Filter data by clicking data table row in dc.js - dc.js

I am trying to create a standardized dashboard using dc.js. One question that i require help with is if its possible to filter the visuals based on a selection of the data table rows.
I am thinking of populating a table with unique column values and then using it to view filtered data.
I found a similar question here how to filter data in dcjs/crossfilter on selection of datatable row?
Not sure if there is another way of doing it internally in dc.js and hence the question.
Here is a sample dashboard made using spotfire. Here i can filter the data by selecting unique values from the filters on the right.
Thank you.

You can try the multiple select menu widget which was contributed in this PR:
This will be included in the 2.1 release of dc.js


IPyvuetify: Adding Cards inside DataTable

I am creating a data table using IPyvuetify and want to display the values in one of the columns as cards.
Looking at the vuetify docs for data table, there doesn't seem to be a clear way to do this.
Has anyone had success trying to do this in Ipyvuetify?

Updating ag-grid with new data after new table load with React

I'm using React and I have a navigation component that updates a Redux table state. Based on the table chosen in the navigation, I need the ag-grid to update accordingly.
I have six tables. Three of them have the same column definitions. I'm currently using onNewColumnsLoaded to refresh the data, but because three of the tables have the same column definitions, nothing's loading. I've tried onColumnEverythingChanged and other column options, but again because the columns are the same nothing is happening.
I've tried rowDataChanged, rowDataUpdated, and componentStateChanged, but those refresh the data if I'm scrolling or filtering, so those are not acceptable options.
I've taken a look at this answer, but it's using plain javascript, and this one has a problem in the css, not in the javascript.
What's the best way to have the grid update programmatically based on Redux state variables?
You can check to use immutableData with directly udpate the rowData:
method should be implemented as well.
Check the doc for more detail.

Filter across pages in Google datastudio

I have a multi page report with Page 1 having a Table chart with filter interactions ON. When I click on a row in this Table chart, I need my other pages also to get filtered based on this row selection.
If I make this table chart report-level, then this table chart will be visible in other pages which I do not want. What is the best possible way to solve this problem?
An alternative approach is to use a Filter Control (set to Report-level) instead of a Table; additionally, a default selection could be set.
Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to elaborate:

Kendo grid/datasource/grouping

Ok I have a grid setup binding to local data
Here it is based on the examples in the kendo demos
I'm having problems when rows are deleted. They appear to be deleted but then the original rows re-appear when columns are grouped.
Grouping works when 1 row is left - delete both rows (they disappear) group by a column and the original 2 come back!
I thought that the datasource automatically updated based on the destroy events. Am I missing something that will update the original data array from the datasource?
You are missing transport configuration, that will update correctly the array and the grid. Please check this article that explains how to implement transport functionality with local data:

How do I change the orientation of a table in a BIRT report

I need to change the orientation of a table in a BIRT report so that the table header is vertical instead of horizontal.
Is this possible? I don't want to use a Crosstab.
It seems this thread is still being pointed at so I posted an example of a horizontal table layout using a crosstab. I know it won't help the original author but others following this thread now may find this helpful.
To create the horizontal grouping, first create your query like normal, then create a Data Cube. In this data cube, drag each field that you want into a group. Then drag a new crosstab on the report and drag each field into the top right column group area. It will create a new header row for each field. Don't put anything in the left side (Rows) and don't put anything in the measure field (bottom-right). This will create labels on the left... and the data will extend out to the right.
The report design example can be downloaded from:
If you want dataset records to be reported across the page, this would have to be done via a crosstab.
If you want dataset records to be reported down the page, this can't be done automatically as far as I know. However, it can be done by inserting a new detail line in your report table object for each database field to be reported, then moving column headings from the heading row into the first column's detail rows and moving record values into the second column's detail rows.
So, for example, a report with 6 columns in it would become a two column report with six detail rows.
Not in box (up to 3.7). You have to use 3'd party libs like that one.
