Windows authentication box pops up with integrated authentication on web page - windows

I am running two Windows server 2016s with IIS 10.0.14393. One server for staging purposes, and one for production.
The application has one "front-end app" and one "back-end REST api" running on the same IIS server. The front end communicates with the backend (suprise!). The difficulty I am facing is that the staging server works as expected, i.e no "Sign in" box appears when entering the front-end web page (React). However, on the production server this box pops-up.
When the page is loaded, there is javascript that fetches some information from the API, and it seems that this async fetch is causing the pop-up to occur (the request is in pending mode until login).
I have studied the configuration of IIS on the two servers but can't seem to find any obvious differences.
Both instances have both windows authentication and anonymous authentication turned on for both front-end and backe-end. I need this as the API has different types of authentication for the endpoints.
Anyone that has solved a similar issue?

If someone experiences a similar issue the following link may help:
In my case I was sending the request to the api with the full domain url. The problem was fixed by just using the machine name (and port in my case) when sending the request. If the whole domain with punctuation is used, the system believes that the request is meant for the Internet and not the intranet, and will not include any credentials.
Another, and probably more robust solution, is to add the site in question to: Internet properties -> security -> Local intranet -> sites -> advanced.


AppAuth loopback authentication fails on macOS with Chrome

We're using AppAuth for a macOS application to authenticate Google accounts. This has been working for years, except recently Chrome has started to block all http connections by default. The loopback server in AppAuth is hard-coded to work with http connections only. The following issue also seems to have gone unanswered:
What other options do we have for using a https loopback server on macOS for OAuth2 authentication? We need the loopback server to be able to extract parameters Google sends back after authentication. Asking users to switch from Chrome is not desirable.
Interesting - with loopback desktop logins there are two URLs involved:
The URL in the desktop app, which is meant to be HTTP according to OAuth standards, since it runs on end user PCs. Using HTTPS would require the entire user base to host SSL certificates, which is highly impractical. Typically a loopback URL is a value such as http://localhost:8000, where the port number is often calculated at runtime.
The URL used to invoke the system browser is a value such as https://myauthserver/authorize?client_id=xxx&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8000..., and this should be HTTPS of course.
I'd be very surprised if Google have blocked this if you are using standard desktop logins, since it has been referenced on their Native Apps Page for years.
Are you sure something else is not the cause? One possibility might be lack of a user gesture in the system browser. Is the problem consistent and are there any differences in these cases:
Make Safari Browser the default before login
Make Chrome Browser the default before login
Make Chrome Browser the default before login and clear browser cache
Let me know and I may be able to suggest some next steps ...

Blazor Server-Side + Okta + IIS Server's internet access

I'm having an issue where my website is not redirecting to Okta when a client is browsing. same code hosted on my dev machine works properly. Okta applications are properly configured (Okta production and OktaPreview for testing). The only difference is that the server VM is not allowed to browse internet. We cannot use search engine or download anything ON the server. Is it possible that this lack of local internet on the IIS server is playing a role in the Blazor Server-Side app not doing anything when user clicks "Login"? The user sees a spinning wheel and the template is shown instead of any error.
As it turns out, even the user's click on a button is execute at server side. So, internet access had to be enabled for all Okta domain on server side and the client is now properly redirected to Okta for SSO.

Web API: Insufficient Privileges on Private Projects

Configuration Details
We have a SonarQube 6.7.2 (build 37468) on-premise installation running.
The instance is accessible from our office IP without HTTP Basic Auth, as well as from everywhere else with HTTP Basic Auth.
The "Force user authentication" option is off.
All projects are set to private - in case someone gets past the HTTP Basic Auth.
My user belongs to the sonar-administrators groups and has "Browse" and "See Source Code" permissions on all projects.
Using the web interface in the browser, I am able to see all projects including analysis results etc., as expected.
However, using the Web API, I receive "Insufficient Privileges" errors on several API calls.
My user has a valid token that I pass to cURL as described in the documentation. I even created a new token, to be sure I'm not using an invalid one.
$ curl -X GET -u my_user_token:
{"errors":[{"msg":"Insufficient privileges"}]}
Is it not possible to retrieve measures information or project information via the API for projects that are set to private?
The above call works fine if the project is to public. (But then again, if the project is set to public, that call works fine even without authentication.)
We do have the same issue when using the SonarLint plugin for PHPStorm. The plugin works fine as long as the projects are public, but server sync stops working as soon as projects are set to private.
I'm thinking maybe it would be best to deny all requests to SonarQube except from our whitelisted office IP and have everyone connect via VPN if they want to access the instance from their home office. That would allow us to make all projects public and not have any of these issues. Is that the recommended way to run an on-premise installation of SonarQube?
Turns out the SonarQube instance was running behind an nginx reverse proxy that dropped the Authorization HTTP header from the request before passing it on to SonarQube.
After fixing the nginx configuration, all Web API calls work as expected.

ASP.Net windows authentication seems not working

I have a web application with Windows Authentication enabled. It is working only with localhost though I have set Bindings. Ping to IP and hostname returns result.
Any help would be appreciated
Have set authentication to windows and impersonate to true. NTLM has been moved up.
Also tried adding the site to Intranet and Trusted Site list. Windows authentication is enabled in IE as well.
Both the server and client is on the same domain ... in fact it is not at all working in server itself.
Any help would be appreciated.
With the detail you've given it is a bit hard to give concrete advice so I'll give you a method I've used over the years to try and track down where the issues is.
With the current setup put an image on your webserver and try to retrieve it in the browser using the exact address. Do this on the server itself first and if that works then do it on a client machine.
If it works on server but not on client then there could be a client browser issue/a network issue/a dns issue.
If it doesn't work on the server then change the file level and IIS permissions to anonymous for just that image and the folder / website it is in. Then test the URL on the server in a browser and on a client in a browser.
If it works you've got a permissions issue with NTLM.
Hope this helps you narrow things down.

Access the IBM AJAX Test Server over HTTPS?

I'm using the AJAX Test Server in Rational Application Developer. I'm posting a form to another host for authentication. That host takes a URL to redirect to after authentication. However, it insists on using HTTPS whenever it sends the 302 response. The low hanging fruit would be to just use HTTPS locally.
Looking at the launch configuration, the AJAX Test Server appears to be a custom Apache HttpCore server. I haven't spotted anything in the configuration guide.
Is there a way to access this test server via HTTPS?
This is for demo and local development purposes; not production.
Speaking from working with WAS (WebSphere Application Server) in RAD, I'm pretty sure the answer would be yes. The server (at least with WAS) has both secure and "unsecure" ports.
What I have noticed is that when the server is built with the install (at least with the newer versions of the products 7.5+), the ports used are different per install. This is to help with not conflicting with other applications that may use those ports.
So https is probably fine. You just may have to use it over port 302 or some other port.
If there is no admin console for viewing your ports, you could always try the Window | Preferences option under your menu items. Sometimes IBM hides server config stuff in there.
