where I can deploy strapi for production? - strapi

I have made a simple comercial project where i used my own cms just for help client upload photos on his page. Its very primitve so i decided to use strapi.io because of better UI/UX.
My question is where I can deploy strapi. Server where site is hosted doesn't support node.js so it has to be external server. I'm thinking about Heroku but I don't know if it will work and how it should handle img files. It will be nice if solve of this problem won't generate additional costs.
Please, help!

If you don't have a DB hosted, you could look at using Mlab which is cloud database service that hosts MongoDB.
There is a useful Strapi blog post that walks you through deploying it to Heroku here: Deploying a Strapi API on Heroku

From their documentation
Digital Ocean
Google App engine

There was a service called Redhost (redhost.cloud) which specialized in Strapi server hosting.


Questions regarding deploying a Next.js and Express web app to heroku and vercel

I have a project that I want to deploy which uses Next.js for the frontend and Express and Node for the backend. I would like to deploy this to heroku (backend) and vercel (frontend) once I finish building it but I have some concerns. Is this file structure ok?
If I have both my frontend and backend in one folder, would this still be possible? How am I able to connect to my frontend from the backend if I deploy on two different hosting services, is it possible to connect to my Next.js frontend from my heroku backend? In my backend I have a .env file which will contain my MongoDB URL to the database, how do I attach my .env file to the heroku backend so it can read it?
I'm a bit confused on this topic and some help would be greatly appreciated!

How to deploy an Ionic app with CouchDB and PouchDB using Heroku?

I just followed along with this tutorial to create a Todo list app with user authentication: https://www.joshmorony.com/part-2-creating-a-multiple-user-app-with-ionic-2-pouchdb-couchdb/
The app is built with the Ionic 2 Framework using CouchDB and PouchDB to create a separate database for each user. However, I am totally confused as to how to move this setup from my local machine to a Heroku server.
Can anyone provide a step by step process to accomplish this?
Heroku no longer supports couchdb addon seems it was closed sometime back. For couchdb-pouchdb hosting you can use IBM's cloudant, irish couch or digital ocean.
For my case i setup an ubuntu16.04 droplet on digital ocean, installed and configured couchdb on it. You can check out this list of couchdb hosting sites. Hope this helps

Deploying a Phoenix app to Heroku using CloudFlare

I started developing my personal blog (and a basic CMS) using Phoenix.
I successfully deployed it to Heroku following the Documentation/Guides, it's live.
Now I added my custom domain "jonathansoifer.com" to the Heroku App but everytime I access it, the URL on the browser switches from that custom domain to the "Heroku app URL" (jonathansoifer.herokuapp.com).
Am I missing something?
It might be useful to know that the DNS is being managed by CloudFlare, using CNAME flattening as recommended by CloudFlare itself.
CNAME • jonathansoifer.com • jonathansoifer.com.herokudns.com
Sure enough, the issue was within config/prod.exs.
I had hard coded the Heroku URL there in order to take advantage of Heroku's free SSL when using their subdomains.

Deploy Twilio to existing Heroku app

I find plenty of information on deploying Twilio to a new Heroku app, thereby creating it. I'm a little stuck on the process of deploying it to an app that I already have. My app has a lot of data in the database there and I don't want to have to recreate it all. Additionally I would like my app to serve PHP pages as well. Do I need 3 Heroku apps now then? Doesn't make sense!
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You don't need to build a new application to use Twilio on Heroku. If you already have your existing application all you need to do is add the relevant endpoints for receiving SMS messages and voice calls from Twilio and deploy to your existing Heroku deployment. It is recommended that you load your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token into the Heroku config so that you can use them there too.
Is there anything specific you need to know about this? What is the application you have already built?

Heroku and Liferay installation

Hi I'm trying to upload some portlet application to an Heroku server.
Someone have experience on install Liferay on Heroku?
It is possible?
What about use the WeDeploy.com? It's from Liferay and you can easily manager your portal instance, I think this is the best way to host Liferay in cloud.
