Magento - Separate contact forms - magento

I'm working on a website where the client needs to have multiple separate contact forms (one for contact, one for "request a quote", another couple for stuff like that).
I've already managed to create another contact form with additional fields, but it was the contact one, so the fields were only name, email, subject and message.
Now I've got the "skeleton" of the others, but my question is: is there a way to take advantage of the "Contact" backend to send emails? Or do I need to have another controller to manage them?
If so, can you show me some links or piece of code to start off with?
Thanks in advance.

To do what you want, a custom controller is necessary to pass the POST data.
If you examine \app\code\core\Mage\Contacts\controllers\IndexController.php on line ~62 you'll find postAction() which is called by indexAction() - the default action of the controller.
This is the method that is collecting the passed POST parameters and using the core/email_template model to send off the e-mail. I'd use this code as a reference for your controller.
Be sure you put it all in your own module as always with functionality additions.
To know what you can and cannot pass to the core/email_template model, take a look at \app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Email\Template.php. It's got loads of documentation in there for you.
Heck, it's even got example code!
// Loading of template
$emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')
$variables = array(
'someObject' => Mage::getSingleton('some_model')
'someString' => 'Some string value'
$emailTemplate->send('', 'Name Of User', $variables);
In particular take a look at line ~371, where it passes the variables you set to the layout-specified e-mail template.
* Send mail to recipient
* #param array|string $email E-mail(s)
* #param array|string|null $name receiver name(s)
* #param array $variables template variables
* #return boolean
public function send($email, $name = null, array $variables = array())
Magento is doing the same thing that you'd do with any contact form on a plain old PHP form processor. It just delegates everything out to models like the one above so you don't have to do so much work re-inventing the wheel, as it were. Just a new controller to accept the parameters in the POST data.
Feel free to follow up and I'll update the answer to help you where I can!
Here's a concise list of things you'll need to make this happen:
A custom controller to accept the form(s) POST data and pass it to the core/email_template model.
A custom form in the front-end pointing to your controller URL (already done!)
A custom e-mail template for the core/email_template to use to display the data in the e-mail the recipient sees.


laravel middleware setting $request attribute, does it affect performance

In one of my middleware I have used something like this
$user = [
'name' => 'noob',
'phone' => '87548154'
]; /* which actually comes from redis cache */
$request->attributes->set('user', $user);
and in the controller i use it like
As this seems very flexible, I would like to attach more data into the $user array.
In the laravel docs its written above the get() method of Request class is
* Gets a "parameter" value from any bag.
* This method is mainly useful for libraries that want to provide some flexibility. If you don't need the
* flexibility in controllers, it is better to explicitly get request parameters from the appropriate
* public property instead (attributes, query, request).
* Order of precedence: PATH (routing placeholders or custom attributes), GET, BODY
My question is, is it going to be a good idea? because the most frequently used data is already attached in the middleware. So that I dont have to write extra codes in the controller methods again and again. Will it affect on performance for a high traffic server?
I personnally never work this way. You can access the current user from anywhere using the Auth facade as following :
It enable you to never send it when unnecessary and still use it from anywhere (controllers, models, blades or everything else).
Then to access your properties :
and so on...

Equolent add object with userid

I use the Laravel 5.2 framework.
I have a Model called template. There are user specific layout options.
Now I want get the templates easy with
$template = App\Template::where('userid', Auth::user->id);
But if I want to add these templates I have a little problem.
Doesnt work, because the Request has no userid
What is the typical way to save a new object with the userid?
You can just merge the Request array with an array containing the user ID. Like so:
App\Template::create(array_merge(Request:all(), array('user_id' => Auth::user->id)));

Other way to pass data from block to controller Magento

I'm pretty new to PHP programming and Magento. I wanna to pass the current ProductId from a form within a custom block to a controller (new action).
Yes I know that one method would be to add an input hidden (with my product id) in the custom block form and then to retrieve the Value through a regular:
Is there a better way in Magento to retrieve the value within the controller without having to declare extra secret input fields ?
Good for you for wanting to adhere to best practices within Magento! The passing of data to controllers is pretty standard, however. If we look at how the product is added from a product page, we'll actually see the product ID in the form action URL's parameters:
...where 45573 is the product ID. Of course this can also be sent to the controller via a hidden input field, which I use all the time. Note that the above is the same as in Magento.
Another way of storing data for use in controllers for future use is setting data into a session. For posting data to a controller I wouldn't recommend this method but it's something to keep in mind:
$session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session');
We can then retrieve the data from my_value later just by instantiating the session. Good luck!
Passing your data could be done in different ways :
You could use Magento's magic setters and getters.
So you would have to do this to set the value :
and this to retrieve it :
Or you could use the register.
Mage::register('key', $value); //to set your data
Mage::registry('key'); //to get your data
Magento provides a way to construct a URL with the necessary values, calculated against the configuration DOM. Blocks (and therefore block templates) can call Mage_Core_Block_Abstract::getUrl() directly:
// Mage::getUrl() will work as well
The above would result in the following URL:
...which can be read in the FooController testAction() as
$this->getRequest()->getParam('id') // 'some_value'

passing data to another controller

I need to pass product Id from cart to custom controller, for example
I dont have a clue how to pass data like that using magento helpers etc
I am assuming from your question that you are redirecting from one controller to another and would like to pass query parameters along?
The syntax would be:
$params = array('key' => 'value');
$this->_redirect('frontname/controlller/action', array('_query' => $params));
To answer the question in the comment on how to get these parameters from a template:
First off, I would advise not to do this, you should be recieving parameters in the controller. So, your custom controller should be responsible for receiving any parameters.
Regardless, the code in either situation is the same:
All parameters…
Single parameter…

Passing form data through MVC - Joomla

I'm creating a search form that shows a single user depending on the exact match of the first and last names and a member ID. I have the component shell set up with the form data going to a custom controller in 'com_medsearch/controllers/search.php'. I've read the tutorials in the Joomla docs, but I'm not sure how to pass the data to the model (com_medsearch/models/search.php) and the query results back to the same view. Answers?
You can do this 2 ways:
You detect that you had a search post in your controller then you call your model and in the model you can use JRequest::getVar / getInt / etc to read your variables.
You detect your search post and read your variables from the post all in your contoller function and pass it to your model.
Here is an example for point 2:
$settings = JRequest::get( 'POST' );
$model = & $this->getModel('settings');
Then in your model you can access your post variables like:
