Laravel: Call to undefined method save() - laravel

I want to update all my records where the name is like the one im referencing it.
However im getting an error saying Call to undefined method save()
Here's my code
$section = Section1::where('name', 'like', 'ss123')->get();
$section->name = Input::get('name');
Please help :(

$section = Section1::where('name', 'like', 'ss123')->get() returns a collection (think of an array).
Therefore you should loop through the collection using foreach and apply the save to each object in the collection, as such:
foreach($section as $s)
$s->name = Input::get('name');
Then again this ain't very DB-friendly.
Therefore, the most appropriate action in your case will be a mass update:

try dd($section) and find the available method to prevent call the undefined method.
I assume you are using $section->save();
if you want to update,
use $section->touch();
or $section->update(array('name' => Input::get'name'));


Where Clause in eloquent is responding with `No Properties`

I am new to laravel. I am trying to keep a where clause for the get method like this.
$employees = newdb::where('status', 'Active');
$response = $employees;
return response()->json($response,200);
But i am getting No Properties as output
In PHP I used this
"SELECT * FROM newdb WHERE status = 'Draft'";
What am i doing wrong? I tried different suggestions But none worked correctly. How do i do this? What is wrong with my code?
where method returns Builder object. So, you have to call get method on it to fetch data.
Try this
$employees = newdb::where('status', 'Active')->get();
return response()->json($employees, 200);

Laravel socialite $user->getId()?

I'm not sure if this is what is really causing my issue, but perhaps someone will know. When I use Laravel Socialite and go:
$social_user = Socialite::driver($provider)->user();
Then somewhere else in my code is do this:
if ($authUser = User::where('provider_id', $social_user->id))
return $authUser;
For some crazy reason I get an error like this:
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard::login() must implement interface Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable, instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder given
However if I do this I don't get an error:
if($authUser = User::where('email', $social_user->email)->first())
return $authUser;
I log this user in like this:
Auth::login($authUser, true);
Does anyone know why? I'm using laravel 5.2
The error message is actually self explained. When you do User::where('provider_id', $social_user->id) you end up with builder object that implements Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder. You can call ->get() on it to get the collection of results (a collection of objects that implements Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable in your case, so you can iterate over them), or as you did, you can get the first match with ->first() (one object that implement Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable). You can read more in the Eloquent documentation.
The main point is that until you call ->get() or ->first() you are working with builder object. There is actually ->find() method also, that is used to retrieve record by pk, you cannot use it to search for records by constraints (where), but it also returns model object.

How to paginate in Laravel when using Modell::find(array())

I'm grabbing some data in Laravel using the find method and only grabbing the id's I want:
$my_ids = array(1,4,5,10);
$results = Model::find($my_ids);
However, if I try to paginate via Model::find($my_ids)->paginate(10), it throws the error: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::paginate().
How can I query to only get specific model Id's back from the database while also using pagination?
Turns out I can use this syntax:
$results = Model::whereIn('id', $my_ids)->paginate(10);
I suggest use the eloquent query builder:
$results = Model::whereIn('id', $my_ids)->paginate(10);

Laravel Pagination with appends() Error

I am new to Laravel and am using version 4.1.
I am attempting to query database using pagination and then run the results through the appends() function to add additional parameters to my URL.
Here is the code I am using
$query = DB::table('tableName');
$results = $query->get();
And that runs as desired. Now when I attempt to create the pagination list (Bootstrap default) and run the following code I get an error.
$pagination = $results->appends(array('key' => 'value'))->links();
This is the error I receive.
Call to a member function appends() on a non-object
I know I'm doing something wrong, I just can't figure out what...
Thanks in advance,
I'm not familiar with the appends function, but you do have an error I can see. Try changing
$query = DB::table('tableName');
$results = $query->get();
$query = DB::table('tableName');
if(Input::has('someinput')) {
$query->where('someinput', Input::get('someinput'));
if(Input::has('otherinput')) {
$query->where('otherinput', Input::get('otherinput'));
$results = $query->paginate(50);
Once you run paginate(), an instance of Paginator is returned. I don't see a get() method for Paginator though so I'm not sure how you weren't getting an error there.

CodeIgniter problem retrieving and displaying data from DB

Here is my function. It is very simple.
function load_data() {
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM configurations WHERE username="' . $this->session->userdata('username') . '"');
return $query;
My controller has this line of code:
$data['query'] = $this->configurations->load_data();
In my view, I tried:
foreach($query->result_array() as $row) {
echo $row->first;
But I get an error that I am trying to get a property of a non-object. Isn't the query being returned from the model as an object?
You should use $query->result_array, row_array, result, or row otherwise your returning the object intead get the results. Check the CI manual.
You are returning the results as array and using $row as object!
foreach($query->result() as $row) {
Try changing $this->load->model('login/configurations', '', TRUE); to $this->load->model('login/configurations', 'configurations', TRUE); and see if it works. If it does, it is related to how you're extending your model class. That is, it would be related to what name you give inside configurations.php.
Hope this helps.
Your undefined variable error tells me that your query might not be running correctly. To diagnose...enable the profiler to check your query.
From the documentation:
Permits you to enable/disable the
Profiler, which will display benchmark
and other data at the bottom of your
pages for debugging and optimization
To enable the profiler place the
following function anywhere within
your Controller functions:
When enabled a report will be
generated and inserted at the bottom
of your pages.
Your query will be shown at the end of
the page
Double check your query syntax to make sure it is running properly, and
your code in it's current state is returning an object of objects and arrays:
CI_DB_mysql_result Object
[conn_id] => Resource id #29
[result_id] => Resource id #39
[result_array] => Array
[result_object] => Array
[current_row] => 0
[num_rows] => 3
[row_data] =>
you need to access the individual properties to get to the actual data.
should do it
Had this issue before - basic problem is that if the Query returns no result set then $query->result_array() == NULL
NULL is not a list and can't be processed in a foreach.
I have found that checking for this condition solves this issue.
From your question, you are getting the result as a pure array (result_array) but printing the data as object ($row->first).
result() or row() is returning in object but result_array is returning in array.
change your view part like,
foreach($query->result_array() as $row) {
echo $row['first'];
or if you want to use an object then,
foreach($query->result() as $row) {
echo $row->first;
Generating Query Results in Codeigniter
