MAGENTO: Upgrade CONNECT ERROR - magento

I need help. How can I solve this issue, I am trying to upgrade my magento to new version.
CONNECT ERROR: Package community/Mage_Core_Adminhtml conflicts with: community/Mage_All_Latest, community/Mage_Compiler

Here are few things I would do in case of conflict during upgrade:
Empty /var folder and make sure it is writable and try upgrading again
If it fails,
Install a fresh version of Magento (later version) and copy your custom files in this newly created instance


Update joomla 3.4.5 to 3.7.5 and get error 500

I have tried to update from 3.4.5 to 3.7.5 but only get error 500 when I press the button. I have tried to import the update as a zip file, but then I got errormessage 403 access denied. When I tried to update whit the tar.bz2 file I got errormessage:
I using PHP version 5.4.45 and MySQL version 5.1.73.
How do I update my Joomlapage?
These are possible causes:
Check your options on Admin Tools or any other security/firewall extensions you have. Since this is a one time install, you might just try disabling the entire component/plugin for a minute to run upgrade.
Check your .htaccess file. Again, you can just temporarily remove and try to run upgrade.
Your PHP version might contribute as well since Joomla 3.7 recommends PHP 5.6+:

Update function is disabled in Magmi

Im using MAGMI V 0.7.18 and i'm trying to import multiple images in Magento ver. but MAGMI throws
"Update Disabled Zip library not available, Upgrade/Upload function are not enabled"
in the UPDATE section , I try to change the code in:
changed magmi/web/magmi_config_setup.php
changed magmi/web/magmi_upload.php
changed magmi/web/plugin_upload.php
but nothing happens, please Help me,
That error is generated by older Magmi versions if it can't find the ZipArchive php class. You need to install it in the proper way according to your server operating system. (e.g. apt-get install libphp-pclzip in Ubuntu 14.04)
Nonetheless I suggest you to keep your magmi always updated to the latest version.

Installing Magento security patch SUPEE 6285 - v

I am trying to install the SUPEE 6285 on Magento v
We do not have a SSH to our server. When I try to Method 1 found on I get a blank page when I run the patch on the browser.
After looking at the FAQS I see that I should have an install.php file under app/code/core/Mage/Install/Controller/Router/Install.php however I don't have a Router directory.
Any advise on how to install the patch?
First solution (recommended):
Use Magento connect and upgrade your store to the latest Magento version by check for upgrades. The latest version contains this security patch (SUPEE 6285) and another features all together.
Second Solution (Install patch manually):
Download SUPEE 6285 - v
Use an FTP client to upload the specific patch to the root of your Magento folder.
Create a PHP file called applypatch.php that will run the patch for you.
upload it to the root of your Magento folder. Make sure to use the right patch name here.
Visit the file at, and check if the output looks as expected.
Unfortunately, there's no 'easy' way to install these patches without shell access, but there's two ways to do it.
Install patch through PHP
Use an FTP client to upload the specific patch to the root of your Magento folder.
Create a PHP file called magentopatch.php that will run the patch for you, and upload it to the root of your Magento folder. Make sure to use the right patch name here, if you don't use the patch for version 1.8.x-1.9.x
Visit the file at, and check if the output looks as expected.
Install patch manually
The .sh file contains a 'DIFF' patch. These show what lines were removed and added. While I don't advise it, you should be able to manually download the files through FTP, and edit these files in your editor of choice, and then reupload them again through FTP.
The format isn't too hard to interpret, so you can do this for all the files and shouldn't take more then a few minutes.

Magento Downloader hangs up while trying to install Mage_all_Latest

i have installed a magento Version since a few months, everything works fine.
Since a few weeks i'm trying to update Magento via the package Mage_All_Latest via the Magento Downloader, but nothing happens. I tried it in the last weeks with Version - and since today with the brand new - doesn't matter which - it doesn't work.
In the green status window it tells me "Checking dependencies of packages" - and that's it. No Error, no message - just nothing.
I tried this multiple times, nothing is going on - for hours!
The package is not in the /downloader/.cache-Directory.
When trying to upgrade single packages manually via downloader it always tells me things like
CONNECT ERROR: Package community/Cm_RedisSession conflicts with: community/Mage_All_Latest" - but i cannot update this package...!
There is enough space available on the server.
The downloader itself has no problems - i tried to install all available packages in different relations and some worked:
Checking dependencies of packages
Starting to download Lib_Varien- ...
...done: 157,974 bytes
Installing package community/Lib_Varien
Package community/Lib_Varien installed successfully
I cannot access the server via SSH.
Is there any other option to upgrade this package? do i have to download the full new Magento installation package and override all files manually? or can i download this "Mage_all_latest"-Package on the magentocommerce-Website and replace all files manually? Is there any other option?
Does anybody have an idea what to do?
There is no error message :-(
Thank you.
Can you access the server via FTP?
The magento downloader is garbage. You're better off downloading the extension from connect with this:
and then uploading the files

Error whilst installing magento extension- package file is invalid

We are trying to install a custom extension into Magento that I have packed up.
I can install it locally without issue but my client is getting the below error in Magento connect:
CONNECT ERROR: Package file is invalid
"./app/code/local/" already exists
This extension is for the community channel.
Any idea what is going on?
It looks like your packaged version thinks it needs to create the local folder, except this (standard-ish) folder already exists in your client system. I'd check your packaging settings and make sure there's no instruction that app/code/local be added as a stand alone item.
