Passing form data through MVC - Joomla - model-view-controller

I'm creating a search form that shows a single user depending on the exact match of the first and last names and a member ID. I have the component shell set up with the form data going to a custom controller in 'com_medsearch/controllers/search.php'. I've read the tutorials in the Joomla docs, but I'm not sure how to pass the data to the model (com_medsearch/models/search.php) and the query results back to the same view. Answers?

You can do this 2 ways:
You detect that you had a search post in your controller then you call your model and in the model you can use JRequest::getVar / getInt / etc to read your variables.
You detect your search post and read your variables from the post all in your contoller function and pass it to your model.
Here is an example for point 2:
$settings = JRequest::get( 'POST' );
$model = & $this->getModel('settings');
Then in your model you can access your post variables like:


Passing data from one view to another in Laravel

I have a Controller that parses an XML and returns a view with a list of names and URLs.
return view('view_1',compact('myList'));
View_1 will have a form with parameters method="POST" action="goToView_2"
Then I get some information from my view_2 through a POST, but I still want to keep $myList so that view_2 view uses it aswell.
How do I pass $myList from the first view to the next through a controller?
It sounds like you're trying to have multi-step form of some kind.
I would store the data in the session and easily access it in the second controller or in the view (although not recommended).
PS. I personally love using the global session helper.

Equolent add object with userid

I use the Laravel 5.2 framework.
I have a Model called template. There are user specific layout options.
Now I want get the templates easy with
$template = App\Template::where('userid', Auth::user->id);
But if I want to add these templates I have a little problem.
Doesnt work, because the Request has no userid
What is the typical way to save a new object with the userid?
You can just merge the Request array with an array containing the user ID. Like so:
App\Template::create(array_merge(Request:all(), array('user_id' => Auth::user->id)));

Symfony Good practice : How to embed several forms for a single entity, handled by different controllers

I'm working on an application with Symfony 2 and I'm quite new with this framework.
I would like to create a page that represent an user profile on which users can update their personal information, set up an profile picture and a cover picture.
I've written the code for the User class and the template. For both profile and cover picture i'm using ajax with formdata to send images to server.
The other fields (username, email, etc.) are also sent with ajax, but all three parts (profile picture, cover picture, textual fields) of the form have their own submit button.
My problem is about creating controllers and forms.
Should I create a controller for rendering the profile page and then one controller for handling the form ?
Should I create a single form for all fields on the page or create three separated forms that would be handled separately ?
Should I use formbuilder to create form(s) and in the case of there are more than a single controller, how to retrieve the form created in the first controller in the others to proceed validation
Or maybe am I wrong from the beginning ... ?
I can provide my current code, but I don't think it can be useful since my User class and my template are very basic and I'm stuck on writing the rest of the code ; and I prefer knowing the "good" way of doing it before writing too much trash code.
You can have many form and validate them in one controller:
public function updateAction(Request $request)
$form_one = $this->get('form.factory')
->createNamedBuilder('form_one', 'form')
->add('user_picture', 'file')
->add('submit', 'submit')
// Next form ...
if ($form_one->isValid())
// Save user picture
$data = 'user picture saved';
// Other forms validation
return new JsonResponse(data);
Make sure to create the same forms in user profile controller view.
Should I use formbuilder to create form(s) and in the case of there
are more than a single controller, how to retrieve the form created in
the first controller in the others to proceed validation
You could make formType, like in this example, there is RegistrationType.
Then use formType in different controllers.
Then you could validate form from entity(or whatever doctrine,propel or whatever you are using) using entity validators
You could also check generator bundle, specially Generating a New Form Type Class Based on a Doctrine Entity
Symfony best practices say to use custom form type classes for forms
I always use seperate controller actions for seperate forms. Code becomes more organized and is easier to debug. And I have had issues/bugs with multiple forms in same controller.

Other way to pass data from block to controller Magento

I'm pretty new to PHP programming and Magento. I wanna to pass the current ProductId from a form within a custom block to a controller (new action).
Yes I know that one method would be to add an input hidden (with my product id) in the custom block form and then to retrieve the Value through a regular:
Is there a better way in Magento to retrieve the value within the controller without having to declare extra secret input fields ?
Good for you for wanting to adhere to best practices within Magento! The passing of data to controllers is pretty standard, however. If we look at how the product is added from a product page, we'll actually see the product ID in the form action URL's parameters:
...where 45573 is the product ID. Of course this can also be sent to the controller via a hidden input field, which I use all the time. Note that the above is the same as in Magento.
Another way of storing data for use in controllers for future use is setting data into a session. For posting data to a controller I wouldn't recommend this method but it's something to keep in mind:
$session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session');
We can then retrieve the data from my_value later just by instantiating the session. Good luck!
Passing your data could be done in different ways :
You could use Magento's magic setters and getters.
So you would have to do this to set the value :
and this to retrieve it :
Or you could use the register.
Mage::register('key', $value); //to set your data
Mage::registry('key'); //to get your data
Magento provides a way to construct a URL with the necessary values, calculated against the configuration DOM. Blocks (and therefore block templates) can call Mage_Core_Block_Abstract::getUrl() directly:
// Mage::getUrl() will work as well
The above would result in the following URL:
...which can be read in the FooController testAction() as
$this->getRequest()->getParam('id') // 'some_value'

input validation not working on mvc 4 model sent as JSON

I have a model and a form in the view. I have a simple field of string which is called description. I'm able to insert scripts like: <script>alert('xss')</script> to that field.
I can see that in other actions on my site with other models I can't
I do not have an AllowHtml or anything like that.
the only difference is that for this model I use a post with a json object and content-type of application/json
the ModelState.IsValid is returning true. even though there is a description property with an xss script on it...
and for the other actions I make a simple ajax post.
why isn't the validation input work on this kind of JSON ajax posts?
how can I prevent xss across the entire site for this kind of ajax requests?
It is because ValidateInput is only for FormValueProvider. As for JsonValueProvider, you need to roll out your own mechanism.
1) Create a marker attribute CustomAntiXssAttribute
2) Create a custom model binder by sub-classing DefaultModelBinder
3) Overrides BindProperty method -> get the attempted value for the underlying property, sanitize it and assign it to the view model property.
Check this out.
Replace the line var valueResult = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(propertyDescriptor.Name); with var valueResult = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bindingContext.ModelName) ? string.Empty : bindingContext.ModelName + ".") + propertyDescriptor.Name); in order to support nested ViewModel.
try using AntiXssLibrary from Nuget, and by using getSafeHtmlContent. you can get the safe content while you're saving your records to db.
Another approach is to use a Sanitizer library like this one, you can choose which HTML tags you want to be filtered out.
