Magento Product images broken - magento

my website Teentees few days back the site works normally. after some days some product images are broken. so i flushed cache storage, magento cache, and image cache. after that all product images are gone in frontend. how to resolve this

Provide wrtieable (0777) recusrive permission on media folder on root.
As Currently images from your site giving 404 error:
Also Please check .htaccess file in media folder. If it is exist, try to rename that.


Magento showing default images after moving to a new server

I have a magento store with version 1.9 hosted on
which I move to 1and1 server on a subdomain called
The images are not showing on the home page on the new server but the images are there in the media folder. For example if you take the following featured product
The images are there at
Which I derived from this page
I have set the media folder permission to 777, cleared var folder and set the permission to 777 there too but no luck. Can anyone help me on this?
Be sure that you have given recursive permission to all subfolders under media folder. Flushed Magento Cache as well as Flushing Catalog Images Cache in System>Cache Management. Also try to increase memory_limit parameter in your php.ini file .

cant acces subdirectories Magento 1.9

I got magento on my own hosting and everything is running ok.
I created a landing (using HTML and CSS) and I wanted to include it inside my hosting.
I just created a folder inside root directory (where magento is loaded) and I uploaded my landing inside of that folder.
The problem comes when i try to access in that lading using my browser. I'm getting a 404 error by magento.
Can some one tell me if I am doing something wrong to be able to load that landing?
PS: I tried to delete cache, to reindex all files and still not working.

Images relates issue in magento 1.9

I used Magneto 1.9 suddenly I faced a problem in it .When i create a product and upload images, it is shown in back end and not show in front end.But after this when I edit the same product and add one more image in it then in front end it shown second images.
What is the reason of this strange behavior.May be this is all because before a week I enabled cache and due to some issue in it I again disable it.
Till now it tried solution:-
1.Clear cache and index many times.(My cache is disabled).
2.Rename htaccess of media folder.
3.Give 777 permission to media folder.
Please see the image attached.
http://abc/media/catalog/product/cache/1/thumbnail/80x80/117ec6be2be2581904bec9efa7f5ed31/images/catalog/product/placeholder/thumbnail.jpg (Placeholder shown)
http://abc/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/580x580/0fb09527b0cea108ca47a7bcd7e27e43/6/_/6_1_2.jpg(Image shown which is uploaded second time)

MAGENTO: Front end catalog product images disappeared

i have issues with my magento site, firstly, my site was not working so i restored the site with my latest backup. everything is working fine but the catalaog images in the frontend is not working. I guess the magento is not rebuilding the cache for the images. but i can see the products images in the backend side.
can anyone suggest me wat may be the solution.

Product images are not visible on listing page as well as detail page

In my magento site product images are not visible.
I have images for all the products uploaded and set to Base, small and thumbnail images.
My media folder permission is 777.
Still I am getting error like this
NetworkError: 404 Not Found -
in Firefox console.
This folder small_image is not at the specified location.
least placeholder images are also not loading.
I can not run <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> in root of site(I tried this but got a blank page).
So I do not have information about gd library exists or not?
What may be wrong?
Try to clear your all type of cache (var/cache, Image cache) . So when you clear your cache memory then magento will create cache again that you visited products images. Image cache is located at your media directory, In your posted link above
NetworkError: 404 Not Found -**cache**/1/small_image/250x300/
You can see the cache directory. You can delete that directly or from magento admin section, by visiting admin section--> System--> Cache management--> select all cache then delete.
Then check again .And make sure your images are exist first..
