spring security spnego ldap jwt - spring

I have a complex situation where I need to implement a security for web app on tomcat 8 that serve both static html and rest services. the app is spring mvc application (no spring boot)
the authntication ( sso ) process will go as follow:
if user jwt not exist in http header then authonticate with ldap, getting user authorities from db and create jwt back to user.
if jwt exist in header, skip ldap filtering , extract the user authorities from token.
I was thinking of first servlet filter that uses spnego library and get the windows domain name (user name to use in ldap) that filter will also check to see if ldap authontication is needed ( if token not provided) and pass it back to spring filter chine through http params..
I'm struggling to implement he ideal.
please help.

As I know, there is support for LDAP in spring security, might be it will help you.
Other than that, if you want to write your own filters then you have to add those in spring security filter chain.


custom oidc in keycloak

I have a spring based application which does authentication and authorization(oauth2 based) for a client app.I want to now use keycloak to manage my authorizations, but i want to keep my spring code. Basically i want to use my existing auth code as an external identity provider in keycloak.
I am thinking of adding changes in client app such that it receives token from my existing oauth code(which does the authentication) and then exchange this token with keycloak(for session and authorization management). How can i do this? What configurations need to be done in keycloak?
I read about token exchange in keycloak here, but i am not clear about the kind of token i need to send from my existing auth code.
Here is how OAuth2 roles are usually spread:
Keycloak is authorization-server
Spring service is resource-server
front-end is client
user is resource-owner
I have a doubt of you wanting your Spring service to be "authorization-server" as well (serve user identity). If so, I think you should not.
Keycloak (or any other OpenID provider) should be the only authorization-server. Both Spring and client(s) should be configured to use it as so.
To write it differently, Keycloak is responsible for users login and emitting tokens with user ID (subject) and rights (roles or whatever). Other tiers in the architecture (clients & resource servers) get user info from the token and apply relevant security checks (spring security annotations, Angular guards, etc.).
I published a mono-repo for a meetup with minimal sample involving a Spring resource-server and Angular (with Ionic) client talking to a Keycloak OpenID authorization-server. You might find some inspiration browsing it.

Can spring security parse headers and verify authentication information?

Spring Security is commonly used for authentication and authorization of web applications and web services. While spring can validate users based on credentials_id (user id) and credentails_secret (password) passed through web forms.
What I am looking at is
1) can spring work when these userid and password are passed through http headers.
2) on subsequent requests can spring validate user based on a session id (some thing like jsessionid) passed through http headers?
You can add spring-security module in your project.
passing username and password via http-headers for every request is stateless basic-authentication. Check this example
You can do a stateful authentication: authenticate once, maintain the session.
Check this sample
So, you should write a custom AuthenticationFilter extending referred UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.
Spring Security using HTTP headers

Spring Boot token-based authentication

How can I implement token-based authentication without cookies for my Spring Boot RESTful application (not MVC)? I've searched the web, but not found any good tutorials.
Create a Authentication filter and check the token in header there. Load the used based on the token from your user store and set it as the request principle.
Checkout the following for an example
Authentication Filter Example

Spring Security - OAuth, LDAP Integration for multitenant application

I am using spring security for my spring multitenant application. I am using spring security 3.2
I am using spring security for my spring multitenant application. My requirement
is tenant1 should be authorized against oauth and tenant2 should be authorized
against ldap and tenant3 should be authorized against database. I will be knowing
the authorization method for the tenant through properties file. I am able to
authorize user against any single authorization method. But i am not able to
configure for multiple authorization methods. Please someone give any suggestions
on this.
In case of web application, you can use different login URLs and allow user to choose authentication method. Then separate security filters should be applied for each URL.
You can check this configuration: https://code.google.com/p/opendatakit/source/browse/eclipse-aggregate-gae/war/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml?repo=aggregate

how to implement single sign-on for multiple Web applications based on JAAS(Authorization)

I started working on JAAS with SSO,I have some doubt about JAAS. JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service) framework to cater to multiple authentication mechanisms. The SSO server validates sign-on information against its own database or an external directory server and returns the session context and list of applications that the signed-on user can execute.Here i want to implement one more web application's.As per my knowledge the SSO JAAS will return Session context. In my client web applications already, i have acegi security for authentication, using my acegi security how can i get the session context from my SSO JAAS for Authorization.I am trying to find out any configuration sample , but still I did't get any work around example.
Take a look at this spring security configuration. It is not exactly what you want but it will show you the way
Key points
Check how authentication-manager is defined by using
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider. The preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService property defines a bean that will allow you to create your spring security UserDetails object from the JAAS Authentication object
The j2eePreAuthFilter filter is the one that will delegate security from JAAS to spring security.
The rest is standard spring security configuration
Hope it helps a bit
