how do deploy CodeIgniter application from gitHub - codeigniter

I am having some challenges deploying from Amazon Web Services AWS Code Deploy from a github repository.
The repository houses a web application using the codeigniter framework.
When deploying to an EC2 instance using the AWS Code Deploy, it would start the deployment process and then fail. No error message was provided.
Can anyone provide some further guides on how to deploy codeigniter apps to AWS without using FTP.


How to deploy a github repo to heroku containing multiple projects?

I'm new to deploying stuff and I need some help deploying a school project to Heroku.
So I've got a github repo set up like this:
The folders e2e-tests, client, server and shared are all their own projects. The server is a nodeJS backend that communicates with a mongoDB and the client is a React app. They communicate via localhost.
Because the root folder does not have a package.json file I can't deploy to Heroku using their standard buildpack. Is it possible to deploy my app (client + server) to Heroku?
If so, how would I do that?
Heroku doesn’t natively support multiple apps in a single repository, you might find that this thirdparty buildpack,, gives you the functionality that you need?

Docker Searching Active directory users

I am dockerizing an mvc app with base image microsoft/aspnet (framework 4.8). I am able to deploy the app in an Aws Ec2 instance and was able to launch the app successfully but search AD users module seems to be failing. C# Directory sevices is failing connect to Ldap service and getting service not found error. I am able to do this search using the same code from local Machine and from a console application hosted inside the server.
Any thoughts?

Deploy custom site on Azure VM (LAMP)

I am trying to learn how to move an application from on-prem to Cloud (Azure). I have an existing application (PHP, Laravel, MySQL) which is hosted on IIS. Following this tutorial, I was able to create a VM and install LAMP stack on the VM. The last part of the article uses a Wordpress app. But I would like to use the existing custom app I have built. It resides in a repository on Azure DevOps (formerly known as VSTS).
How do I deploy my web app on to the new VM ? I still don't fully understand the infrastructure but I would to learn through this POC.
I believe you have already installed the below dependency and your VM is up and running.
Create an Ubuntu VM (the 'L' in the LAMP stack)
Open port 80 for web traffic
Install Apache, MySQL, and PHP
Verify installation and configuration
Install WordPress on the LAMP server
After this you can actually use Azure devops CI feature to deploy your custom website in the azure vm like you are doing it in on-prem.
If you have some script to deploy, you can create a Azure devops CI/CD pipeline and call the script to deploy it. It has a direct feature to deploy it from code repository.
Azure DevOps Projects presents a simplified experience where you can bring your existing code and Git repo or choose a sample application to create a continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) pipeline to Azure.
DevOps Projects also:
Automatically creates Azure resources, such as a new Azure virtual machine (VM).
Creates and configures a release pipeline in Azure DevOps that includes a build pipeline for CI.
Sets up a release pipeline for CD.
Hope it helps.

where I can deploy strapi for production?

I have made a simple comercial project where i used my own cms just for help client upload photos on his page. Its very primitve so i decided to use because of better UI/UX.
My question is where I can deploy strapi. Server where site is hosted doesn't support node.js so it has to be external server. I'm thinking about Heroku but I don't know if it will work and how it should handle img files. It will be nice if solve of this problem won't generate additional costs.
Please, help!
If you don't have a DB hosted, you could look at using Mlab which is cloud database service that hosts MongoDB.
There is a useful Strapi blog post that walks you through deploying it to Heroku here: Deploying a Strapi API on Heroku
From their documentation
Digital Ocean
Google App engine
There was a service called Redhost ( which specialized in Strapi server hosting.

Installing cleardb on a local Cloud Foundry installation

I am new to Cloud Foundry and I want to set up a local CF instance in Vagrant. I followed the steps described in and got a local instance up and running. I am also able to deploy a simple Ruby app into CF.
Now I want to deploy the Spring sample application from into CF for which I need a ClearDB database service.
Using the command proposed to create a service instance cf create-service cleardb spark mysql I get the following error:
Creating service instance mysql in org test-org / space test-space as admin...
Service offering cleardb not found
When I check my service marketplace in my CF installation with cf marketplace I get
Getting services from marketplace in org test-org / space test-space as admin...
No service offerings found
This brings me to the suggestion that there are "no services installed". So my question is: how can I install a clearDB service in a local CF environment - and is this possible at all, since the Github projects says something like
Prior to deployment, the operator should define three subnets via their infrastructure provider. The MySQL release is designed to be deployed across three subnets to ensure availability in the event of a subnet failure. During installation, a fourth subnet is required for compilation vms.
Any help / resource is highly appreciated. Thanks a lot!
Cloud Foundry as a Pivotal-sponsored open source project predates Cloud Foundry as its own independent open source project, so what you're seeing is actually shared documentation that still has some references specific to Pivotal Web Services: I'd encourage you to raise the issue against the buildpacks documentation repo (, you can reference this search result:
All it means is you need a MySQL database service. Hosted Cloud Foundry offerings often have ready-to-go MySQL service offerings (such as ClearDB) in their marketplaces; if you're deploying your own Cloud Foundry then you have a couple options.
Provision a MySQL database externally (not as part of your BOSH-Lite), and bind it to your application as a "user-provided service":
Deploy your own MySQL service to BOSH-Lite and register a service broker. Here's a release that's ready to use, with instructions for deploying:
