Why can't I connect to HortonWorks Dashboard? - hadoop

I have installed Virtual Box (Version 5.2.0 r118431 (Qt5.6.2)) on Windows 10 and i imported appliance HDP_2.4_virtualbox_v3 (downloaded from here).
I followed the tutorial from here step by step.
The virtual machine is running on the computer from where I am trying to access the Dashboard. I have set up the Host Only Adapter Option on the sandbox so the computer and the virtual machine can communicate
After the CentOs finished booting I am prompt to enter to the ip, which is a different address from the tutorial,
and there is no server listening to that address because i get
" refused to connect." in the browser.
image here

Run the ipconfig command in your command prompt and identyfy your virtual box's ip under Ethernet adapter VirtualBox Host-Only Network.
Take that ip address and go to your Virtual Box.
Select your appliance and go to Settings->Network->Adapter 1->Port Forwarding.
Replace the Host IP for the port you need 8080, 8888 and so on with the ip of your virtual box that should be sth like 192.168.x.x.
Now start your sandbox, login on it and try to connect in your browser to the new ip set 192.168.x.x:8888.
Use appliance HDP_2.4_virtualbox because in the most recent some linux commands like netstat are considered deprecated and no longer function, which willmake your life harder when trying to debug or identify a networking problem.
If you still encounter issues eith it, reinstall your operating system, reinstall your virtual box and reimport the sandbox, make the changes needed in the Port Forwarding settings and it should be ok.

try to connect using to connect make sure the VM is running make sure there are no errors if there are debug them and at the last straw uninstall the Vm and retry (make sure to make a backup if there are any files)
you can also try to check all the local host ips on your network and try to connect to them

Make sure you set NAT in your VirtualBox network settings:


Connection timeout error for winscp to cloudera vm

I am trying to connect Cloudera VM from my Windows desktop using Winscp for file transfer.
But I am not able to connect it using winscp. It is showing me connection timeout error.
Anybody has any idea how to solve this issue.
I figure out, bow to do it. The error was I am referring wrong IP address. To know right IP address and connect follow below steps.
First, if the Cloudera VM is running then shutdown it.
Second, go to setting. refer below screenshots
Then start the Cloudera VM again.
Go to terminal.
Type the command ifconfig.
On Consol you will find eth1 - where you have to look for ipnet, next to it is your IP address, which you have to use to connect to VM. note down the address.
Go to windows.
Open Winscp.
Create New Site.
Put the host name as the IP address which we got from consol
Username- cloudera, password- cloudera
Click on Save.
Click on login.
Hope this will help.
I can connect to cloudera VM 5.15 from winSCP from my laptop(windows).
I am using Virtual box.
I have downloaded VM from cloudera official site and then choose option file-import appliance ,it will choose by default Network adapter NAT and then I followed as mentioned below.
add cloudera.quickstart in hosts file
localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. localhost quickstart.cloudera
Recommended VirtualBox Configurations
Right click on the VirtualMachine and click Settings
Setup the VM to allow you to copy and paste from that machine to your local and vice-teversa
Click on General -> Advanced
Set Shared Clipboard to Bidirectional
Setup port forwarding from port 2222 to port 22 to allow SSH to the machine
Click on Network -> Advanced -> Port Forwarding
Add a new entry
Name: 2222
Host Port: 2222
Guest Port: 22
Accessing the VM
SSH’ing to the Machine
Default SSH Credentials: cloudera/cloudera
Host to connect to: localhost
Because of the Recommended VirtualBox Configuration above, we’re forwarding connections from port 2222 to 22. So you would want to use port 2222 to connect.
Open putty/winscp
Use ip as
Set 2222 as the port
Connection Type: SSH
Click open
Enter the password

Access Docker container running on OS X via boot2docker in Windows virtual machine

Host: Mac OS X running boot2docker and Docker
Guest: Windows 7
The Problem:
For my web-development I have set up a docker container via boot2docker on OS X. Within OS X I can access my docker services via boot2docker.
Running boot2docker ip, I get:
The VM's Host only interface IP address is:
I am running a Django application on port 1234 (I have mapped the port 5000 on the docker image to port 1234 on my Mac) which I can access within OS X in an web-browser via the address Everything works fine in OS X.
Now I have to test the Web stuff on IE which is why I have downloaded IE8, IE10 and so forth via Microsofts modern.IE website. As a result I have some more VirtualBox images, which are running Windows 7 and come with the propriate IE version.
The question is now how to access the Docker container in those Windows instances to test it under several IE versions.
What I have done so far:
Idea 1
To access the Django application I have looked up my local IP address and tried to access it via NAT in the Windows guests. Given my local IP adress, I have tried to access from Windows. Although I can ping from Windows, I do get only a timeout on the port 1234.
Idea 2
Boot2docker runs a VirtualBox machine called boot2docker-vm. It comes with two network adapters, NAT and a host-only adapter called vboxnet0. The latter has the address (which is the one which boot2docker ip returns) with the network mask It runs a DHCP-Server on Server Adress which gives addresses from
I have added a second network adapter for my Windows guest systems which can also access via a host-only adapter the network vboxnet0. When being connected to the network the Windows machines do get a valid IP and can ping the IP But I cannot connect to my Django instance on port 1234. If I try to call within Windows, I get a timeout.
Why is it not possible to connect to the Django instance? Can you help me? Thanks in advance.
I have found a solution to my problem here.
To get access to the Django instance I had to open the port on the boot2docker-vm machine.
This can be done by either by boot2docker-vm → settings → Network → Adapter 1 (NAT) → Port Forwarding and add a new rule where Host IPand Guest IP can be left empty and Host Port and Guest Port should be set to 1234.
Another way to do so is executing the following command in the command line
VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "tcp-port1234,tcp,,1234,,1234";
Of course this needs to be done for all ports, if more than one port is being used.

How to use Putty to connect to a virtual machine?

I am running a virtual machine on Virtual Box
On running ifconfig eth1, I get
inet addr: and many more values.
How do I use Putty (ssh) here?
I entered on the Host Name and 80 on the Port Number, but Putty can't connect.
I am trying to follow the guidelines from this course:
What exactly does Putty do? I don't understand why I need to do this.
PuTTY will open a "network" between both machines. You'll get a console (like the shell) when you'll be connected. Really useful to administrate remote server from your computer.
Usually, the port is not 80, but 22.
For oracle vm virtual box:
1)Power of your machine
2)goto Settings -> Network -> Adapter1 -> Enable Network Adapter -> select "Bridge Adapter" in Attache To tab and click 'ok" button
3) open terminal in virtual box and type" ifconfig"
in first paragraph
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:27:fb:d1:28
inet addr:
4) Here ip address is "" using this ip and port 22 ,you can login through putty and winscp also
Try opening terminal through VMWare's console on Ubuntu and then run below given code:
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
I had faced the same issue.
Note: I assume you have already started the VM, importing the ISO image, and tried to access the machine with 10.X.X.X or 172.X.X.X range IP address from the Putty agent and got an time-out message.
Before making any changes to the network configuration on the VM or trying bridge-adapters, as suggested by many of the articles online, I suggest you to check 2 robust points which forms the bus for your VM on VirtualBox and Putty agent installed on your system.
1st Point:
Opening Host Network Manager in File section of your Oracle VirtualBox
Adding a host-only ethernet network (I suggest to keep a 192.X.X.X range)
2nd Point: Adding a host-only adapter, under the network settings of your VM.
Host-Only Adapter settings
If you follow these steps before booting up the VM for the first time, your VM will be allocated with a 192 range IP address (by the dhcp) the moment it boots up and starts running. Now all you need to do is, install and openssh-server and use the 192-range IP address with the Putty agent and Voila!!
Hope this help! Greetings!

Using gitlab-vagrant-vm from OSX host

I followed the instructions here and was able to succesfully (I think) install the gitlab vagrant virtual machine on OSX 10.8 using virtualbox.
I can do vagrant up to get the VM running, and everything seems to work fine. After that I can do vagrant ssh without a problem. Also, after sshing into the VM I was able to do bundle exec rake gitlab:test, which completed with results being 1584 examples, 0 failures.
I would like to see the gitlab web interface from my OSX host machine. I thought I could just direct my browser to the IP indicated in the VagrantFile (, but that didn't work.
Any ideas?
Also any other usage tips for this setup would be appriciated (things like where the repositories are stored on my host machine so I can back them up, if anyone set the gitlab-vagrant-vm up for external access from either another computer on the network or a remote source, ect.)
You have to connect a second interface for vagrant. To do this you've to edit the VagrantFile.
For example if you want to conenct to the host wifi add the following line after
config.vm.network :bridged, bridge: "en0: Wi-Fi (AirPort)"
You also can bridge to the ethernet interface. Use ifconfig on the host machine to determine the right interface. After that the dyndns-server of the host network will assign an IP to the Vagrant-Box. Then you can access GitLab on that IP.
Did you actually start the server? You can do that with
bundle exec foreman start -p 3000
This will start the server on port 3000, you would then access it from the host with
Hope this helps,

Access virtual host from guest os ( oracle virtual box)

I am using ubuntu 11.10 and have installed different virtual host on different ip like www.example.local www.wordpress.local
... etc
I want to test these website in IE9, for this i have install windows7 in oracle virtual box and also modified host file of windows7 and add this line localhost at the end of the file and also create a new bridge adapted.
After all this setup i can access localhost of ubuntu from windows7, but find problem while accessing virtual host of ubuntu.
Please help me to access these virtual host on windows 7, i have already search google, ubuntu forum and stackoverflow for this but didnt find right answer.
If I understand you correctly, you want the virtual adapters ip, ie. the gateway ip.
Just add those lines you have added to Ubuntu's host file to the host file in your Windows 7 VM, replacing 127.0.0.x with should make your Windows VM connect to your Ubuntu host for requests to those hosts. This should usually sufficient, unless your HTTP server is configured to serve www.example.local only for connection to and similar for www.wordpress.local.
