Live field update in form in Access 2013 - ms-access-2013

So I'm somewhat new to access 2013, anyways, I've created a form in access 2013 based directly off a table, so no queries involved if that matters, and what I'm trying to do is just have a text box that updates the total value of 3 different fields as they're entered.
right now it's just a plain-text box, the control source is "=[Search Cost]+[Update Cost]+[Copy Cost]", and if I close the form entirely and reopen the record it updates the text box with the total for all three, but the customer wants it to update in real time. Any suggestions?

I just tried your scenario in Access 2013 on a simple form and it updated for me in real time as I entered values. However, that was because each of the three fields values had a Default Value of 0 in my test table.
So I suspect this is not updating for you in real time because one or more of those values is null while you are entering data in the form. Access doesn't know what [Some field value]+Null should be (it's an unknown thing) so it won't display a calculated value in real time on your form until you provide a value for each of the three fields.
So how can you get around this?
You can add a Default Value of 0 or some other value to each of the three fields at the table level.
Or you could modify your form expression to use the NZ function which will convert any null values to zero. So use this expression:
=Nz([Search Cost])+Nz([Update Cost])+Nz([Copy Cost])
Either of those options should achieve your end goal I believe. They did in my quick tests.


SSRS Report Parameters Interactive

I have a report that requires 3 parameters, all 3 has q query to pre populate them using a dataset for each, so the under their properties the available values is selected with the query. Default were also set to use the same query. This work fine.
My problem is when the user of the report wanted to enter the values themselves rather than going into the list populated by the query. Users know the value that they wanted to enter so it's faster for them to enter rather than select. SSRS report seems not to give you the ability to enter if you have set the available values and default values for some reason. Is their a way to go around this please?
Many thanks.
There is one straight forward way to use comma separated multi value parameter rather than list where user enters input.
Below link explains in detail, but I am quite sure you do not want to stick to below solution.
Another thing you could do is keep your multi value parameter as list as it is and create a text input parameter.
Now if user want to simply choose from list fair enough you will have to handle second parameter as null because user chose from list.
Then on your dataset check and apply filter as 2nd parameter value as not null.
Same goes if user does text input then multi value parameter as not null.

Identify if objects are the same

I want to check certain objects against each other and identify if they are the same.
For example, I need to verify that the total cost in one page is the same as another page. I developed a script that works, however the total cost changes every day so I have to update the object properties in maintenance mode every day.
Is there a way that UFT automatically recognizes this object must change and update?
I request you to elaborate your question. For now, you can use .* if certain values of the object are changing. Alternatively, you can store the values in an excel sheet and you can change everyday depending on the requirement.
If this is not helpful let me know
It sounds like you actually want to compare the values shown in two different objects, and see if those values are the same. (I assume this because you say they are on two different pages)
Also, you mention maintenance mode, so I assume you are using checkpoints to store their expected values.
I would suggest: instead of storing the expected values in a checkpoint, you could read the value of the first object (getROproperty), store it in a variable (dataTable field, environment variable, etc), and then navigate to the other page, read the ROproperty from the other object, and then compare.
if {browser,page,object...}.getROproperty({whateverPropertyYouNeed}) = environment({storedFirstValue}) then
reporter.reportevent micPass,"compare step","{details here}"
end if
*replace stuff inside {} with your code, I don't know what it is
If you need to actually store the total cost externally, you could use a DataTable field and export the sheets at the end. then import the same sheet at the beginning. That would save the data to an excel sheet on a drive.

Form validation rule MS-Access 2007

I have a simple form that gets used to enter information into a table. I want to use a validation rule on the form so that information gets entered correctly. I have a datetime object that must be filled out in a non-traditional form so I just want to check the length and make sure it is equal to 16. I have the following in the form which does not work
But when I put the same rule in the table and not in the form it works just fine, any ideas?
Dates should be stored in date data types. In a lot of DBs the date data type is numeric. In MS Access it is a decimal, the integer portion is a date and the decimal a time. It is not difficult to create a query that uses the Format function to modify output to suit an application.
SELECT Format(ThisDate,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss") FROM ThisTable

Browse field data shows value, but displays another value

I have a formula written for a field in Crystal Reports. When i refresh the report, i get a different value from the formula. The required value is always the last value in Browse Field Data dialog for that formula.
Isnt the formula supposed to have only one value as output? why are multiple values shown in browse field data dialog.? Is there a way to retrieve last value of Browse File Data dialog?
My formula looks like below:
if {XXX.YYY} = 1 then
Browse field data shows all the values "CODTOTAL" acquires as a result of that formula and displays a random value amongst the assigned value.
Please help me out. I am amateur in crystal reports.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
First observation should be where have you placed the formula (Details, Footer.. etc).
why are multiple values shown in browse field data dialog.?
Browse field shows the data that is present in the table but in your case you are applying "If" condition of the filed. It can be possible that there is only one record that satisfies your condition.
I would suggest to run the report without the codition, Check the results and apply the condition and check results again.

Best practice for single-valued result in SSRS 2012

I'm new to Reporting Services and using SQL Server Data Tools (Visual Studio 2012). I want to add an item that will display a single value - in this case, the result of a stored procedure call. The value would probably be displayed in the report header.
I've looked at the Tablix data parts that can be added to the report: table, list, and matrix. Not sure which of them, if any, would be appropriate. I could add a parameter item, but it seems that these function as user input choices.
I also looked at a read-only text box, but don't see how to populate it with a query result.
What is the accepted method of adding a single-value result to a report?
If this is to be displayed in the page header, your only option is a textbox; you can't add tablix type parts to page headers/footers.
The textbox expression would be something like:
=First(Fields!MyValue.Value, "DataSet1")
By using an aggregate expression like this you can make sure only one value is returned (even though you might always have only one) and you can also specify the aggregate's Scope; in this case the DataSet you want to query.
If this was going in the report body I would still recommend the same approach, though I wouldn't go so far as to call it best practise, any would work so it's really personal taste.
However, if you had multiple fields returned by the SP but still only one row, in that case I would recommend a table style tablix with one header-level row; easiest to maintain and layout.
