have done this using the omniauth gem and using oauth2. There are several tutorials for using omniauth. You can first try another provider, like twitter.
I have created a "strategy" like this and placed it into /lib/omni_auth/strategies/filab_strategy.rb
require 'omniauth-oauth2'
module OmniAuth
module Strategies
class FilabStrategy < OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2
option :name, "filab"
option :client_options, {
:site => '',
:authorize_url => '',
:token_url => ''
uid { raw_info['id'].to_s }
info do
'nickname' => raw_info['nickName'],
'displayName' => raw_info['displayName'],
'email' => raw_info['email'],
'name' => raw_info['displayName'],
extra do
{:raw_info => raw_info}
def raw_info
access_token.options[:mode] = :query
#raw_info ||= access_token.get('user.json', params: { access_token: access_token.token }).parsed
Then I configured and it the same way other more mainstream strategies are configured.

Mocking methods in Puppet rspec tests

I've implemented a custom Puppet function that queries a Keystone server for information. The module that defines this function includes some helper methods that perform the actual work of querying keystone. Broadly, the structure looks like this:
def authenticate(auth_url, username, password)
def list_tenants(auth_url, token)
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:lookup_tenant, :type => :rvalue) do |args|
I would like to mock out the authenticate and list_tenants methods
during testing so that I can test the rest of the Puppet module in the
absence of an actual Keystone server.
I haven't previously worked with either Ruby or Rpsec before, and I'm
having a hard time finding examples of how to provide stubs for these
internal methods.
So far I have a stub rspec file that simply verified the existence of
the function:
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'lookup_tenant' do
it "should exist" do
Puppet::Parser::Functions.function("lookup_tenant").should == "function_lookup_tenant"
# This will fail because there is no keystone server.
it "should fail" do
should run.with_params(
I would like to be able to provide custom returns from the
authenticate and list_tenants methods (or even raise exceptions
from inside these methods) so that I can test the behavior of the
lookup_tenant function in different failure scenarios.
WebMock could be used for simulating the http requests as stubs. Here is the link to the github repo:
For folks who haven't seen webmock before, I wanted to leave some information here about why it's particularly awesome.
So, I have in my module some code that makes an http request:
url = URI.parse("#{auth_url}/tokens")
req = url.path
req['content-type'] = 'application/json'
req.body = JSON.generate(post_args)
res = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) {|http|
if res.code != '200'
raise KeystoneError, "Failed to authenticate to Keystone server at #{auth_url} as user #{username}."
rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
raise KeystoneError, "Failed to connect to Keystone server at #{auth_url}."
By simply adding a require to the start of the spec file:
require `webmock`
Attempts to open a connection will result in:
Real HTTP connections are disabled. Unregistered request: POST with body '{"auth":{"passwordCredentials":{"username":"admin_user","password":"admin_password"},"tenantName":"admin_tenant"}}' with headers {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Content-Type'=>'application/json', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}
You can stub this request with the following snippet:
stub_request(:post, "").
with(:body => "{\"auth\":{\"passwordCredentials\":{\"username\":\"admin_user\",\"password\":\"admin_password\"},\"tenantName\":\"admin_tenant\"}}",
:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Content-Type'=>'application/json', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {})
And that's just about all the information you need to stub out the
call. You can make the stubs as granular as necessary; I ended up
using something like:
good_auth_request = {
'auth' => {
'passwordCredentials' => {
'username' => 'admin_user',
'password' => 'admin_password',
'tenantName' => 'admin_tenant',
auth_response = {
'access' => {
'token' => {
'id' => 'TOKEN',
stub_request(:post, "").
with(:body => good_auth_request.to_json).
to_return(:status => 200, :body => auth_response.to_json, :headers => {})
And now I can test my module when there is no Keystone server

How can I upload files to Redmine via ActiveResource / REST API?

I am trying to batch-upload images to Redmine and link them each to a certain wiki pages.
The docs (Rest_api, Using the REST API with Ruby) mention some aspects, but the examples fail in various ways. I also tried to derive ideas from the source - without success.
Can anyone provide a short example that shows how to upload and link an image from within Ruby?
This is a bit tricky as both attachments and wiki APIs are relatively new, but I have done something similar in the past. Here is a minimal working example using rest-client:
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'
key = '5daf2e447336bad7ed3993a6ebde8310ffa263bf'
upload_url = "http://localhost:3000/uploads.json?key=#{key}"
wiki_url = "http://localhost:3000/projects/some_project/wiki/some_wiki.json?key=#{key}"
img ='/some/image.png')
# First we upload the image to get attachment token
response =, img, {
:multipart => true,
:content_type => 'application/octet-stream'
token = JSON.parse(response)['upload']['token']
# Redmine will throw validation errors if you do not
# send a wiki content when attaching the image. So
# we just get the current content and send that
wiki_text = JSON.parse(RestClient.get(wiki_url))['wiki_page']['text']
response = RestClient.put(wiki_url, {
:attachments => {
:attachment1 => { # the hash key gets thrown away - name doesn't matter
:token => token,
:filename => 'image.png',
:description => 'Awesome!' # optional
:wiki_page => {
:text => wiki_text # original wiki text

Specify token options for OmniAuth OAuth2 based strategy

I'm creating custom strategy for API. As they're using OAuth, it's pretty simple.
require 'omniauth-oauth2'
module OmniAuth
module Strategies
class Nimble < OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2
option :name, "nimble"
option :client_options, {
:site => "",
:authorize_url => '/oauth/authorize',
:token_url => '/oauth/token'
# option :access_token_options, {
# :mode => :query,
# :param_name => :access_token
# }
option :provider_ignores_state, true
uid { raw_info['email'] }
info do
'uid' => raw_info['email'],
'name' => raw_info['name'],
'email' => raw_info['email']
extra do
{ 'raw_info' => raw_info }
def raw_info
access_token.options[:mode] = :query
access_token.options[:param_name] = :access_token
#raw_info ||= access_token.get('/api/users/myself/', {:parse => :json}).parsed
For passing tokens, they need to use access_token parameter in URL. When I specify options in raw_info function directly, as in sample — it's OK.
When I'm trying to specify this options in access_token_options hash (like in commented section) — parameters aren't passing to token. I'm not very good in Ruby, so I didn't figure out from libraries sources — how correctly pass parameters to access_token in OmniAuth OAuth2 descendants.
I'd like to make it "right way", so access_token initialised with correct options, plese someone point me the right way.
Thank you!
I've explored several existing strategies (GitHub, 4SQ), and looks like it's normal practice to directly modify access token options.
So I'll stay with it :)

Rails savon, two wsdl

I'm developing on Rails and I'm using the gem Savon (
What I have to do is to integrate myself with a service that I wsdl has two, one for authentication and the other for various functions.
There are two wsdl:
What I do first is this:
client = do |wsdl, http|
http.auth.ssl.verify_mode = :none
wsdl.document = "https://.../authentication.asmx?wsdl"
response = client.request :soap, :login, :body => {:username => "...", :password => "..."}
Once logged in I would need to use the second wsdl to perform my function, but I can not declare another client within authentication lose the first thing I said.
response = client.request :get_list_collection do
soap.endpoint = URI(URI.escape("https://.../lists.asmx?wsdl"))
I've tried many but I found no solution.
Any idea how to solve this problem?
