Trying to upgrade to v3. Unable to find 'admin' username for logging into mysagepay - opayo

I am the web developer for a company who need to upgrade to v3 of mysagepay to continue trading.
However, the only username that I have been given, does not appear to give me admin rights in the control panel. I need to add the IP address of our shopping cart provider to allow it to continue to work after the end of the july.
My guess is that there is another username , which is the full admin rights one..
The one I have is payments, which allows you to view orders etc, but not access most of the settings.
Is there a standard username for the admin account on a given vendor name? I've tried 'retrieve username' using various emails of the company, but they only return the payments username, which isn't apparently an admin user.
I've filled out a couple of forms for online support but as yet have had no useful responses, and time is running out.
Can any one advise as to whether there is a standard username that gives full access rights (admin?) or whether there is a way of telling what the admin user is.
Many Thanks - pulling my hair out here.

Call Sage Pay. They can add the IP for you, and/or probably sort out an admin user account. You'll probably need your Merchant number in order to prove you have something to do with that vendor account - you can get this from the authorisation details screen when viewing one of the payments that you have. Number is 0845 111 4455 - I recommend calling out of core business hours as they are pretty busy then (but phones are manned 24/7)


Should we use two/one account system on a website with ecommerce

As a freelancer, I used opencart for my clients, one table called users, another table called customers.
I tried wordpress + woocommerce, that's only one user system. I haven't really used this, just test.
If we use only one user system, I have a question. What/how account should the employee/staff use? Use the private email, like This maybe not easy to manage. Any characters could be the email. like then we don't know who is who.
Or create a company's account like, force the staff to use the real name.
But when a staff have two accounts, he login as staff at work time. And he buys things for himself. Then he resigned, leave the company. His work email is canceled, frozen, inactivated. Which means that he cannot access his own order records. And maybe the private order is still ongoing, haven't received, not paid yet. This caused problems.
What solution should we use?
WordPress is based on the Roles and Capabilities system. Users will have a role while Each role will have different capabilities assigned.
Whenever WordPress code performs an action as a logged-in user, it basically checks if the user has the capabilities to perform that action or not.
As you explained in your use case, in that case, a staff member will be assigned a role(let's call it manager) that will allow them to do some staff-related things and he can also use that account to make orders and buy things.
If he resigns then the site manager/admin will change his role as a customer and will allow him to use the website and buy things but he won't be able to staff related things, because the custom role will not have those capabilities.
And in some cases, his connection with any data that should be only assigned to staff will be removed and assigned to someone else.
In short, capabilities do all the magic here and instead of assigning multiple capabilities to each user, WordPress creates a role with a set of capabilities to make it simple, and we can assign that role to a user and change it anytime, to revoke or grant more capabilities.

Should my customer register Google reCaptcha, or should I do it for my customer?

An Customer ask me to implement it at his Webpage, because he don't have the technical Skills to do so.
I wonder, what's the right way to do this.
On other Google-Services (like Google Search Console) the User can sign into his account and grant me permissions as Guest (he invite me as guest to his account and gave me permissions).
This is a clean way to do, because If I stop working for this customer, he can easily remove the permissions of my login and all is fine.
But how does it work at Google ReCaptcha?
Looking forward to hear, how you solve this.
it better to use the user's credentials for this purpose, just take client's primary or secondary email (or create a email for the project) and make it base for everything that's needed for your project like recatcha, search-console etc. you can use it as long as you are working, and client can simply change n give the credentials to next developer and he can continue.
i am web developer and i face this situation many times, this is best solution in my opinion.

Is there a way to change a Google Account name/email?

I have ran into a problematic situation, which I really hope I can get help with.
I'm working on Jive Software solutions and we have a product that integrates Google Drive and Gmail.
This integration product was once part of a startup that was acquired by Jive and as such, the Google api project we are using for the integration belongs to a Google Account of a specific person which no longer works in Jive (we do have the credentials for the account though).
The problem is, that we want this account to be ours, i.e, a Jive software one.
So, one option I have, is to create a new account and replace the api account I'm using in the code to use the new one. This is bad, as it will break all the current authenticated clients, and will force them to take the oauth process all over again.
The other option I see, is to convert the existing Google account we are using to a jivesoftware one, so it will not be associated to any specific person but it will still be the same account.
Specifically I'm interesting in changing the Name and Email of this account.
Any suggestions of how we can achieve that?
A third option could be moving the api project to owned by another google account, but I couldn't find such an option in the UI, any clue?
There is no way to change a gmail address. You can forward all email to a new address with the name and email address you would like though.
This way you access all the email from an account that is a Jive software one but it is being forwarded from the old one still. However no one directly accesses the old one.
Check out for more info.
According to the documentation, if you use Gmail with your Google Account, it's not currently possible to change your Gmail username after you've registered. with your username being the full email address you used to create your account. You can, however, change your nick name by going to and clicking Personal Info.

Allow admin user to give permission to customer registration in Magento shop

I want to set a rule to allow administrator to give permission to customers when they register an account in the Magento Shop. Currently, Customers can register an account without asking Administrator's permission.
Anyone here knows about how to do it or any extensions I can use for this purpose?
Sounds like this is what you're asking for. I've used this with great success on a website where products were only available to certified professionals, so their account needed to be approved before they could login.

Access user accounts in a domain without administrator rights

I am making a very simple marketplace app using the new SDK (Oauth 2.0). One of the steps would be to automatically invite team members for a closed group so I would need access to team members (users in same domain) from the user that is starting the process going through the default "navigator icon in google navigation menu".
This is working fine, however it is only working for administrators (tried with both Directory API and Profiles data API).Is there a way to simply "read" the email from users without needing to have administrator rights? It seems quite an overkill to ask a user to be administrator just for the purpose of being able to invite his team members.
These email addresses are in the user contact list for example, when writing an email they are automatically there so it shoulnt be much of permission problem I guess. can anyone help a bit on how I can accomplish this? Maybe a different API that I have not found?
Very much appreciated,
Best regards,
Joao Garin
You can use "Service Accounts" to access the Directory API on behalf of the Administrator when any user accesses the App.
The Drive API has a really good set of samples here -
This same technique will work with Admin SDK. The end result is the auth is not made on behalf of the user at the keyboard but as an authorized Service Account. This Service Account is authorized by the admin at the time of install.
