How would I delete a playlist using YouTube API V3? Or would I have to use an AJAX DELETE method? - ajax

a lot of people complain they have too many YouTube playlists and it sucks to delete them one at a time. Using the YouTube V3 API, would it be possible for me to programmatically delete their playlists for them? If not, could I do a DELETE call to YouTube using Angular client side or node.js serverside?

All you would need to do is call playlists.list() to retrieve the ids for all of the playlists you would like to delete, and then delete them using playlists.delete(). You can see the details for these methods here:


Create track for closed testing in Google Play using API

Checking the API docs I've found it's possible to manage apps in tracks, but I can't find any way to create tracks via API. Anybody knows if it's possible somehow?
I would like to programmatically create tracks for closed testing for specific apps, but the API seems to not allow this.
API docs for tracks:

Youtube private access management via API or library

I have a situation where I need to invite users to to be able to watch a private playlist on videos on Youtube.
I have found information about this at: Add or remove access to your YouTube channel
However that uses the user interface (Youtube page) and I'm looking for doing it in a programmatic way.
The best I found about managing channels is this: Implementation: Channels however there is nothing about invites and access removing.
Is there a way to invite users and and remove a user's permission using the YouTube API or a library?
No there is no way to add or remove permissions on channels though the YouTube Data api.
You might want to check though the issue log and see if anyone has already submitted a feature request for this. YouTube Issue forum.

Get currently playing video in Youtube

I need to get the title of the currently playing video in my Firefox browser from an external app using youtube API, or at least my last played video in my YT account. The goal is to get the name of the song i'm listening to and putting it in a file. I've got another app (using Discord API) that will read it and use it.
My first idea was to get the watch history, but this function was removed from the API since late 2016.
I managed to authentificate my Google application to access my own channel with Oauth 2.0, but from here I'm stuck. There don't seem to be any request that gets your own last watched video.
I also thought of a completely different way, by using a Firefox extension to get the title, but storing it and passing it to the other app will not be an easy thing (localStorage and sessionStorage are both in AppData folder, and my other app can't access it).
Does anybody know a way to do this? I'm starting to be kind of desperate.
I was looking for something similar and came across this in my search: Cross-Domain Cookies
Sharing cookies between 2 applications via a 3rd party might be of help here although it would complicate things.

Activities API call not returning correct results

The below api call used to return a feed of results that would have been on my homepage.
In the past day or so the feed I get has changed to be only videos from some channel called "Popular on YouTube".
Does anyone know why this API call changed? Is it a bug? Is there a different way to get an authenticated user's activity feed?
It turns out the home parameter for the activities api endpoint has been deprecated.
Sounds like you must have been using a shared API key.
Either case, "Popular on Youtube" is a Youtube channel by Youtube. Something has broken functionality and I believe it is referrer issue. With that, I suggest getting a new API Key.
You can learn more about and getting a free personal API Key, if you haven't done so.

How to exclude mentions in the Twitter streaming API

I am using the Twitter Streaming API since I need to get all posts on the home timeline as well as lists and hashtags the user is following. However, this also returns mentions (which do not appear on the timeline) is there a way to exclude these from the streaming API?
It turns out that it is not yet possible to ignore #mentions in the Twitter Stream, so I just had to manually sort and remove #mentions after receiving the data.
