CodeIgniter problem retrieving and displaying data from DB - codeigniter

Here is my function. It is very simple.
function load_data() {
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM configurations WHERE username="' . $this->session->userdata('username') . '"');
return $query;
My controller has this line of code:
$data['query'] = $this->configurations->load_data();
In my view, I tried:
foreach($query->result_array() as $row) {
echo $row->first;
But I get an error that I am trying to get a property of a non-object. Isn't the query being returned from the model as an object?

You should use $query->result_array, row_array, result, or row otherwise your returning the object intead get the results. Check the CI manual.

You are returning the results as array and using $row as object!
foreach($query->result() as $row) {

Try changing $this->load->model('login/configurations', '', TRUE); to $this->load->model('login/configurations', 'configurations', TRUE); and see if it works. If it does, it is related to how you're extending your model class. That is, it would be related to what name you give inside configurations.php.
Hope this helps.

Your undefined variable error tells me that your query might not be running correctly. To diagnose...enable the profiler to check your query.
From the documentation:
Permits you to enable/disable the
Profiler, which will display benchmark
and other data at the bottom of your
pages for debugging and optimization
To enable the profiler place the
following function anywhere within
your Controller functions:
When enabled a report will be
generated and inserted at the bottom
of your pages.
Your query will be shown at the end of
the page
Double check your query syntax to make sure it is running properly, and

your code in it's current state is returning an object of objects and arrays:
CI_DB_mysql_result Object
[conn_id] => Resource id #29
[result_id] => Resource id #39
[result_array] => Array
[result_object] => Array
[current_row] => 0
[num_rows] => 3
[row_data] =>
you need to access the individual properties to get to the actual data.
should do it

Had this issue before - basic problem is that if the Query returns no result set then $query->result_array() == NULL
NULL is not a list and can't be processed in a foreach.
I have found that checking for this condition solves this issue.

From your question, you are getting the result as a pure array (result_array) but printing the data as object ($row->first).
result() or row() is returning in object but result_array is returning in array.
change your view part like,
foreach($query->result_array() as $row) {
echo $row['first'];
or if you want to use an object then,
foreach($query->result() as $row) {
echo $row->first;
Generating Query Results in Codeigniter


How to merge two queried results in Laravel Eloquent

I have a single form which I am using to create and edit information.
I am using Form::model to show all the data in the edit form which are queried from the database. Now I had to add another form part whose data is being stored in a different table. But I need to show those data during edit in the same form. I have tried to put two parameter in the form:model which did not work or I am doing it wrong.
{!! Form::model([$employee_data,$edu_info],['route'=>['employee.update',$employee_data->id],'method'=>'put','files'=> true]) !!}
Then I tried to merge the queried data in my controller like this:
public function edit($id)
$edit_info['title'] = 'Edit User';
$edit_info['country'] = Country::all();
$employee_basic = Employee::withTrashed()->where('id',$id)->first();
$employee_edu = EmployeeEdu::withTrashed()->where('employee_id',$id)->first();
$employee_all_data = $employee_basic->merge($employee_edu);
$edit_info['employee_data'] = $employee_all_data;
return view('admin.employee.edit',$edit_info);
This did not work either. I get the following error:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::merge()
How can I achieve my intended result?
EDIT: I tried to use ->get() instead of ->first(), In this case I do not get the error but my merge does not work as when I dd($employee_all_data) it gives me only the value of $employee_edu.
Try this:
$employee_all_data = $employee_basic->toArray() + $employee_edu->toArray();

How can I get Joomla component parameter values?

I think now I am literally just trying to get a database value into my component php files, but again, there seems to be very little documentation that can give an example of a function that will return this info like there is in Wordpress.
So I have a table called membersarea_countries that will have records of differnt countries I want to store values for.
I've read about JTable and other things, but how can I simply just bring back the records from this table?
$row = JTable::getInstance('membersarea_countries', 'Table', array());
But this returns a boolean of 0.
I'd really appreciate some help if anyone can.
I've been following what several online guides explain, which are all pretty much the same thing, but I never seem to return the values that I'm expecting.
In Components > Members Area (my component), I have a table set up to allow me to enter a record for each country, and then store a uniqueRef, signature, and URL within that record. (for GeoIP purposes).
I've created the first record, however when I try to use the following code, which the tutorials suggest, I don't see any of my fields within this:
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$params = $app->getParams();
$uniqueRef = $params->get('uniquereference');
$signature = $params->get('signature');
This is all I see in NetBeans:
There's nothing about $app, and no sign of the fields I've got in the Joomla backend.
I don't understand what's happening, or exactly what I should be doing here. Wordpress uses a simple get_option function. Can anyone try and help me?
Below is the link to the detailed document about JTable -
Firstly you need to create JTable instance using below code and also change table file name to membersareacountries.php
JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_membersarea/tables');
$row = JTable::getInstance('Membersareacountries', 'Table', array());
JTable Class in this file /administrator/components/com_membersarea/tables/membersareacountries.php-
defined('_JEXEC') or die();
class TableMembersareacountries extends JTable
public function __construct($db)
parent::__construct( '#__membersarea_countrie', 'id', $db );
Then you can use load method to get any records. This accepts primary key value of that table -
$id = 1;//change id as per your record
//read data
echo $row->id;
echo $row->title;

Laravel controller and adding to the result set

I've checked the Q&A about this and can't find anything, so thought i'd ask.
I have a very simple Laravel controller returning all results from a table as below via the 'Name model'. There is then also a further call to my controller, via the model to count the rows and all works and sends to the result set fine...
// All results from my 'Name' model:
$results = $this->name->getAllResults(); // All works fine.
// I then use my controller again, count the rows via the model and add them to $results:
$results['count'] = $this->countNames(); // Again fine
BUT, when i try to add a string to the $results array before i pass it off to th view, as in:
$results['test'] = 'Test'; // This fails in the view
$results['test'] = 124; // But this passes in the view and renders.
It only seems to allow me to add an INT to my result set array. as $results['test'] = 124 also fails.
I then finally, have this sending to my view via:
return view('names', compact('results')); // And that works fine.
Can anyone see what it is I am missing and why integer added to $results works and not a string?. Many thanks in advance.
You are updating collection data. The following line will give collection of models.
$results = $this->name->getAllResults(); // This may give collection of the model
And below, you are updating the collection object.
$results['count'] = $this->countNames();
You can do the following to safely send data to view, without modifying any.
$results = $this->name->getAllResults();
$count = $this->countNames();
$test = 'Test';
$test2 = 124;
return view('names', compact('results','count','test','test2'));

My data only shows if I debug it. What's going on?

I'm working with Stripe's API and am trying to retrieve data. I have the code below:
$data = \Stripe_Invoice::all(array(
"customer" => $user->customer_id
If I set the AJAX response equal to $data, the response is shown as empty ( {} ). If I debug it in the backend, I get a huge list of all kinds of awesome properties to use. All I do is this:
debug($data); // returns huge data set
The trouble is that I can't access the variable in the frontend. I want to use:
html += response.url;
And things to that effect, but the data is completely empty when the front end interprets it, for some reason.
In the same effect, I can't set it as a session either (I used to set session logs to debug instead of using the debug feature).
$data // can be accessed on the frontend if we use just php to set a variable
$_SESSION['log'] = $data; // empty
What's going on? I'm using the PHP framework CakePHP 3 (latest version of Beta). I think it has something to do with returning the data as serialized (maybe?) but that wouldn't explain the session logging. This happens right before we send the data back:
$this->set(compact('data', $data));
$this->set('_serialize', 'data');
If $data is not empty than you should just use the set method in the controller
$this->set(compact('data', $data));
Than you should have the corresponding view at /src/Template/ControllerName/json/methodName.ctp (Change ControllerName and methodName to what you have)
This file should be this.
print json_encode($data);
That is all. You should have your data on your client side as a json object.
Turns out the answer was that the values could not be displayed while the array was protected. Calling Stripe's method __toArray() on the Stripe object made the data accessible, and setting worked past this point.
$data = \Stripe_Invoice::all(array(
"customer" => $user->customer_id
$data = $data->__toArray();
$this->set(compact('data', $data));
$this->set('_serialize', 'data');

CodeIgniter Table Class: Add a Link From a Generated Cell

I'm using the table class that auto-generates a table for me from an array of data pulled from my database.
function get_reports_by_user_id($userid)
return $this->db->get_where('ss2_report',array('userid' => $userid))->result_array();
function index()
echo $this->table->generate($this->mymodel->get_reports_by_user_id('1234'));
The controller will eventually be moved to a view when I have it working. This generates the table just fine, but I'd like to add a link to a field. For example, the id column that would allow me to link to a page of data for just that report's id. I know I can just output the table the old fashioned way by hand. I can then add whatever links I want, but I'd love to be able to use the auto-generation as much as possible. There's got to be a way to do something as common as linking a table cell. Does anyone have any ideas?
User Java PHP has it mostly right below. Here's the code that makes it work:
function get_reports_by_user_id($userid)
$rows = $this->db->get_where('ss2_report',array('userid' => $userid))->result_array();
foreach ($rows as $count => $row)
$rows[$count]['id'] = anchor('report/'.$row['id'],$row['id']);
return $rows;
I just needed to replace the value in the original array with the anchor text version.
The only way is, in the function get_reports_by_user_id() , you would loop through all the results and add the <a href> tag to the ids. Something like this:
function get_reports_by_user_id($userid)
$rows=$this->db->get_where('ss2_report',array('userid' => $userid))->result_array();
foreach ($rows as $row)
return $rows;
I don't use CodeIgniter's database library so I'm not sure of what format it returns $rows in, but the code above should give you the general idea of what you need to do.
One idea might be to do something like..
foreach ($row in $this->mymodel->get_reports_by_user_id('1234'))
$row->id = anchor(site_url(array('report', 'user', $row->id)), $row->id);
