Product images no updating in Magento, staying as watermark - image

Having a bit of a weird bug in Magento that I can't quite figure out.
When trying to update product images in admin the images don't update on the frontend, instead the default 'no image' watermark appearing instead still.
What is odd though is that when I select 'Base image', 'Small image' & 'Thumbnail' then save the page refreshes and then only the thumbnail option is selected.
Not really sure what is causing this but to help solve it I have already done the following with no success:
Changed /media permissions to 777 recursively
Changed /media permissions to 755 recursively
Renamed .htaccess in /media
And after each of the above I have cleared all caches and restarted the server (just to be sure).
Also, /media is owned by www-data and PHP memory limit is 512MB (is that good?)
The site is Magento 1.9 CE on AWS ~100k products.
Thanks in advance for any help it's greatly appreciated!

You can set store scope in product page in admin panel and check for images and its options.


Magento showing default images after moving to a new server

I have a magento store with version 1.9 hosted on
which I move to 1and1 server on a subdomain called
The images are not showing on the home page on the new server but the images are there in the media folder. For example if you take the following featured product
The images are there at
Which I derived from this page
I have set the media folder permission to 777, cleared var folder and set the permission to 777 there too but no luck. Can anyone help me on this?
Be sure that you have given recursive permission to all subfolders under media folder. Flushed Magento Cache as well as Flushing Catalog Images Cache in System>Cache Management. Also try to increase memory_limit parameter in your php.ini file .

Product thumbnail images are not displayed in backend after manual upload in magento 1.9.1

Image thumbnails are not visible in admin.
I have manually uploaded images for products in admin. Images are visible in frontend. But not displayed in admin.
It shows the text "roll over for preview", when rolled over it just become empty.
Changed media folder permission to 777. and I have removed .htaccess file from /media folder too...
Plz see the image.
But the thumbnails are visible for existing products.
This is the existing product page.
Try This below Solution
Open up the following file:
Find this line :
chmod($destinationFile, 0640);
Replace it with this line:
chmod($destinationFile, 0777);
This can be caused by wrong permissions set to uploaded files.
Open lib/Varien/File/Uploader.php and make sure following permission are set:
Around line 219:
chmod($destinationFile, 0666);
Around line 541:
if (!(#is_dir($destinationFolder) || #mkdir($destinationFolder, 0777, true))) {
Note: This issue will also be fixed by applying patch SUPEE-7405 v1.1
increase your memory limit from php.ini or you can ask to your server support
memory_limit = 512M
no need to clear magento cache
add below code in php.ini file on root
memory_limit = 512M
in admin panel go to admin->system->cache management and click Flush Catalog Images Cache

Magento Product images broken

my website Teentees few days back the site works normally. after some days some product images are broken. so i flushed cache storage, magento cache, and image cache. after that all product images are gone in frontend. how to resolve this
Provide wrtieable (0777) recusrive permission on media folder on root.
As Currently images from your site giving 404 error:
Also Please check .htaccess file in media folder. If it is exist, try to rename that.

Magento does not change category photo/thumbnail in existing category

I have almost finished my magento eshop and now that I'm trying to put images to my categories, magento does not change them. I have many categories that now are displayed with the default image. I try to change the image in the category (in different sizes, from 300x300px to 50x50px) , magento says that the category is successfully saved but then the image does not appear in the frontend.
NOTE that I have disabled cache so this is not the reason.
Note2: I'm using "TM Easy Catalog Images" but still this is not the p0roblem, I disabled it and still have the same issue.
Note 3: Magento used is : running on local pc for now.
Any suggestions?
Answer found. I had to "chmod -R 777 media" directory.

Magento product upload images are not appearing

I'm uploading products to my Magento store but products are not being displayed.
I can upload the image using the admin area and when managing my products I can see the images there, but once I go to the front end I just get the Magento logo where the product image should appear.
This has been happening since my server migration so I'm not sure if its related or not.
There are many things that could be causing this issue, but here's a few things for you to look into:
On the Product Information page in your admin backend, under 'Images', make sure the radio buttons have an image selected for 'Base Image', 'Small Image', 'Thumbnail', and that they aren't 'Excluded'
Make sure the product images exist under /media/catalog/product/ (relative to your document root)
Make sure the /media directory is in your Apache web server's group (usually 'www-data' or 'httpd'). Magento also needs to be able to write to this directory, so you can run this command to set those permissions:
sudo chmod -R 775 /path/to/magento/media
In System->Configuration->General->Web, make sure "Base Media URL" is correct under both "Secure" and "Unsecure"
Just rename .htaccess to .htaccess-old inside media directory in Magento Root Directory.
You need to do the following to get this right:
Recursively change permissions -r or via ftp set media folder to 777
Make sure your server has curl, image gd enabled and refresh magento cache
Just adding more information to help: if your SELINUX is enabled, you need additional setup. Here you can find some information
try this code:-
Might be you are not adding below line:-
Even though late, Hope it will help for someone
If its still not showing even after all the above tweaks. Try to reduce the size of the image to few KBs and try. It worked for Me.:)
For me the issue was php7.0-gd extension. Once I installed it image appears without a problem.
sudo apt-get install php7.0-gd
sudo service apache2 restart
