Specific knapsack-like - algorithm

I am looking for some ideas how to deal with this specific knapsack problem (I believe it is knapsack-like problem although I might be mistaken).
As input we get set of numbers, and each can be positive or negative - we don't know that.
We have to find minimum possible absolute value of sum of some these numbers.
We don't have to use all numbers. We have to do additions (or subtractions) in same order in which numbers are given and we have to start with first number (and add or subtract following ones).
Example would be:
4 11 5 5 => 0
because 4+11-5-5 = 0
10 3 9 4 100 => 2
because 10-3-9 = -2
In second example we skipped two last numbers - because adding next numbers wouldn't give us smaller absolute number.
Amount of numbers can be up to 5,000
, and the sum of them won't over exceed 10,000
They are integers

If you were to explore all combinations of addition and subtraction of 5000 numbers, you would have to go through 25000−1 ≈ 1.4⋅101505 alternatives. That's obviously not reasonable. However, since the sum of the numbers is at most 10000, we know that all partial sums (including subtraction) must lie between -10000 and 10000, so there can be less than 20000 different sums. If you only consider different sums when you work through the 5000 positions you have less than 100 million sums to consider, which is not that much work for a computer.
Example: suppose the first three numbers are 5,1,1. The possible sums that include exactly three numbers are
Before adding the fourth number it is important to recognize that you have only three unique results from the four computations.


Return the count of all prime numbers in range [a,b] such that all the digits are from set {1,5,9} . 1<=a<=b<=10⁹

Return the count of all prime numbers in range [a,b] such that all the digits are from set {1,5,9} . 1<=a<=b<=10⁹.
My approach -
I was trying to generate all the numbers which are from set {1,5,9}. which comes out to be 3^9(19683) and after that I am checking for is it prime or not.
Can I do this in a better time complexity?
Never generate a large set and after check all elements of the set, ruling out most. That requires a lot of memory to store things you'll be discarding. Instead, find a single number with "valid" digits, check for primeness, and only then store it in a set. Accessing large arrays of memory is very time-intense on modern computers compared to doing math.
"I produced all the numbers": I hope you're doing this smartly! You never have to check a number with a last digit being 5 for primeness (there's only a single prime that ends in 5; that's 5 itself!), for example. Also, you hopefully don't just build all combinations of digits "manually". Say, you find a number 19551, then 19559 is also a candidate, you never have to manually "combine" digits to try out the last digit.
Of course, your prime-checking algorithm needs to be matching your kind of problem: You can remove the initial check for divisibility by 2 (you never produce even numbers), for example. You never need to check for divisibility by 5, because you never use 5 or 0 as last digit. Depending on your prime checking algorithm, you also would want to save the factor that "killed" the xxxx1 – that's one factor you don't have to check xxxx9 against. Do your 3-factor-checking based on the count of 1,5 and 9 in your number; you can directly infer cross-sum and hence 3-divisibility from that.

How to pick two random numbers with no carry when adding

I'm trying to make this algorithm which inputs a lower and upper limit for two numbers (the two numbers may have different lower and upper limits) and outputs two random numbers within that range
The catch is however that when the two numbers are added, no "carry" should be there. This means the sum of the digits in each place should be no more than 9.
How can I make sure that the numbers are truly random and that no carrying occurs when adding the two numbers
Thanks a lot!
Edit: The ranges can vary, the widest range can be 0 to 999. Also, I'm using VBA (Excel)
An easy and distributionally correct way of doing this is to use Rejection Sampling, a.k.a. "Acceptance/Rejection". Generate the values independently, and if the carry constraint is violated repeat. In pseudocode
do {
generate x, y
} while (x + y > threshold)
The number of times the loop will iterate has a geometric distribution with an expected value of (proportion of sums below the threshold)-1. For example, if you're below the threshold 90% of the time then the long term number of iterations will average out to 10/9, 1.11... iterations per pair generated. For lower likelihoods of acceptance, it will take more attempts on average.

Arranging groups of people optimally

I have this homework assignment that I think I managed to solve, but am not entirely sure as I cannot prove my solution. I would like comments on what I did, its correctness and whether or not there's a better solution.
The problem is as follows: we have N groups of people, where group ihas g[i]people in it. We want to put these people on two rows of S seats each, such that: each group can only be put on a single row, in a contiguous sequence, OR if the group has an even number of members, we can split them in two and put them on two rows, but with the condition that they must form a rectangle (so they must have the same indices on both rows). What is the minimum number of seats S needed so that nobody is standing up?
Example: groups are 4 11. Minimum S is 11. We put all 4 in one row, and the 11 on the second row. Another: groups are 6 2. We split the 6 on two rows, and also the two. Minimum is therefore 4 seats.
This is what I'm thinking:
Calculate T = (sum of all groups + 1) / 2. Store the group numbers in an array, but split all the even values x in two values of x / 2 each. So 4 5 becomes 2 2 5. Now run subset sum on this vector, and find the minimum value higher than or equal to T that can be formed. That value is the minimum number of seats per row needed.
Example: 4 11 => 2 2 11 => T = (15 + 1) / 2 = 8. Minimum we can form from 2 2 11 that's >= 8 is 11, so that's the answer.
This seems to work, at least I can't find any counter example. I don't have a proof though. Intuitively, it seems to always be possible to arrange the people under the required conditions with the number of seats supplied by this algorithm.
Any hints are appreciated.
I think your solution is correct. The minimum number of seats per row in an optimal distribution would be your T (which is mathematically obvious).
Splitting even numbers is also correct, since they have two possible arrangements; by logically putting all the "rectangular" groups of people on one end of the seat rows you can also guarantee that they will always form a proper rectangle, so that this condition is met as well.
So the question boils down to finding a sum equal or as close as possible to T (e.g. partition problem).
Minor nit: I'm not sure if the proposed solution above works in the edge case where each group has 0 members, because your numerator in T = SUM ALL + 1 / 2 is always positive, so there will never be a subset sum that is greater than or equal to T.
To get around this, maybe a modulus operation might work here. We know that we need at least n seats in a row if n is the maximal odd term, so maybe the equation should have a max(n * (n % 2)) term in it. It will come out to max(odd) or 0. Since the maximal odd term is always added to S, I think this is safe (stated boldly without proof...).
Then we want to know if we should split the even terms or not. Here's where the subset sum approach might work, but with T simply equal to SUM ALL / 2.

in a series of n elements of arithmetic progression, [n/2] elements are changed. Find the difference in the initial arithmetic progression

I have a list of size n which contains n consecutive members of an arithmetic progression which are not in order. I changed less than half of the elements in this list with some random integer. From this new list, how can I find the difference of the initial arithmetic progression?
I thought a lot about it but except brute force, I was not able to come up with any other thing :(
Thanks for thinking on this one :)
It's not possible to solve this in general and be 100% sure that your answer is correct. Let's say that the initial list is the following arithmetic progression (not in order):
1 3 2 4
Change less than half the elements at random... let's say for example that we changed 2 to 5:
1 3 5 4
If we can first find out which numbers we need to change to obtain a valid shuffled arithmetic sequence then we can easily solve the problem stated in the question. However we can see that there are multiple possible answers depending in which we number we choose to change:
6, 3, 5, 4 (difference is 1)
1, 3, 2, 4 (difference is 1)
1, 3, 5, 7 (difference is 2)
There is no way to know which of these possible sequence is the original sequence, so you cannot be sure what the original difference was.
Since there is no deterministic solution for the problem (as stated by #Mark Byers), you can try a probabilistic approach.
It's difficult to obtain the original progression, but its rate can be obtained easily by comparing the differences between elements. The difference of original ones will be multiples of rate.
Consider you take 2 elements from the list (probability that both of them belongs to the original sequence is 1/4), and compute the difference. This difference, with probability of 1/4, will be a multiple of the rate. Decompose it to prime factors and count them (for example, 12 = 2^^2 * 3 will add 2 to 2's counter and will increment 3's counter).
After many such iterations (it looks like a good problem for probabilistic methods, like Monte Carlo), you could analize the counters.
If a prime factor belongs to the rate, its counter will be at least num_iteartions/4 ( or num_iterations/2 if it appears twice).
The main problem is that small factors will have large probability on random input (for example, the difference between two random numbers will have 50% probability to be divisible by 2). So you'll have to compensate it: since 3/4 of your differences were random, you'll have to consider that (3/8)*num_iterations of 2's counter must be ignored. Since this also applies to all powers of two, the simpliest way is to pregenerate "white noise mask" by taking the differences only between random numbers.
EDIT: let's take this approach further. Consider that you create this "white noise mask" (let's call it spectrum) for random numbers, and consider that it's base-1 spectrum, since their smallest "largest common factor" is 1. By computing it for a differences of the arithmetic sequence, you'll obtain a base-R spectrum, where R is the rate, and it will equivalent to a shifted version of base-1 spectrum. So you have to find the value of R such that
your_spectrum ~= spectrum(1)*3/4 + spectrum(R)*1/4
You could also check for largest number R such that at least half of the elements will be equal modulo R.

random number with ratio 1:2

I have to generate two random sets of matrices
Each containing 3 digit numbers ranging from 2 - 10
like that
matrix 1: 994,878,129,121
matrix 2: 272,794,378,212
the numbers in both matrices have to be greater then 100 and less then 999
the mean for both matrices has to be in the ratio of 1:2 or 2:3 what ever constraint the user inputs
my math skills are kind of limited so any ideas how do i make this happen?
In order to do this, you have to know how many numbers are in each list. I'm assuming from your example that there are four numbers in each.
Fill the first list with four random numbers.
Calculate the mean of the first list.
Multiply the mean by 2 or by 3/2, whichever the user input. This is the required mean of the second list.
Multiply by 4. This is the required total of the second list.
Generate 3 random numbers.
Subtract the total of the three numbers in step 5 from the total in step 4. This is the fourth number for the second list.
If the number in step 6 is not in the correct range, start over from step 5.
Note that the last number in the second list is not truly random, since it's based on the other values in the list.
You have a set of random numbers, s1.
s1= [ random.randint(100,999) for i in range(n) ]
For some other set, s2, to have a different mean it's simply got to have a different range. Either you select values randomly from a different range, or you filter random values to get a different range.
No matter how many random numbers you select from the range 100 to 999, the mean is always just about 550. The odds of being a different value are exactly the normal distribution probabilities on either side of the mean.
You can't have a radically different mean with values selected from the same range.
