Xamarin Windows Phone Store Package - xamarin

I' am in a bit of truble at the moment.
I try to build my Xamarin Windows Store App for publishing, but the Create App Packages Wizard, wont open I tried many solutions from the web, like unloading and reloading the project, or making a new project. But the wizard does not open with my solution i treid a normal Windows Phone app(no Silverlight), that worked but i could not Port my xamarin project to a standard Windows Phone App.
Has someone encountered a similar issue with Xamarin and Windows Phone,
or can anyone help to get my app into the Appstore?
I would have asked in the Xamarin Forum, but I cant reach them siche this morning.
And sorry for the engrish.

To submit package to the windows phone store you'll need to build your project (for ARM in Release mode to avoid warnings). Then on developer site when there is button to upload package you have to attach *.xap file from your project's bin\release folder (or bin folder you have specified). Then you can go through the next windows phone store app submitting steps.


UWP store build with Xamarin Forms

We are having trouble publishing our x86/x64 UWP Xamarin Forms app to the Microsoft Store.
The app got rejected because the certification team cannot test the .appxupload package because it crashes on startup.
The app only crashes when installed from the store built .appxupload package. The .appxbundle in _Test works fine and we are using it for in-house distribution and sideloading via HockeyApp.
At first we assumed that the crash was due to faulty packaging as our app uses the desktop-bridge feature to bundle a small WPF executable with it. Our first instinct was to remove the desktop bridge part and test the packaging again. After removing it, we had the same issue, the .appxupload crashed on start.
We took it one step forward and just created a new solution with a new Xamarin Forms Template project (VS 15.7.1). Without changing a single line of code we packaged the visual studio xamarin forms uwp template project for store upload. The surprise here is that the generated .appxupload also crashes exactly the same way on startup.
We decided to find out more by experimenting on the Visual Studio XF uwp template:
Update XF to 3.1 -> still crashes
Update .NETCore.UniversalWindows to 6.1.5 -? still crashes
Remove XF from the project completely (including Xamarin.Forms.Init(..)) -> no more crash, but also no more content without Xamarin forms ... :(
We have researched the following posts which seem to be related to this issue:
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Private.CoreLib...'
Some of the above posts were explaining that even though the .appxupload crashes when installed locally the when downloaded and installed from the Microsoft store the package will run without a problem. Our problem with this part is that our .appxupload package needs to be tested by Microsoft before the store publish because of the desktop bridge permission. Because it crashes when locally testing it cannot be published.
Based on our experiments with the Visual Studio Xamarin forms uwp template project this seems to be an issue of UWP and Xamarin Forms together.
We are not sure how to proceed. We need to get the app running from the .appxupload package so that it can be tested by the store team. Do you have any ideas/solutions for this issue?

How to create a binary from a monogame project

I'm making a simple Pong game on a Mac using Xamarin and Monogame, however I can`t find a way to export into a binary such as a .exe or a .app. Can it be done?
The answer is yes.
The procedure is pretty similar on both Android and iOS.
Switch your project over to Release mode
If you are using any Google Play Services (maps and such), make sure to use your own keychain, which can be defined in the Project Options under Android Package Signing
Build the project
Right click and select Archive for Publishing
A new window will appear where you can sign and distribute your app
Upload to Google Play Store or any other relevant store
For iOS the steps are similar
Make sure you have created an App Name and provisioning profiles in the Apple developer center
Make sure Identifier of your app matches the registered one in the Info.plist of the app
Switch to AppStore or Ad-Hoc depending on the way you want to distribute your app
Build your project
Right click and select Show IPA on Build Server (Visual Studio) / in Xamarin.Studio on Mac you can select Archive for Publishing and get the IPA.
Upload the IPA to iTunesConnect or HockeyApp or whatever distribution method you are using
For more in depth documentation, please refer to Xamarin's official documentation for Android and for iOS.
Sorry for not quite understanding your question at the first time.
If you build the game on a Mac, I am not sure there is a way to export .app. However, I recommend you load your Xamarin project into Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio on Windows. Then you can get the iOS version and windows binary at the same time. However, for windows version you could only get .appx output, which is the winRT counterpart to the traditional desktop .exe.
Take Visual studio as an example,
If you want to export windows output, please follow steps below:
right click on your project's xamarin.Windows(UWP or Windows8.1) folder and select "store"
Select "No" for the prompt dialog about whether to upload to store
Follow the instructions till the end. Then get the .appx file under your project's AppPackages folder
And what's more, even if you just need to share with several people, HockeyApp is still a good option for you regarding the distribution trouble and version control trouble it can save for you. You can take a trial here.
Please let me know if this can help.

Store option disabled in My Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate

I want to submit my app (WP8) on windows phone store, but my store options are disabled. Please provide any solution to publish my app.
Please help me to upload my app.
I had the same problem. It appeared that the basic release build creates the needed files to add your app to the store.
Check \Bin\Release folder and look for .xap file (f.ex MyApp_Release_AnyCPU.xap). This is the package that you can submit. You can add it to the Windows Phone Store.

Error when upgrade WP7 project to WP8 using VS2012

When I try to upgrade my current WP7 project to a WP8 version using VS2012 built-in feature "Upgrade to Windows Phone 8.0"
I received an error message:
Upgrade to the project could not be completed.
Object reference not set to an instance object.
This error has little useful information to work with, how to solve it?
If you want run app in WP 8 devices, perhaps you'll have a problem with the screen resolution on devices HTC. The best way is create new WP 8 project and share (add as link) most of the .cs and .xaml files of your WP7 project. I did it guided by the article http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Maintaining_a_WP7_and_WP8_version_of_a_same_Silverlight_application
Good luck!

Not able to upload .XAP file while submitting app dev center

I have developed a windowsphone7 app, i used visual studio 2010 and WP7 SDK to develop that app, and i have a registered developer account.
Now the app is ready to upload in market place,i have the XAP file.
I goes through the app submitting process, at package upload step, it allows only the ".appxupload" file, but not the ".xap" file.
Can anybody guide me to upload my app xap file.
thanks in advance.
Windows 8 Store http://dev.windows.com requires .appxupload
Windows Phone Store http://dev.windowsphone.com requires .xap
If you have .xap and its asking for .appxupload, you are in the wrong store.
I believe the actual XAP upload component still uses Silverlight (I always see the Silverlight loading animation appear when I upload). Try ensuring you have Silverlight installed and are using a browser that supports it.
You need to be using Internet Explorer with silverlight installed otherwise it just hangs and crashes. DONT use Chrome. It is a death sentence for app submission.
