Installation of RED 5 On Server (Windows Server 2012R2) - windows

I am trying to install Red5 on server (Windows Server 2012R2) so that I can use it remotely.
What I have tried till now...
case 1:
-set the path for java jre.
-I installed red5 with ip with port no 5080 (already opened this port)
-Start the red5 service.
-Working fine.
But the problem is It's working as localhost, I was not able to access it as remotely then I changed "" and set to my server IP,
But It didn't work for me.
Case 2:
-I reinstalled red5 server with my server IP with port 5080
-open 5080 port on firewall
-start the server
This setting also didn't work for me.
Where Should I make change to access it remotely..?

Assign correct ip in
Change passwords in
Open firewall for port 1935 for RTMP and 5080 if you want to access the webserver
(control panel - system and security - windows firewall - advanced settings - new inbound rule - port tcp)
Red5 guide for more installation techniques and videos : link


Why can't I connect to HortonWorks Dashboard?

I have installed Virtual Box (Version 5.2.0 r118431 (Qt5.6.2)) on Windows 10 and i imported appliance HDP_2.4_virtualbox_v3 (downloaded from here).
I followed the tutorial from here step by step.
The virtual machine is running on the computer from where I am trying to access the Dashboard. I have set up the Host Only Adapter Option on the sandbox so the computer and the virtual machine can communicate
After the CentOs finished booting I am prompt to enter to the ip, which is a different address from the tutorial,
and there is no server listening to that address because i get
" refused to connect." in the browser.
image here
Run the ipconfig command in your command prompt and identyfy your virtual box's ip under Ethernet adapter VirtualBox Host-Only Network.
Take that ip address and go to your Virtual Box.
Select your appliance and go to Settings->Network->Adapter 1->Port Forwarding.
Replace the Host IP for the port you need 8080, 8888 and so on with the ip of your virtual box that should be sth like 192.168.x.x.
Now start your sandbox, login on it and try to connect in your browser to the new ip set 192.168.x.x:8888.
Use appliance HDP_2.4_virtualbox because in the most recent some linux commands like netstat are considered deprecated and no longer function, which willmake your life harder when trying to debug or identify a networking problem.
If you still encounter issues eith it, reinstall your operating system, reinstall your virtual box and reimport the sandbox, make the changes needed in the Port Forwarding settings and it should be ok.
try to connect using to connect make sure the VM is running make sure there are no errors if there are debug them and at the last straw uninstall the Vm and retry (make sure to make a backup if there are any files)
you can also try to check all the local host ips on your network and try to connect to them
Make sure you set NAT in your VirtualBox network settings:

Access ftp server from Google Cloud Engine VM

I have created a LAMP Bitnami VM on Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine.
vsftpd is installed already and I have edited the options to include:
I have the PHP server up and running on http://my-ip-address but when I try to navigate to ftp://my-ip-address the browser just hangs.
I haven't used ftp for about 100 years so I'm not sure if I'm going about this the right way.
Do I need to do something with the firewall? I tried to do that but GCP wouldn't accept ftp as a protocol.
I've also tried with Filezilla but I get 'connection timed out'.
What am I missing please?
Make sure you have GCP firewall rule (ingress) in place to allow tcp:21 for FTP traffic to reach to the instance.
You can install tcpdump package on the server to monitor the traffic for verification.
To monitor the traffic on port 21 (ftp) can use the following syntax:
sudo tcpdump -i interface port 21
Example: sudo tcpdump -i eth0 port 21
I verified this on the GCE LAMP Bitnami VM with vsftpd package installed and was able to ftp from browser.
Moreover, FTP is an insecure protocol. You can set-up SFTP for more security and encrypted traffic.
Yes you missing Google Cloud Firewall, You have open some ports to make a successful connection with your ftp server. Go and visit this Set up an FTP Server on Google Cloud Platform blog post, This will help you.
First add this line in vsftpd.conf file.
After that open this ports 20,21,990,40000-50000 from Google cloud Firewall.

Connection timeout error for winscp to cloudera vm

I am trying to connect Cloudera VM from my Windows desktop using Winscp for file transfer.
But I am not able to connect it using winscp. It is showing me connection timeout error.
Anybody has any idea how to solve this issue.
I figure out, bow to do it. The error was I am referring wrong IP address. To know right IP address and connect follow below steps.
First, if the Cloudera VM is running then shutdown it.
Second, go to setting. refer below screenshots
Then start the Cloudera VM again.
Go to terminal.
Type the command ifconfig.
On Consol you will find eth1 - where you have to look for ipnet, next to it is your IP address, which you have to use to connect to VM. note down the address.
Go to windows.
Open Winscp.
Create New Site.
Put the host name as the IP address which we got from consol
Username- cloudera, password- cloudera
Click on Save.
Click on login.
Hope this will help.
I can connect to cloudera VM 5.15 from winSCP from my laptop(windows).
I am using Virtual box.
I have downloaded VM from cloudera official site and then choose option file-import appliance ,it will choose by default Network adapter NAT and then I followed as mentioned below.
add cloudera.quickstart in hosts file
localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. localhost quickstart.cloudera
Recommended VirtualBox Configurations
Right click on the VirtualMachine and click Settings
Setup the VM to allow you to copy and paste from that machine to your local and vice-teversa
Click on General -> Advanced
Set Shared Clipboard to Bidirectional
Setup port forwarding from port 2222 to port 22 to allow SSH to the machine
Click on Network -> Advanced -> Port Forwarding
Add a new entry
Name: 2222
Host Port: 2222
Guest Port: 22
Accessing the VM
SSH’ing to the Machine
Default SSH Credentials: cloudera/cloudera
Host to connect to: localhost
Because of the Recommended VirtualBox Configuration above, we’re forwarding connections from port 2222 to 22. So you would want to use port 2222 to connect.
Open putty/winscp
Use ip as
Set 2222 as the port
Connection Type: SSH
Click open
Enter the password

How to change the window 445 port

my host OS is window7;
my guest OS is centos7 is runing on virtualbox;
i hope share centos7's files for window7 via samba server;
the samba server is runing in the centos7;
when centos7 connect network with "Bridged networking" or "Host-only networking" ;
Assuming that the centos7 IP is;
i can Configuring a-network-driver for window7,like "\\\www",it is working;
now,i only want to use "Network Address Translation Service (experimental)" for the centos7; but i still want to share centos7's files for window7 via "samba server";
i can Configuring port forwarding with NAT,like that:
hostIP:port <= guestIP:port <= <=
now i can visit my web : or;
and connect the ssh server:
it working;
but,if i Configuring the smb port forwarding with NAT,like: <= (it not working) <= (it working)
i know i can not re-bind the 445 port for "centos's" smb server;
so, i can not share file via "\\\www";
then,i google,some one say:"window smb server and client port is 445";
now i think:"can i change the window's port of 445 to anyother number,4450?5555?",if it can,i can Configuring the smb port forwarding with NAT,like: <= <=
i had try :
Value Name: SmbDeviceEnabled
Value Data: 0
and then restart window7, but the "netstat -p TCP -noba" still show me:
[svchost.exe] TCP
try change port to 5555,and restart,but fail,the port still show me 445
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
any idea ?
thank you!
Because of this problem cannot be solved;
I am using the following solutions now:
1 rebuid my nginx service from nginx-source,to add webDAV mod;
2 share centos7's files via nginx-webDAV service;
because i found:
when i use "host-only" and "NAT" for centos,They are all the LAN IP address ;
when the guest os's ip setting like that:
the interface of "host-only":
IPDDR=, and my host os don't sharing my WIFI for it,
so it can't connect to WAN,
becuase i only want it share me centos's files ;
the interface of "NAT" :
ipddr=,it can connect to WAN,
for the other services,like:ssh/web/mysql, and so on;
then ssh/web/mysql don't know connect to which GATEWAY.
maybe i can write some "route" to fix it,but it is a big bad thing;

Access web server over https in a Docker container

I'm using Boot2Docker to manage Docker containers in Windows and I have a container running an IBM Liberty server (I guess is the same for any other server), I can access the server home screen in the host machine using only the ip (which I get using the command boot2docker ip), but if I try to access the server using the https port, like this xx.xx.xx.xx:9443 the connection fails.
I tried forwarding the port in VirtualBox like this:
And then access the server using the ports 1000 or 1001, but it fails too.
Am I missing something?
BTW, I'm using default NAT connection.
https uses port 443 (not 9443) by default.
Make both "Host Port" and "Guest Port" 443 and try again.
