Can't seem to get TFS Permissions correct - visual-studio-2010

I can't seem to figure out this permission issue. I setup permissions on a TFS collection to allow access to certain folders in that collection. That is working fine. The users are part of a windows group. The users have VS2010 and VS2012, looking under "Team"->"Connect to Team Foundation Server" the users don't see the collection. If I go to Source Control Explorer they can see the collection and are able to use it as they need.
The question is: why can't they see the collection in "Connect to Team Foundation Server"? Is there some special permission that I need to enable to see the collection in "Connect to Team Foundation Server"?

For folks to be able to connect to a Team Project they needs to be in the Reader group of that team project as a minimum. If you just add them to the source control folder without adding then to the team project you will get the symptoms that you report.
If you connect to Team Web Access and navigate to the project you can add the user to the Team on the team dashboard.
If you are using pre-TFS 2012 you can connect in Team Explorer and right-click on the Team Explorer node of the Team Project in question and select "Group Membership". Add the users to at lease Reader, but most likely Contributor.


Visual Studio can't switch accounts when connecting to Team Foundation Server

I have different accounts with different VSO subscriptions. I'm trying to connect to a different account (from the one I'm logged in VS-2015) so that I can check in code in the repository that I have in that account. But when trying this, Visual Studio brings me to the profile website, from which is basically a dead end - what am I supposed to do from there?
The "Connect to Team Foundation Server screen sometimes just freezes after authentication, and doesn't go anywhere from there.
So clearing the settings file, which is named CurrentSettings usually in the folder C:\Users\your user name \Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Settings (Windows) - helped get passed this issue.
Also, when you are brought to the VSO Profile page (the one I showed in my picture question) you have to select the project you are trying to open.

tfs unable to browse projects

I'm using Visual Studio Team Services (was TFS Online) server {MyProject} I'm able to connect to the server, map the project, even receive a review request, but I can't see my team projects under DefaultCollection.
Currently when I'm opening the Source Control Explorer I'm only seeing
underlying projects are missing, but my user is in project team members list.
What I missed, what I should do else to be able to browse my projects, get and work with them?
Note: My account was not a microsoft account. I received an email to join the visual studio after tfs administrator added my email as the project team member. I follow to the link and I create a new account during VS sign up using that email and then successfully signed in.
Thanks a lot
This is usually caused by the "Access Level" that the Admin assigned to your account.
When your account is assigned as "Stakeholder", you can only access to "Work" section, cannot access to "Code". If you want the access to "Code", you need to ask your Admin to change the access level of your account.
Have the TFS Admin review your user's rights to the code in the team project. Generally we add users to the Contributor role for the project.
You should also try hitting the Refresh button (third from the right) on the Source Control Explorer window.
I had similar problem and as usual Microsoft has not useful error. Here is step by step tutorial to fix it.
The problem
This is related to user permissions. Note two things
If you are using 5 user free version, make sure to select user as "Basic user". Free version allows only basic membership.
Then go to Security setting, expand to see "Team Foundation Administrators" and add the new user this. This should resolve the browe project issue.

Team Foundation Server Express 2013 Get Latest not download to local

I created window user group and grant all permission for this group in "Team Project Collections". And when I used VS 2013 to connect to TFS server try to get latest file.
Connect to team project.
From the "Connect to Team Foundation Server" dialog, i can only see my Team Project collection in left panel but can't see the team project on the right panel.
then Proceed in Source Explorer, i can see my team project, try get latest version by click "Get Latest", it's show all files up to date, but when i check from local directory nothing is downloaded.
Is anything i did wrong? Please let me know if you need more information.
From the "Connect to Team Foundation Server" dialog, i can only see my
Team Project collection in left panel but can't see the team project
on the right panel.
At this point you should be able to see the projects that you have access to under the TPC's that you have access to. Ensure at minumum you are in the contributors group for each PROJECT that you require access to
I wouldn't progress until you can see projects at this point.

Deleting Visual Studio Team Services team project not behaving as expected

I have deleted several team projects from Team Services using the Collection Administration Page like this:
However, the deleted projects still show up in Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio:
....I expect Source Control Explorer to be a reflection of Team Services. What am I missing?
Looking at that screenshot you just need to refresh your workspace. there are a lot of pending adds and the Services project is greyed out meaning that is not mapped.
If you refresh the source tree does the project disappear?
You have to refresh the source control explorer and the server connection in the team explorer. VS will not realize changes in Team Services if you don't ask specifically for it (meaning that changes aren't pushed automatically to the clients).

How do I add a user to TFS Licensed user group?

I can't seem to add a user to the licensed user group in TFS 2010. Everything online says to open up Visual Studio, connect to the server, then drop down team, click Team Foundation Server Settings, and then Groups.
I can get that far, but then it says to click on the Licensed Users Group, and I don't have that group in my list.
I don't think this should even work really though, because I believe those directions are for TFS 2008 not 2010.
We've got TFS 2010 installed, and on my development PC I'm using VS 2008, and we have another PC in the office using VS 2010 so I can connect to it either way. I also have full rights to the 2008 server that the TFS is actually installed on, but cannot seem to find the licensed user group anywhere.
Are your instructions from Microsoft or an internal document? I've never seen the Licensed Users Group in TFS. Instead, we add our users to [SERVER]\Team Foundation Valid Users when they are licensed.
In Visual Studio 2010, first ensure that you are connected to the Team Foundation Server. Then, under the Team menu, select Team Project Collection Settings then Group Membership. This will bring up a dialog box that shows all of the valid groups. Find the one that is called [SERVER]\Team Foundation Valid Users and click on Properties.
In the secondary window that pops up, select Windows User or Group and click Add.
Alternatively, create an Active Directory group that represents your authorized users, and add that group to the Team Foundation Valid Users TFS group. This way, when you add new users, you can have your network administration simply add the licensed user to that Active Directory group and they'll automatically be included in the Valid Users.
To add to what's been said here, that particular group isn't expected to exist in all editions:
After you install Team Foundation Server Workgroup Edition, you must add users to Team Foundation Licensed Users security group in order for them to connect to the server. This security group is a server-level group specific to the Workgroup Edition. This group is created during installation of the Workgroup Edition, but not the Trial Edition or the Standard Edition
