IPyvuetify: Adding Cards inside DataTable - vuetify.js

I am creating a data table using IPyvuetify and want to display the values in one of the columns as cards.
Looking at the vuetify docs for data table, there doesn't seem to be a clear way to do this.
Has anyone had success trying to do this in Ipyvuetify?


Updating ag-grid with new data after new table load with React

I'm using React and I have a navigation component that updates a Redux table state. Based on the table chosen in the navigation, I need the ag-grid to update accordingly.
I have six tables. Three of them have the same column definitions. I'm currently using onNewColumnsLoaded to refresh the data, but because three of the tables have the same column definitions, nothing's loading. I've tried onColumnEverythingChanged and other column options, but again because the columns are the same nothing is happening.
I've tried rowDataChanged, rowDataUpdated, and componentStateChanged, but those refresh the data if I'm scrolling or filtering, so those are not acceptable options.
I've taken a look at this answer, but it's using plain javascript, and this one has a problem in the css, not in the javascript.
What's the best way to have the grid update programmatically based on Redux state variables?
You can check to use immutableData with directly udpate the rowData:
method should be implemented as well.
Check the doc for more detail.

Generate Table dynamic inside a form

I am having a little problem with the form system in Symfony 3.3.
I do want to generate a table of form-fields inside a form, depending on the data the user is selecting inside the form.
For example, I have one field with a daterange, that I want to use for the days beeing displayed on the x-axis. On the y-axis I want to display the data the user has selected from a multiselect, that has 1..3 different categories.
The goal is to generate a table after these fields are selected, that has an integer formtype for each cell, that can be changed by the user.
I am quite new to symfony and this really makes my head hurt.
My question is, what would be the easiest or at least most clever concept to achieve this goal in Symfony 3.3?
Have a look at Symfony Form Events: https://symfony.com/doc/current/form/events.html you might be looking for preSubmit or postSubmit.
You could also look at a data transformer: http://symfony.com/doc/current/form/data_transformers.html
Finally based on you wanting to render a table, you could probably do this just in twig templates: https://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/forms/twig_reference.html

Filter data by clicking data table row in dc.js

I am trying to create a standardized dashboard using dc.js. One question that i require help with is if its possible to filter the visuals based on a selection of the data table rows.
I am thinking of populating a table with unique column values and then using it to view filtered data.
I found a similar question here how to filter data in dcjs/crossfilter on selection of datatable row?
Not sure if there is another way of doing it internally in dc.js and hence the question.
Here is a sample dashboard made using spotfire. Here i can filter the data by selecting unique values from the filters on the right.
Thank you.
You can try the multiple select menu widget which was contributed in this PR:
This will be included in the 2.1 release of dc.js

Gwt: display Table faster

I have the problem, that my program is too slow in displaying a flexTable. I've searched how to display the table faster and I think with a cell table it might be faster. The problem now is, there are different objects displayed in the table and I don't know how to do that with a celltable. I have a list<DTOEmployeeWithTask> and each dTOEmployeeWithTask has a list<TaskRelation>. First there's displayed a row with the employee and then each taskRelation for the employee, like this:
Now to my questions: what is the fastest way to display such a table? If it's with a cellTable, how would I do that in a CellTable?
If you need some code just say what you need.
FlexTable is a no go anyway as it's known to be slow. What would be a good solution is a Custom DataGrid, which can display rows with sub rows as in your screenshot. The GWT showcase page has a nice example including source code which should help you further: http://gwt.googleusercontent.com/samples/Showcase/Showcase.html#!CwCustomDataGrid

CakePHP display updated table of data using ajax

I'm having real trouble finding any documentation on this.
I have a page that displays a list of users, above this i can edit the users successfuly with ajax. After the update, i want the table below to be updated with the new information.
How do i go about doing this? I'm thinking i need some sort of view that displays the data in a table, and i want to get that view's contents and inject it into my page, but i can't seem to find out how?
Can anyone point me in the right direction please
Put users table in div id like "Users" and do something like following in edit ajax success function call
$("#users").load("same_page_url #users");
