How to upgrade Magento from 1.7 to 1.9 - magento

I need to upgrade my magento store form 1.7 to 1.9. I am very new to magento, I was just wondering what is the easiest way to upgrade without breaking my website.
Thank you

Upgrade Roadmap for CE from 1.7
take a backup of current database and current 1.7 code.
download latest magento from the
remove all folders and files from your 1.7 code (but you should have backup somewhere) and place all folders and files from the 1.9.
now from your 1.7 merge your following folders into the 1.9
• Community app/code/community
• Local app/code/local
• Media
• your theme or package (app/design/frontend/default/<your theme> or app/design/frontend/<your package>)
• custom folders from Skin (both for adminhtml and frontend).
• copy your custom xml files from app/etc/modules/ to current app/etc/modules/
• any custom admin theme folder from adminhtml/default/yourtheme.
• copy your custom folders from adminhtml/default/default/ (1.7) to adminhtml/default/default/ (1.9).
• custom js files if any from app/js/.
now go to app/etc/local.xml.Edit database details there. put your database username and password and database name.
now check the site. it's done.

Upgrade directly:
Admin panel -> System -> Magento Connect -> Magento Connect Manager
Check for Upgrades
Mage_All_Latest -> select Upgrade to 1.9
Uupgrade via ssh :
Commands :
1: ./mage list-upgrades
2: ./mage config-set preferred_state stable
3: ./mage upgrade-all --force (if not working thenuse 4)
4: ./mage install Mage_All_Latest --force
5: php -f ./index.php
For more info, check the below link:



I need help. How can I solve this issue, I am trying to upgrade my magento to new version.
CONNECT ERROR: Package community/Mage_Core_Adminhtml conflicts with: community/Mage_All_Latest, community/Mage_Compiler
Here are few things I would do in case of conflict during upgrade:
Empty /var folder and make sure it is writable and try upgrading again
If it fails,
Install a fresh version of Magento (later version) and copy your custom files in this newly created instance

Installing Magento security patch SUPEE 6285 - v

I am trying to install the SUPEE 6285 on Magento v
We do not have a SSH to our server. When I try to Method 1 found on I get a blank page when I run the patch on the browser.
After looking at the FAQS I see that I should have an install.php file under app/code/core/Mage/Install/Controller/Router/Install.php however I don't have a Router directory.
Any advise on how to install the patch?
First solution (recommended):
Use Magento connect and upgrade your store to the latest Magento version by check for upgrades. The latest version contains this security patch (SUPEE 6285) and another features all together.
Second Solution (Install patch manually):
Download SUPEE 6285 - v
Use an FTP client to upload the specific patch to the root of your Magento folder.
Create a PHP file called applypatch.php that will run the patch for you.
upload it to the root of your Magento folder. Make sure to use the right patch name here.
Visit the file at, and check if the output looks as expected.
Unfortunately, there's no 'easy' way to install these patches without shell access, but there's two ways to do it.
Install patch through PHP
Use an FTP client to upload the specific patch to the root of your Magento folder.
Create a PHP file called magentopatch.php that will run the patch for you, and upload it to the root of your Magento folder. Make sure to use the right patch name here, if you don't use the patch for version 1.8.x-1.9.x
Visit the file at, and check if the output looks as expected.
Install patch manually
The .sh file contains a 'DIFF' patch. These show what lines were removed and added. While I don't advise it, you should be able to manually download the files through FTP, and edit these files in your editor of choice, and then reupload them again through FTP.
The format isn't too hard to interpret, so you can do this for all the files and shouldn't take more then a few minutes.

Magento Downloader hangs up while trying to install Mage_all_Latest

i have installed a magento Version since a few months, everything works fine.
Since a few weeks i'm trying to update Magento via the package Mage_All_Latest via the Magento Downloader, but nothing happens. I tried it in the last weeks with Version - and since today with the brand new - doesn't matter which - it doesn't work.
In the green status window it tells me "Checking dependencies of packages" - and that's it. No Error, no message - just nothing.
I tried this multiple times, nothing is going on - for hours!
The package is not in the /downloader/.cache-Directory.
When trying to upgrade single packages manually via downloader it always tells me things like
CONNECT ERROR: Package community/Cm_RedisSession conflicts with: community/Mage_All_Latest" - but i cannot update this package...!
There is enough space available on the server.
The downloader itself has no problems - i tried to install all available packages in different relations and some worked:
Checking dependencies of packages
Starting to download Lib_Varien- ...
...done: 157,974 bytes
Installing package community/Lib_Varien
Package community/Lib_Varien installed successfully
I cannot access the server via SSH.
Is there any other option to upgrade this package? do i have to download the full new Magento installation package and override all files manually? or can i download this "Mage_all_latest"-Package on the magentocommerce-Website and replace all files manually? Is there any other option?
Does anybody have an idea what to do?
There is no error message :-(
Thank you.
Can you access the server via FTP?
The magento downloader is garbage. You're better off downloading the extension from connect with this:
and then uploading the files

upgrading from 1.7 to 1.9 magento

i need to upgrade my magento store form 1.7 to 1.9. I am very new to magento, SSH and mysql. I was just wondering what is the easiest way to upgrade with breaking my website.
Thank you
Upgrade Roadmap for CE from 1.7
take a backup of current database and current 1.7 code.
download latest magento from the
remove all folders and files from your 1.7 code (but you should have backup somewhere) and place all folders and files from the 1.9.
now from your 1.7 merge your following folders into the 1.9
Community app/code/community
Local app/code/local
your theme or package (app/design/frontend/default/<your theme> or app/design/frontend/<your package>)
custom folders from Skin (both for adminhtml and frontend).
copy your custom xml files from app/etc/modules/ to current app/etc/modules/
any custom admin theme folder from adminhtml/default/yourtheme.
copy your custom folders from adminhtml/default/default/ (1.7) to adminhtml/default/default/ (1.9).
custom js files if any from app/js/.
now go to app/etc/local.xml.Edit database details there. put your database username and password and database name.
now check the site. it's done.
Current Version Magento CE
Admin panel -> System -> Magento Connect -> Magento Connect Manager
Check for Upgrades
Mage_All_Latest -> select Upgrade to
You are done!
You should be able to upgrade directly.
As always, third-party extensions and local customizations need to be taken into account, make a proper backup, etc.
The other answer is dangerous and should be taken with care make sure you create a dev server the following article explains
Upgrade can be done by following these steps(if there are lot of custom modules and you want to ensure your code does not break)
1.Download the latest stable version of your Magento instance.
2.From your older copy, starting copying your custom modules from
app/design/frontend/{{package}}/{{theme}}, any custom template files
in default/default/ theme or base/default/ theme needs to be copied.
adminhtml/default/{{custom theme}}
same for adminhtml if added any
copy custom files from
3.Make changes to your local.xml and connect it to your older magento database.
Once you run Magento'instance, any core set up updates will be made using the setup files in your core extensions.
PS:- This method runs when you have followed all standards possible i.e no core modifications, correct class rewrites, no changes in index.php,Mage.php etc
Also, if some of the third party extensions if give error, need to update them.
Hope it helps! And if you do try out..let me know how it goes!
Magento 1.x upgrade instruction using SSH or Command line:
1) Go to your Magento root directory
cd /path/to/your/magento/folder
2) Enable Maintenance mode for your Magento site
For this, you have to create an empty file named maintenance.flag in your Magento root directory.
touch maintenance.flag
3) Clear Cache & Sessions
rm -rf var/cache/* var/session/*
4) Check Compilation & Disable it if Enabled
Check Compiler Status
php -f shell/compiler.php -- state
If the Compiler Status is Disabled then you can skip this step and move on to the next step.
If the Compiler Status is Enabled then you have to disable it with the following command:
php -f shell/compiler.php -- disable
5) Give write permission to all Magento files and folders
chmod -R 777 .
6) Give 550 permission mage file which is a shell script file. With 550 permission, we are just making the file non-writable + readable & executable by user and group only.
chmod 550 ./mage
7) Change config settings to stable
./mage config-set preferred_state stable
8) Upgrade Magento
You can list all the installed packages with the following command:
./mage list-installed
You can list all the upgradable packages with the following command:
./mage list-upgrades
The following command will upgrade all the packages:
./mage upgrade-all --force
It will take some time to complete the upgrade.
9) After completing the upgrade, we should reindex all data.
php shell/indexer.php reindexall
10) Then, clear cache and session again.
rm -rf var/cache/* var/session/*
11) Enable Compilation only if it was Enabled before upgrade
Check step 4) above.
If Compilation was not enabled in step 4) then you can skip this step and go to next step.
If Compilation was enabled for your website and you had disabled it at step 4) then you have to Enable it with the following command:
php -f shell/compiler.php -- enable
12) Before the upgrade, we have changed the permission of all files and folders to 777. You should also give proper permission to all files and folders of your Magento site.
Convert files permission to 644 and folders permission to 755
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; && find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
Give read-write full permission, i.e. 777 to var and media folders.
chmod -R 777 var media
Give 550 permission to mage shell script file
chmod 550 ./mage
13) Check the versions of the installed modules. The modules should show the latest version as they are already upgraded now.
./mage list-installed
14) List the upgradable modules (modules that need an upgrade). This should result in a message saying No upgrades available because all modules have been already upgraded to the latest version.
./mage list-upgrades
15) Disable Maintenance mode to make the site Live.
rm -f maintenance.flag
This will delete the file maintenance.flag and then the site will be live again.
You can now login to Magento admin and see the Magento version displayed in the footer section. It should show the latest version number.
Source: Magento 1.x – Update / Upgrade to Latest Version via both Browser & Command Line

What is the best way to upgrade Magento

So I need to upgrade Magento from 1.1~ to 1.6~
The main reason I need to do this is because all the order fullfillment extensions require a newer version.
What is the best/most effective way to do this? Any recommended extensions that would work well?
I'm a complete n00b at Magento so the more detailed the help the better!
There are two main approaches for upgrading Magento:
Incremental upgrade
Implement again Magento and import data from older version
Incremental upgrade
You can upgrade from 1.1 to 1.2, then to 1.3 and so on... One thing to keep in mind is that from Magento 1.1 alot of things changed.
Deactivate all your extensions installed on Magento 1.1 (most likely will not be compatibile with later versions).
This is a long process and requires lot of time and attention because all kinds of errors will be triggered (data inconsistency, table alters that will not work and so on).
Migration from Magento 1.4.1.x to Magento 1.6 and then to Magento Professional took us couple of weeks. In this case steps were: Magento 1.4.1 - 1.4.2 - 1.6.
Implement again Magento and import data from older version
You can do a fresh Magento 1.6 implementation, implement again the theme and import data (products, customers, orders - you will need an extension for this).
More info:
Upgrading Magento - Magento wiki
Upgrade from 1.5 to 1.6 like the following ( SSH Based ):
First, take database backup then whole magento directory for restore process.
Go to magento directory.
chmod 550 .mage/ // Set permission to mage tool
rm -rf /var/cache/* var/session/*
./mage mage-setup .
./mage config-set preferred_state stable
./mage list-installed
./mage list-upgrades
./mage install Mage_All_Latest --force
php shell/indexer.php reindexall
find . -type f exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . -type d exec chmod 755 {} \;
