How to pick two random numbers with no carry when adding - random

I'm trying to make this algorithm which inputs a lower and upper limit for two numbers (the two numbers may have different lower and upper limits) and outputs two random numbers within that range
The catch is however that when the two numbers are added, no "carry" should be there. This means the sum of the digits in each place should be no more than 9.
How can I make sure that the numbers are truly random and that no carrying occurs when adding the two numbers
Thanks a lot!
Edit: The ranges can vary, the widest range can be 0 to 999. Also, I'm using VBA (Excel)

An easy and distributionally correct way of doing this is to use Rejection Sampling, a.k.a. "Acceptance/Rejection". Generate the values independently, and if the carry constraint is violated repeat. In pseudocode
do {
generate x, y
} while (x + y > threshold)
The number of times the loop will iterate has a geometric distribution with an expected value of (proportion of sums below the threshold)-1. For example, if you're below the threshold 90% of the time then the long term number of iterations will average out to 10/9, 1.11... iterations per pair generated. For lower likelihoods of acceptance, it will take more attempts on average.


Toggling bits pairs in an array to maximize its dot product with another array

Suppose two arrays are given A and B. A consists of integers and the second one consists of 0 and 1.
Now an operation is given - You can choose any adjacent bits in array B and you can toggle these two bits (for example - 00->11, 01->10, 10->01, 11->00) and you can perform this operation any number of times.
The output should be the sum of A[0]*B[0]+A[1]*B[1]+....+A[N-1]*B[N-1] such that the sum is maximum.
During the interview, my approach to this problem was to get the maximum number of 1's in array B in order to maximize the sum.
So to do that, I first calculated the total number of 1's in O(n) time in B. Let count = No. Of 1's=x.
Then I started traversing the array and toggle only if count becomes greater than x or based on the elements of array A (for example: Let B[i]=0 and B[i+1]=1 & A[i]=51 and A[i+1]=50
So I will toggle B[i] B[i+1] because A[i]>A[i+1])
But the interviewer was not quite satisfied with my approach and was asking me further to develop a less time complex algorithm.
Can anyone suggest a better approach with lesser time complexity?
You can create any B-vector with an even number of flipped bits just by repeatedly flipping the first bit that is in the wrong state.
So, pick all the positive numbers in A, and then drop the smallest one if you ended up with an a count that has a different oddness than the number of 1s in B. If you can't do that, because B has an odd number of 1s and A is all negative, then just pick the negative number closest to 0.
Then turn on all the bits corresponding to the numbers you chose, and turn off the other ones.

Dynamic algorithm to multiply elements in a sequence two at a time and find the total

I am trying to find a dynamic approach to multiply each element in a linear sequence to the following element, and do the same with the pair of elements, etc. and find the sum of all of the products. Note that any two elements cannot be multiplied. It must be the first with the second, the third with the fourth, and so on. All I know about the linear sequence is that there are an even amount of elements.
I assume I have to store the numbers being multiplied, and their product each time, then check some other "multipliable" pair of elements to see if the product has already been calculated (perhaps they possess opposite signs compared to the current pair).
However, by my understanding of a linear sequence, the values must be increasing or decreasing by the same amount each time. But since there are an even amount of numbers, I don't believe it is possible to have two "multipliable" pairs be the same (with potentially opposite signs), due to the issue shown in the following example:
Sequence: { -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 }
Pairs: -2*-1, 0*1, 2*3
Clearly, since there are an even amount of pairs, the only case in which the same multiplication may occur more than once is if the elements are increasing/decreasing by 0 each time.
I fail to see how this is a dynamic programming question, and if anyone could clarify, it would be greatly appreciated!
A quick google for define linear sequence gave
A number pattern which increases (or decreases) by the same amount each time is called a linear sequence. The amount it increases or decreases by is known as the common difference.
In your case the common difference is 1. And you are not considering any other case.
The same multiplication may occur in the following sequence
Sequence = {-3, -1, 1, 3}
Pairs = -3 * -1 , 1 * 3
with a common difference of 2.
However this is not necessarily to be solved by dynamic programming. You can just iterate over the numbers and store the multiplication of two numbers in a set(as a set contains unique numbers) and then find the sum.
Probably not what you are looking for, but I've found a closed solution for the problem.
Suppose we observe the first two numbers. Note the first number by a, the difference between the numbers d. We then count for a total of 2n numbers in the whole sequence. Then the sum you defined is:
sum = na^2 + n(2n-1)ad + (4n^2 - 3n - 1)nd^2/3
That aside, I also failed to see how this is a dynamic problem, or at least this seems to be a problem where dynamic programming approach really doesn't do much. It is not likely that the sequence will go from negative to positive at all, and even then the chance that you will see repeated entries decreases the bigger your difference between two numbers is. Furthermore, multiplication is so fast the overhead from fetching them from a data structure might be more expensive. (mul instruction is probably faster than lw).

Given a true random number generator which outputs either a 1 or 0 per call, how do you use this to pick a number from an arbitrary range?

If I have a true random number generator (TRNG) which can give me either a 0 or a 1 each time I call it, then it is trivial to then generate any number in a range with a length equal to a power of 2. For example, if I wanted to generate a random number between 0 and 63, I would simply poll the TRNG 5 times, for a maximum value of 11111 and a minimum value of 00000. The problem is when I want a number in a rangle not equal to 2^n. Say I wanted to simulate the roll of a dice. I would need a range between 1 and 6, with equal weighting. Clearly, I would need three bits to store the result, but polling the TRNG 3 times would introduce two eroneous values. We could simply ignore them, but then that would give one side of the dice a much lower odds of being rolled.
My question of ome most effectively deals with this.
The easiest way to get a perfectly accurate result is by rejection sampling. For example, generate a random value from 1 to 8 (3 bits), rejecting and generating a new value (3 new bits) whenever you get a 7 or 8. Do this in a loop.
You can get arbitrarily close to accurate just by generating a large number of bits, doing the mod 6, and living with the bias. In cases like 32-bit values mod 6, the bias will be so small that it will be almost impossible to detect, even after simulating millions of rolls.
If you want a number in range 0 .. R - 1, pick least n such that R is less or equal to 2n. Then generate a random number r in the range 0 .. 2n-1 using your method. If it is greater or equal to R, discard it and generate again. The probability that your generation fails in this manner is at most 1/2, you will get a number in your desired range with less than two attempts on the average. This method is balanced and does not impair the randomness of the result in any fashion.
As you've observed, you can repeatedly double the range of a possible random values through powers of two by concatenating bits, but if you start with an integer number of bits (like zero) then you cannot obtain any range with prime factors other than two.
There are several ways out; none of which are ideal:
Simply produce the first reachable range which is larger than what you need, and to discard results and start again if the random value falls outside the desired range.
Produce a very large range, and distribute that as evenly as possible amongst your desired outputs, and overlook the small bias that you get.
Produce a very large range, distribute what you can evenly amongst your desired outputs, and if you hit upon one of the [proportionally] few values which fall outside of the set which distributes evenly, then discard the result and start again.
As with 3, but recycle the parts of the value that you did not convert into a result.
The first option isn't always a good idea. Numbers 2 and 3 are pretty common. If your random bits are cheap then 3 is normally the fastest solution with a fairly small chance of repeating often.
For the last one; supposing that you have built a random value r in [0,31], and from that you need to produce a result x [0,5]. Values of r in [0,29] could be mapped to the required output without any bias using mod 6, while values [30,31] would have to be dropped on the floor to avoid bias.
In the former case, you produce a valid result x, but there's some more randomness left over -- the difference between the ranges [0,5], [6,11], etc., (five possible values in this case). You can use this to start building your new r for the next random value you'll need to produce.
In the latter case, you don't get any x and are going to have to try again, but you don't have to throw away all of r. The specific value picked from the illegal range [30,31] is left-over and free to be used as a starting value for your next r (two possible values).
The random range you have from that point on needn't be a power of two. That doesn't mean it'll magically reach the range you need at the time, but it does mean you can minimise what you throw away.
The larger you make r, the more bits you may need to throw away if it overflows, but the smaller the chances of that happening. Adding one bit halves your risk but increases the cost only linearly, so it's best to use the largest r you can handle.

Select a number not present in a list

Is there an elegant method to create a number that does not exist in a given list of floating point numbers? It would be nice if this number were not close to the existing values in the array.
For example, in the list [-1.5, 1e+38, -1e38, 1e-12] it might be nice to pick a number like 20 that's "far" away from the existing numbers as opposed to 0.0 which is not in the list, but very close to 1e-12.
The only algorithm I've been able to come up with involves creating a random number and testing to see if it is not in the array. If so, regenerate. Is there a better deterministic approach?
Here's a way to select a random number not in the list, where the probability is higher the further away from an existing point you get.
Create a probability distribution function f as follows:
f(x) = <the absolute distance to the point closest to x>
such function gives a higher probability the further away from the a given point you are. (Note that it should be normalized so that the area below the function is 1.)
Create the primitive function F of f (i.e. the accumulated area below f up to a given point).
Generate a uniformly random number, x, between 0 and 1 (that's easy! :)
Get the final result by applying the inverse of F to that value: F-1(x).
Here's a picture describing a situation with 1.5, 2.2 and 2.9 given as existing numbers:
Here's the intuition of why it works:
The higher probability you have (the higher the blue line is) the steeper the red line is.
The steeper the red line is, the more probable it is that x hits the red line at that point.
For example: At the given points, the blue lines is 0, thus the red line is horizontal. If the red line is horizontal, probability that x hits that point is zero.
(If you want the full range of doubles, you could set min / max to -Double.MAX_VALUE and Double.MAX_VALUE respectively.)
If you have the constraint, that the new value must be somewhere in between [min, max] then you could sort your values and insert the mean value of the two adjacent values with the largest absolute difference.
In your sample case [-1e38, -1.5, 1e-12, 1e+38] is the ordered list. As you calculate the absolute differences, you'll find the maximum difference for the values (1e-12, 1e+38) so you calculate the new value to be ((n[i+1] - n[i]) / 2) + n[i] (simple mean value calculation).
Additionally you could also check if the FLOAT_MAX or FLOAT_MIN values will give good candidates. Simply check their distance to min and max and if the result values are larger than the maximum difference for two adjacent values, pick them.
If there is no upper bound, just sum up the absolute value of all the numbers, or subtract them all.
Another possible solution would be to get the smallest number and the greatest number in the list, and choose something outside their bounds (maybe double the greatest number).
Or probably the best way would be to compute the average, the smalelst and the biggest number, as long as the standard deviation. Then, with all this data, you know how the numbers are structured, and can choose accordingly (all clustered around a given negative value? Chosoe a positive one. All small numbers? Choose a big one. etc.)
Something along the lines of
number := 1
multiplier := random(1000)+1
if avg>0
number:= -number
if min < 1 and max > 1
multiplier:= 1 / (random(1000)+1)
if stdDev > 1000
number := avg+random(500)-250
multiplier:= multiplier / (random(1000)+1)
(just an example from the top of my head)
Or another Possibility would be to XOR all the numbers together. Should yield a good result.

random number with ratio 1:2

I have to generate two random sets of matrices
Each containing 3 digit numbers ranging from 2 - 10
like that
matrix 1: 994,878,129,121
matrix 2: 272,794,378,212
the numbers in both matrices have to be greater then 100 and less then 999
the mean for both matrices has to be in the ratio of 1:2 or 2:3 what ever constraint the user inputs
my math skills are kind of limited so any ideas how do i make this happen?
In order to do this, you have to know how many numbers are in each list. I'm assuming from your example that there are four numbers in each.
Fill the first list with four random numbers.
Calculate the mean of the first list.
Multiply the mean by 2 or by 3/2, whichever the user input. This is the required mean of the second list.
Multiply by 4. This is the required total of the second list.
Generate 3 random numbers.
Subtract the total of the three numbers in step 5 from the total in step 4. This is the fourth number for the second list.
If the number in step 6 is not in the correct range, start over from step 5.
Note that the last number in the second list is not truly random, since it's based on the other values in the list.
You have a set of random numbers, s1.
s1= [ random.randint(100,999) for i in range(n) ]
For some other set, s2, to have a different mean it's simply got to have a different range. Either you select values randomly from a different range, or you filter random values to get a different range.
No matter how many random numbers you select from the range 100 to 999, the mean is always just about 550. The odds of being a different value are exactly the normal distribution probabilities on either side of the mean.
You can't have a radically different mean with values selected from the same range.
