ASP.Net windows authentication seems not working - windows

I have a web application with Windows Authentication enabled. It is working only with localhost though I have set Bindings. Ping to IP and hostname returns result.
Any help would be appreciated
Have set authentication to windows and impersonate to true. NTLM has been moved up.
Also tried adding the site to Intranet and Trusted Site list. Windows authentication is enabled in IE as well.
Both the server and client is on the same domain ... in fact it is not at all working in server itself.
Any help would be appreciated.

With the detail you've given it is a bit hard to give concrete advice so I'll give you a method I've used over the years to try and track down where the issues is.
With the current setup put an image on your webserver and try to retrieve it in the browser using the exact address. Do this on the server itself first and if that works then do it on a client machine.
If it works on server but not on client then there could be a client browser issue/a network issue/a dns issue.
If it doesn't work on the server then change the file level and IIS permissions to anonymous for just that image and the folder / website it is in. Then test the URL on the server in a browser and on a client in a browser.
If it works you've got a permissions issue with NTLM.
Hope this helps you narrow things down.


Windows authentication box pops up with integrated authentication on web page

I am running two Windows server 2016s with IIS 10.0.14393. One server for staging purposes, and one for production.
The application has one "front-end app" and one "back-end REST api" running on the same IIS server. The front end communicates with the backend (suprise!). The difficulty I am facing is that the staging server works as expected, i.e no "Sign in" box appears when entering the front-end web page (React). However, on the production server this box pops-up.
When the page is loaded, there is javascript that fetches some information from the API, and it seems that this async fetch is causing the pop-up to occur (the request is in pending mode until login).
I have studied the configuration of IIS on the two servers but can't seem to find any obvious differences.
Both instances have both windows authentication and anonymous authentication turned on for both front-end and backe-end. I need this as the API has different types of authentication for the endpoints.
Anyone that has solved a similar issue?
If someone experiences a similar issue the following link may help:
In my case I was sending the request to the api with the full domain url. The problem was fixed by just using the machine name (and port in my case) when sending the request. If the whole domain with punctuation is used, the system believes that the request is meant for the Internet and not the intranet, and will not include any credentials.
Another, and probably more robust solution, is to add the site in question to: Internet properties -> security -> Local intranet -> sites -> advanced.

safari wont load windows authentication on a spesific network

I have an Intranet Web Application which uses Windows Authentication. All windows/PC users can login in fine.
There happen to be 2 Mac Users that use Safari as their default browser and prefer it over chrome for Mac.
When trying to access the Intranet Web Application on the network, nothing happens. But when trying to access the Intranet Web Application from another network or source of internet outside the network, the user is able to login.
Is there something I have missed? Any thoughts on this please.
Converting them to Chrome is the last option in this option.
Thanks in advance
If anyone stumbles across this, the answer was simple. In IIS under the Authentication. Setting the providers. I removed Negotiate and kept NTLM. Apple seems to accept this security method.

How to find proxy server and password from .pac file

I am using dynatrace ajax edition and it requires an proxy server and password to connect to dynatrace server.
The problem is I ONLY have the .pac file URL that we use at work.
Is it possible to know which proxy server and port my requests resolve to so that I can provide the proxy server name and password directly?
I have checked few links in the stackoverflow community but they do not seem to answer this question.
Like: How to discover de proxy used in a pac
I am using an windows 7 64 bit system with IE8.
After trolling through some more google search results,
This nifty tool helped me perfectly
Please note that I was on a 64 bit windows 7 machine, still it worked fine.
Hit the URL in the address bar of the browser. It should download the file. Open the file with any text editor. Looking at the content of the file, you can easily find out the proxy IP/port being used. This worked for me. Hope it helps others too.
To find your Web Proxy, simply go to:
This web page will display information about your proxy server.

Server running Microsoft CRM cannot connect, but every other machine on network can

I have an annoying problem.
On every machine on the network, browsing to our internal MS CRM URL works fine. However, if I log into the actual server itself and try to connect the same credentials just do not work. I get this error:
HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
I can't figure it out. They're on the same domain, everything should be fine. It's a big problem because there is an application running on the server that needs to connect to the CRM webservice - and fails.
Even with Basic Auth, I enter the username and password and it fails.
Any ideas?
You might be hitting the loopback security check. Read this KB article to see if you are, and how to disable it so things will work:;en-us;896861

Cannot Access http://<tfs-server>:8080

I've installed TFS 2008, but I can't seem to access the server. When I try to connect to it in Visual Studio, I can't. If I try by browser on a remote PC, I get a generic page cannot be displayed. On the server, I get a 403. Nothing was touched in IIS and the service is running as a Network Service. Any ideas?
http://localhost:8080/Services/V1.0/ServerStatus.asmx. This will tell you if TFS is up and running. If you are getting anything else you need to look into IIS issues.
I wrote a blog post on diagnosing these types of TFS connections.
The very first thing I do is confirm that it works for a known-good configuration – usually my workstation.
Providing that works and the server appears to be functioning, the next thing I do is ask the user to call the CheckAuthentication web service using Internet Explorer.
The URL for this is: http://TFSSERVER:8080/services/v1.0/ServerStatus.asmx?op=CheckAuthentication
By doing this check, I am doing four things:
Eliminating Team Explorer from the picture
Eliminating the .NET networking stack from the picture
Ensuring that Windows Authentication is working correctly (that’s why I say IE)
Ensuring that proxy settings are set correctly
In most cases I’ve seen, the TFS connection issues are because the proxy settings have changed or are incorrect. Because .NET and Visual Studio use the proxy settings from Internet Explorer, it’s important to have them set correctly.
In rare cases it’s beyond this. That’s when I start looking at things like:
Can you resolve the server name?
Can you connect using the IP address?
Are there HOSTS file entries? (see: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts)
Can you ping the server?
Can you telnet to port 8080?
Does the user actually have access? Run TfsSecurity.exe /server:servername /im n:DOMAIN\User to check their group memberships
Have you changed your domain password lately? In some cases they’ll need to logoff the workstation and log back on again to get a new security token.
Is the computer's domain certificate valid? update the certificate: gpupdate /force
Hope this helps.
Turns out the time and date on my computer was not "close enough" to the time and date on the tfs server. Changed my system clock setting and problem went away.
What happens if you send a simple HTTP request to the server directly?
telnet 8080 [enter]
GET / HTTP/1.1[enter]
That might give a hint about whether IIS is actually serving anything. If you can do that on the server, what about from a different machine? If the results are different a good guess is there are some security/firewall issues somewhere. HTH a little.
I went through everything on a similar problem.
I logged onto my tfs server and connected directly there.
I also used a TFS admin tool I downloaded some time ago from Microsoft, and made sure I was in all the right groups and projects.
I then went back to the client PC with the problem, tried the services/1.0/serverstatus.asmx?op=CheckAuthentication Url again, and it worked this time.
AFter that full service was restored to my PC.
So I don't have the exact answer, but I would go through the checklists presented by Grant Holliday in his answer.
Add this to the cases for future users, as i had this issue on server 2016...
if your firewall allow only Domain and Private Network, it may not work on client. make sure you give public permission, if server network is set to public...
The error you may face:
